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Ashley Beach: Writing Stories for a Higher Purpose

Ashley Beach: Writing Stories for a Higher Purpose

“People have told me how much my stories have impacted their lives and I hope to continue to impact more people and point them to Christ.”

Ashley’s home was in Denver, CO, where she grew up in a Christian home and came to faith as a child. During her growing-up years, Ashley never dreamed of being a published author, because her original dream was to pursue acting and singing. This carried over into her college career at Calvary University, where she played roles in theatre productions, and pursued her business goal of starting her own theatre company in which her productions would share the gospel with unbelieving audiences. She states: “I was privileged by being part of a theatre department that was rooted in the Bible and sharing Christ with others. There was always an emphasis on the importance of story-telling and making each day a story worth living. That influence was paramount in me later becoming an author.”

Ashley’s focus on theater shifted one day when she was reading “Sacred Romance” by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis. She was touched by how the authors portrayed a Christian’s relationship with Christ within the storyline of an epic novel. Soon, her own imagination was sparked and she felt inspired to begin writing novels. She states: “I’ve created a world based off of the seasons, revealing many Biblical elements that relate to our own lives. Themes like light versus darkness, secret sin struggles, rejection versus acceptance, never being too far to be loved or reached by God, are themes my books emphasize.” More than anything, Ashley’s books explore the concept of beauty that was once lost being completely restored.

When reflecting on her spiritual growth during her time at Calvary, Ashley stated that she learned much about relationships and community: “It was encouraging to be at a college where people’s relationships with God were genuine. It’s easy to take a relationship with God for granted; yet there was a sense of sincerity in many people’s walks at Calvary. I was constantly challenged to be in God’s word and felt blessed to be a part of a community eager to seek God and reach the world with His truth.”

So far as Ashley’s future is concerned, she states: “God has given me the ability to write and share these stories, and I am humbled and blessed to be used as His vessel; people have told me how much my stories have impacted their lives and I hope to continue to impact more people and point them to Christ.” Ashley believes that God has more He wants her to share with the world through her novels. Recently, He has given Ashley several ideas for different series and future stories. One of these is a modern-day Christian adventure series which she has already started working on. Ultimately, Ashley’s desire is to write, grow, pray, and learn as God continues to use the words He places on her heart to touch people in all walks of life.



Ashley’s involvement with theatre at Calvary helped her engage with the impact of storytelling.

(Pictured playing the role of Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical the Musical, 2015)

Why does God sometimes feel distant?

Why does God sometimes feel distant?

Why does God sometimes feel distant?

How can a loving God allow evil and suffering in the world? This is a sticking point for many who choose not to believe. Christians, however, choose to believe that God has a purpose in what he plans and in what he allows.  There is, however, still tension in our belief and our experience, and it is acutely felt when we encounter difficult pain, or witness the abused or suffering innocent.  We ask “why is God distant?”

As Christians, we often talk about how God is near and present. One needs to look no further than the psalms to hear about how God is an ever-present help in times of trouble.  The Psalms, however, also mourn about times when God seems absent in our times of suffering (Psalm 88). Even in the New Testament, we feel this tension: Christ telling us that He is leaving to go to the Father, while also promising to be with us until the end.

Join the Calvary Conversations team as they explore a proper understanding of both the nearness and the distance of God?

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What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, has recently been in the news for an on-campus revival. Thousands of people have hopped in their cars and made their way to Wilmore in hopes of seeing a move of God. Dr. Mike Dodds, Dean of the Calvary University Seminary, and a distinguished member of the Calvary Conversations team, was a student at Asbury when a similar event took place in the 1970’s.

How should Christians respond to the news of a revival? Should we hop in our cars and go? Should we be skeptical? Join the Calvary Conversations team as they discuss the important and exciting issue of revival.

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What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What do most people believe the Bible says? What do “evangelical” Christians believe the Bible says? And why are more and more Christians believing things the Bible does not really say—things contrary to the Bible and to what Christians have asserted to be the truth down through the centuries?

Join the Calvary Conversations team as they discuss “The State of Theology” survey findings and the implications for how we evangelize and teach biblical Christianity to others. 

Survey, Full Report: 

Survey Conclusions, Ligonier Ministries: 

Survey Conclusions, LifeWay:  

Survey Conclusions, The Gospel Coalition: 


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Faith Stuns Calvary 74-75 in Tournament Loss

Faith Stuns Calvary 74-75 in Tournament Loss

The CU basketball team came up short on Thursday afternoon as Faith edged Calvary 74-75 in the quarter-final round of the MCCC Tournament. 
The Warriors were led by Jamal Smith who finished the day with 30 points and five boards.  Jonah Murr contributed 17 points and five boards. The Warriors continue play in the consolation bracket tomorrow at 12:00pm.

Warriors Edge Saints in Conference Tournament

Warriors Edge Saints in Conference Tournament

The women’s basketball team picked up their first win of the post-season with a 49-45 victory over Central Christian College Thursday morning in Haviland, KS.   With today’s win, the Warriors have improved to 11-12 on the season.

“It was great for the team to get this win,” said Head Coach Robby Bollinger. “We had a huge 4th quarter! The CU men’s team started chanting and the atmosphere in the gym shifted! We went on a run with Katie hitting a huge three and then Skylar hitting two big jump shots late! Belle and Kim were able to ice it late at the free throw line!”

This back-and-forth game was close throughout.  The Warriors took a 22-17 lead into the half with a terrific defensive performance.  The tightly contested contest continued through the third quarter with the Saints stiffening their defensive effort to end the quarter all tied at 29-29. 

Starting the fourth quarter Calvary gained some much-needed momentum and finished a true team effort defensively and offensively.  The final score was 49-45. Up next, the Warriors are back tomorrow in the MCCC Conference Tournament semi-finals.  They will face Ozark Christian College at 6 pm.