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Theatre Arts

Every Day is a Story Worth Telling







Why Calvary Theatre?        

Simple. Because at Calvary, we not only want to teach you how to tell a great story dramatically, we want to involve you in telling a great story with your life! A great story has a character at its center who wants something so badly, he overcomes great obstacles to get it. Sound familiar? Sound like the Story of Jesus through the ages? Sound like your story?

The Calvary Theatre Arts program revolves around telling stories in ways that will engage the culture with a fresh and vibrant perspective!  Our mission is to equip students by building academic, performance-related, technical, and spiritual foundations to enable you to direct theatrical productions and oversee technical and administrative components wherever God might bring you – in front of a congregation in a ministry setting or in front of a professional film crew! By the time you leave Calvary, you’ll be able to teach others how to tell a great story and you’ll have developed into a skilled and disciplined actor who respects their art and their craft. You’ll be ready to further your career through graduate school training or professional acting. You’ll come away knowing that to be called to tell the best of all stories is one of the most compelling of all callings.

So what will Calvary give you that other colleges and university theatre programs may not?

    • Calvary Theatre students embrace the core principle that theatre is service: to fellow actors; to the working text; to the audience; and first and foremost, to our Audience of One. The student demonstrates the foundational skills necessary to critically analyze a piece of dramatic literature for its quality and theme while comparing it with the knowledge of God’s Word and His character.
    • You’ll learn to work in an ensemble in an atmosphere that facilitates authentic relationships with God and man.
    • We recognize that the entertainment industry fuels our culture! You’ll experience what it is to impact the culture in ways that engage it rather than hide from it.
    • You’ll inhabit this mission field and minister to and through it with passion and integrity.
    • You’ll be able to recognize the Story of God in the stories of history, myth, oral tradition, and literature, bringing it to life in new and creative ways, sharing His story with an ever-thirsty world!
    • And finally, the #1 reason to choose Calvary Theatre Arts? It’s because nobody has fun like Calvary Theatre has fun!!! See the photographic evidence by clicking here

Tell a Great Story with Us!

Talk to an admissions counselor (click here)

Box Office

2022-2023 Theatre Season

Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

Spring Production: Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka

Getting Serious about the Story!

Minoring in Theatre

If you find yourself starting to be pulled into the vortex of CU Theatre and want to know more, Calvary offers an accredited minor in Theatre Arts as part of our Warrior’s Choice degree offerings! All Theatre Arts courses are listed in the University catalog


Requirements of the Theatre Arts Minor

Download (PDF, 516KB)

      • Total theatre course hours required for Theatre Minor: 21 credits
      • Options for use of this minor at Calvary:
        1. Interdisciplinary Major; use the theatre major as one of two minors to form an interdisciplinary major.
        2. Add the Theatre Minor to your chosen major.

If you choose a theatre minor, you have the option of adding it to your major or combining it with another minor for an interdisciplinary major.

For detailed descriptions of all of these classes, please see Calvary’s catalog.

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Theatre Arts Faculty

Brittany Hill

Brittany Hill


Interim Department Chair of Theatre Arts, Adjunct Faculty, Music and Theatre Arts

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