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Conference on Global Engagement 2024

Speakers & Sessions

Eidene Anderson

Eidene Anderson

Campus Mobilizer, Biblical Ministries Worldwide

Living, Recovering, and Suffering Well for God’s Glory

2:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 102
How do we bring our lives and gospel truth together so that difficult questions related to suffering are answered? In this session, perspectives and suggestions will be offered to learn how to live vibrantly, suffer well, and arrive safely home to heaven, while bringing glory to God.

Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Executive Director, Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission

Paul Barreca

Paul Barreca

Executive Director, Fellowship International Mission

Social Justice and the Gospel

1:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 102
The cause of social justice while appealing to many, is a diversion from the necessity of the Gospel. Paul has a published article in the journal of ministry and theology on this subject.


2:00pm, January 24   |   Langmade Room

A study of the interaction between Jesus and His disciples gives us discipleship methodology to apply in discipleship relationships today. Paul is the author of a discipleship curriculum and a book on how Jesus made disciples.

Zane Bloom

Zane Bloom

Mobilizer/Representative, Biblical Ministries Worldwide

Senders: How Your Church Can Identify, Train, and Deploy Missionaries

9:00am, January 24   |   Langmade Room
If your church wants to send missionaries from your congregation, this session will provide a template and resources to establish a strategy. The session is designed to help the leadership team determine a way forward in identifying, training and sending missionaries from your church.

Maybe Me?

2:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 100

Maybe Me is the first step in visioning and planning mission service. When considering the kinds of events and encounters that might stimulate a person to acknowledge a missionary/ministry vocation, the five Maybe Me encounters summarize what leads to missionization.

Andrew Busakula

Andrew Busakula

President, Caring Shepherds International

Kurt Busenitz

Kurt Busenitz

Director of Church Planting, Rural Home Missionary Association

Fostering a Missional Mindset for Small, Rural Communities

9:00am, January 24   |   CABRE 103
We will discuss some ways churches can find a balance between encouraging people from small towns to “come and see” and also leading our church families to “go and tell” in rural mission field.

What You SHOULD Try in a Small Town

2:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 103

What does Jason Aldean’s hit song say about rural America? What is the reality, and what does God’s Word teach us about engaging the rural mindset with the gospel whether here in our own country or in a community on the other side of the world?

Rev. Timothy Chally

Rev. Timothy Chally

Director, Rockies Southwest Bible Church Extension

Home Churches

1:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 103
Is it time to return to smaller home churches led by elders and lay pastors? We’ll look at examples of how this may be the trend for our culture.

Finding, Preparing, and Recruiting Qualified Pastors

1:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 103

There is a critical shortage of qualified pastoral candidates to fill needed positions in the United States. This need is particularly acute in small and rural churches. I will address the need of churches and potential solutions to address the need.

Warren Cheek

Warren Cheek

International Representative, UIM International

The Culture of the Kingdom of Light

1:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 100
This session will focus on the principles of the culture of the Kingdom of Light and the battle waged against these principles within the Christian and the Church.

Overcoming Disappoints and Setbacks in Ministry Families and Ministry Teams

1:00pm, January 24   |   Langmade Room

We will be discovering ways ministry families and teams can overcome disappointments and setbacks and continue to serve together long term.

Rick Cross

Rick Cross

Executive Director, Acorn Global Advance

Funding Missions Through Innovation and Networking

3:00pm, January 23   |   Langmade Room
Learn how to secure funding for missions through creative innovation and effective networking at this seminar.

Tools for Compelling Corporate Prayer

9:00am, January 24   |   CABRE 102

Explore meaningful tools and practices to enrich corporate prayer sessions.

Isaac Cummins

Isaac Cummins

Avant Ministries

Social Media in Muslim Countries

10:00am, January 24   |   CABRE 100

God is using the internet and especially social media to draw people to Himself in Muslim countries. Along with this amazing opportunity there are many challenges that come as well. How can we navigate these challenges while utilizing this amazing opportunity?

James Gleaves

James Gleaves

Mobilizer/Representative, Ethnos 360

Attributes of an Effective Sending Church

2:00pm, January 23   |   Langmade Room
We all understand what a missionary “supporting” church is, but what is a “sending” church? We will talk about the difference and discuss some of the components of a healthy missionary-sending church relationship.

The Process of Planting An Indigenous Church

2:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 102

What is involved in planting a church amongst a remote people group? What if that people group doesn’t know how to read and does not even have a written language? We will see one couple’s journey through this process beginning the day they were challenged to missions and discuss all that is involved in planting indigenous churches.

Jonathan Hansen

Jonathan Hansen

Assistant Director, Village Missions

How to Revitalize a Struggling Church

3:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 103

In this workshop we will give pointers about how to bring life back to a church on the brink of closing.

Shawn Haynie

Shawn Haynie

General Director, Adelphos-USA

What is a “Missions-minded” Church?

1:00pm, January 23   |   Langmade Room
There are a lot of opinions about what constitutes a “missions-minded” church. This seminar looks at several principles from Acts 13 to help us biblically define a mindset for missions.

