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By Dedra Pease

Here we are at the end of another school year. This year has ended differently than anyone of us could have possibly imagined. Some are breathing sighs of relief that the days of distance learning at this time are done. Some are in a confused state wondering where March and April have gone. Some are handling life day by day.

Wherever you are, we are all making adjustments to our lives. Some of you are preparing to send a senior (high school or college) on to the next phase of their life, a job, trade school, or college. Some of you have an eighth grader preparing to enter high school. Fifth graders are stepping into a secondary school environment. Kindergarteners are taking a big step into first grade. Four-year-olds are plunging into kindergarten. As this so clearly illustrates, life is filled with moments of transition.

I am reminded of when I found out, forty years ago, that I was pregnant with our son. Fear began to well up. I did not feel prepared for this. I didn’t have the concerns of a difficult pregnancy, but fear of the delivery process loomed. When that day came and went, the fear of taking this helpless human home began to creep in. Then there were all of those typical parental concerns. You are never quite sure you are doing the right thing in the right way at the right time. Fear filled my thoughts.

As we all step into the next phase, whatever it looks like for you, remember what Jesus told His disciples. As He was preparing them for His physical departure, He said, “Let not your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1, ESV). Just as Jesus prepared His disciples, God has prepared each of us for the steps before us. Each stage has baby steps before the big leap. God has brought you to this place. As He told Joshua in Joshua 1:7, “Only be strong and very courageous . . .” (ESV). God has prepared you and He will go with you. Be strong, courageous, and do not let fear reign.


Mrs. Dedra Pease has just completed Calvary’s Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Leadership. Dedra’s Master’s Project included a series of devotions written to encourage the hearts of educators.