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Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

2024-2025 Academic Year

Tuition On Campus Courses$419.00 per credit
Tuition Online Courses$456.00 per credit
Student Services fee$254 per 8-week session
Dorm Room - Double$1,658 per semester
Dorm Room - Single$2,004 per semester
Meal Plan (20 meals/week)$1,588 per semester
224 Meal Plan$1,430 per semester
112 Meal Plan$1024 per semester
*The full meal plan is required for all freshmen (29 or fewer credits). Students with 30 or more credits recorded on their Calvary transcript may select from other meal plan options.
Other Costs:

Enrollment Fee (one-time)

Orientation Fee (one-time)

Dorm Room and Key Deposit

Course Fees (varies by course)

Music Lesson Fee (per credit, in addition to tuition)

Voice Lesson Accompanist Fee

Books and Supplies (estimated)

Personal Items (estimated)

Transportation (estimated)

Independent Study Fee

Late Registration Fee (per occurrence)










$50.00 per hour


*Transportation costs will vary depending on distance traveled and the type of transportation used. Single students under 23, not living with parents or grandparents, are required to live on campus. Meal plan is required for all Freshman students living in the dorm.

Explanation of Costs/Fees

See the University Catalog for a complete list and description of all fees.


Tuition provides partial funding for instructional and institutional expenses. It is due prior to the start of classes. Only courses for which the student has registered and for which the tuition fee has been paid may be attended.

Student Services Fee

Provides partial funding for non-instructional functions such as registration, compliance with Department of Education and accrediting agency regulations and policies,fine arts series performances, library use, chapel, lecture series, security, class dues, social funds, intramural sports/athletics, admission to on-campus intercollegiate athletic events, ID cards, and mail service.  (Charged for both credit and audit hours).

Dorm Room and Key Deposit (Refundable)

Due upon acceptance as a student. Your deposit reserves a room and is retained as long as you reside in the dorm. Your deposit will be refunded provided the room is left clean and in good repair, and you owe no other outstanding balances to Calvary.

Enrollment Fee

Required of all new and re-enrolling applicants. This includes all degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students, including Early College students. Calvary University graduates who continue toward an advanced degree the next semester are not required to pay the enrollment fee.

Orientation Fee

The cost of sessions and social activities associated with orientation. New, first-time freshmen and transfer students are required to attend.

Personal Enrichment

The cost of taking a class simply for the value of learning. No academic credit is given, nor is any academic record generated.

Degree Seeking Student: $50/per course
Non-Student/Non-Degree Seeking Student: $150/per course

Course/Technology Fee ($0-$100)

The cost for use of labs and equipment or for materials used in select courses. Fees for each course, if any, are listed by course in the Course Descriptions of the catalog.

Music Lesson Fee ($225/hour)

The cost per credit hour of private music lessons. This fee is in addition to the tuition charge for the credit hour(s). No refunds are made for lessons missed. Students may not take private lessons for audit.

Voice Lesson Accompanist Fee ($75-$200)

Students taking voice lessons are charged an accompanist fee. This fee is then paid to the accompanist. The semester that a voice major performs his/her senior recital is charged an additional accompanist fee to compensate the recital accompanist.

Cost Planning and Comparison Tools:

College Scorecard is a planning tool and resource to assist prospective students and their families as they evaluate options in selecting a school.

The College Navigator is a consumer tool that provides school information to include tuition and fees, retention and graduation rates, use of financial aid, student loan default rates and features a cost calculator and school comparison tool.

Paying for College Webpage can be used by prospective students to enter the names of up to three schools and receive detailed financial information on each one and to enter actual financial aid award information.

The Financial Aid Shopping Sheet is a model aid award letter designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school. If you have completed a current FAFSA, contact the Financial Aid Office by emailing them at [email protected] to receive your personalized Financial Aid Shopping Sheet.