Maintaining a Missions Mindset in the Middle of a Mess

10:00am, January 24   |   CABRE 102

Pandemics, Economic Downturns, Cancel Culture, Persecutions…it’s hard for a church just to survive, let alone maintain a missions mindset. Let’s look at several key passages in the NT, to see how Paul challenged the churches of his era to maintain missions in the middle of a mess.

Mike Keller

Mike Keller

Coordinator, Campus Bible Fellowship

Adam Kipp

Adam Kipp

Executive Director, Rural Home Missionary Association

Fostering a Missional Mindset for Small, Rural Communities

9:00am, January 24   |   CABRE 103
We will discuss some ways churches can find a balance between encouraging people from small towns to “come and see” and also leading our church families to “go and tell” in rural mission field.

Katelyn Lambing

Katelyn Lambing

Recruiter, Pioneer Bible Translators

Ben Laur

Ben Laur

Director of Recruitment, Avant Ministries

The Harvest and the Unsent: The Primacy of Prayer for Missions

1:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 100

Of all the things Jesus could have told his disciples to do as they considered the lost, Jesus instructed them to pray. Explore this teaching from Jesus, and learn how prayer has been the catalyst for missions movements throughout history.

Dan Nave

Dan Nave

Director, Southeast Church Extension

Reality Check…

3:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 100
A ministry to faciltate the movement of struggling churches toward spiritual health, and heathy churches toward reproduction.

Natalie Marmon

Natalie Marmon

Mobilizer, Crossworld

7 Ways to Take Your Faith to Work

3:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 102
We’ll discuss the sacred/secular divide and see how God created work as a way to worship and honor our God. We’ll specifically talk through 7 ways to be faithful in the work environment. This will also include a theology of work.

Dan Morely

Dan Morely

Director, Raccoon River Bible Camp


Mike Morris

Mike Morris

Director, Children's Evangelistic Ministries


John Myrick

John Myrick

Teacher at Rift Valley Academy, Africa Inland Mission

Church Partnership: Effectively Supporting Missionaries on the Field

10:00am, January 24   |   Langmade Room
This seminar focuses on the important role of the church in supporting and caring for missionaries and their families while on the field and when on Home Assignment in the states.

Teaching Missionary Children

3:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 100

This seminar covers topics in MK education and how it furthers efforts of carrying out of the Great Commission in both traditional and non-traditional mission settings. It also looks at the huge variety of opportunities in which Education degrees and teaching skills can be used to open doors for relationships and sharing of the gospel with cousins in North Africa.

Phil O'Day

Phil O'Day

President, Avant Ministries


Patricio Olivia

Patricio Olivia

President, Adelphos Chile


Randy and Lisa Picklesimer

Randy and Lisa Picklesimer

District Representative, Village Missions

Qualities of an Effective Rural Pastor

10:00am, January 24   |   CABRE 103
This seminar will discuss the essential traits and characteristics that make an effective rural pastor.

Bob and Katherine Rodgers

Bob and Katherine Rodgers

Executive Director, Northwest Independent Church Extension


Grant Ryder

Grant Ryder

Director of Church and Mobilization, Crossworld

God’s Global Mandate for Every Believer

9:00am, January 23   |   CABRE 100
Based on God’s mission as revealed in Scripture and the current situation of the world, we need to respond by mobilizing the whole church. With that in mind, let’s step back for a moment with a very broad look at God’s mission throughout Scripture.

Darrel and Suzan Simmons

Darrel and Suzan Simmons

Mobilizers, Friends of Israel

Culture, Customs, Stories and Music

3:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 102
Understand more about who our Jewish friends are and in what ways we have all been blessed through the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Gen. 12:3).

Learn, Get-Involved and Serve our Jewish Friends

1:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 102

Let us introduce you to opportunities available for you to learn more about the Jewish people and what it means to be a blessing to them (Genesis 12:3) right where you live.

Daniel Taggart

Daniel Taggart

Executive Director, Flagstaff Mission to the Navajos

Success in Ministry

2:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 103
What made Joshua a successful leader? We will take a look at the three things that can make us successful leaders just like Joshua.

Get Going!

3:00pm, January 24   |   CABRE 103
God has given us today a definite mandate to carry out. Why aren’t we carrying it out? We need to get going!

Anna T

Anna T

Mobilizer/Representative, Cafe1040

Habits of a World Christian

2:00pm, January 23   |   CABRE 100

During this presentation, I will walk through the definition of a world Christian and several practical habits of a world Christian – relating to different roles they can play in the Great Commission (Go, Mobilize, Send, Welcome, Pray).

Quincy Thompson

Quincy Thompson

Campus Mobilizer, WorldVenture

Engaging Young Adults

3:00pm, January 24   |   Langmade Room
Step into this training and discussion to learn the importance of reaching young adults from a biblical perspective, look at real life cases and scenarios of people in young adult ministry and get some tools to equip yourself and others.