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Bible Conversations in the Gospel of John: Lee Smith

Bible Conversations in the Gospel of John: Lee Smith

“Pastor Lee Smith writes with the skill of a careful exegete and the heart of a pastor-teacher. ”

Lee Smith is a retired pastor and current author who recently collaborated with CU Press to publish Biblical Conversations in the Gospel of John – Exegetically Based Devotionals for Serious Followers of Jesus. Lee graduated from Calvary Bible College in 1970 with a B.A. in Pastoral Studies, received his Th.M from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1974, and earned his D.Min from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1990.

Lee grew up in rural Iowa in a family of farmers. At seven years old, he received Christ. He describes his mission to pastor small town churches as a “growing conviction” that remained even when he was in seminary and other students questioned him: “They thought I was crazy – asking me why I’d want to do that instead of choosing to pastor bigger churches. I chose rural churches because that’s where my passion was, and I’ve pastored them for forty years.”

Lee’s experience as a pastor played a major role in his evolving career as an author. Besides his most recent work, he has published three books: Getting Along with People: A Manual for Pastors, Reflections of a Small Town Pastor: Engaging in God’s Mission in Smaller Places, and Bible Conversations in Genesis. With the biblical knowledge Lee has gained throughout the years as both a pastor and an author, his new book is filled with insightful knowledge.

When speaking on what inspired Lee to write Biblical Conversations in the Gospel of John – Exegetically Based Devotionals for Serious Followers of Jesus, he stated it was ultimately God’s Word because “that is what will change people’s lives.” He also added that he’s always had a special appreciation for the book of John because of its emphasis on the gospel, John’s practicality in his writing, and how “Jesus speaking to the disciples throughout the book of John is still very relevant for all of Christ’s followers today.”

Lee’s purpose for his new book is two-fold. First, he desires his readers to gain a deeper understanding of the gospel as presented within the book of John from an intellectual and spiritual perspective. Secondly, he wants his book to inspire readers to “grow in their walk with Christ, all for the glory of God.”

Dr. Dodds, Director of CU Press:

Pastor Lee Smith writes with the skill of a careful exegete and the heart of a pastor-teacher. Bible Conversations in the Gospel of John is Pastor Smith’s second volume in his “Bible Conversations” series. Not intended as an in-depth commentary, this study of the Gospel of John still touches on the significant exegetical issues in the text while challenging the reader to respond to the truth in the text. Written by a pastor-teacher, this volume speaks to the reader with a conversational tone, and then encourages the reader to life-change. As with the first volume, Bible Conversations in the Gospel of John is for “Serious Followers of Jesus” – those who seek to be changed by their study of God’s Word.

Lee’s new book is available for purchase at today!

How can you help people if you’re not a counselor?

How can you help people if you’re not a counselor?

How can you help people if you’re not a counselor? People all around us need help. They need encouragement, help and answers. Should ordinary, average Christians wade into the waters of “counseling” or should we leave that to the professionals?

Calvary’s Dr. Tim Hange, along with Dr. Joshua Paxton and Shaun LePage, invited Dr. Luther Smith—Chairman of Calvary University’s Biblical Counseling Department—to explore this issue.

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Alumni Spotlight: The Global Success of Millers’ Book Series

Alumni Spotlight: The Global Success of Millers’ Book Series

Keith stated: “We are so thankful to get God’s Word out and for our books to be used like they have been.”

Calvary alumni Keith (CBC ’69) and Pat Miller (CBC ’00) are praising God as they have recently hit a milestone of over 250,000 copies in their Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling book series being sold! 

Keith and Pat have been doing ministry for almost as long as they have been married—fifty-four years. In 1965, Keith pursued Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute where he met Pat and the couple married in 1969. Keith later continued his education, and he and his family served in three pastorates, the final one lasting over a decade. One day, Keith and Pat received a phone call from Tom Bonine, the Academic Dean for Calvary at the time, that changed their lives: “He called me and asked if I would consider being the Chair of the Pastoral Studies Department.”  

Soon after accepting the role and moving in June of 1994, Pat was asked to be the Dean of Women at Calvary. Pat eventually transitioned from her position as Dean of Women to chair the Biblical Counseling Department. Keith also transitioned to become the chair of the Bible and Theology Department. Together, the couple served at Calvary for nearly twenty-five years. Keith stated that teaching at Calvary was one of the most significant experiences of his life, and Pat was able to build mentoring relationships with women that she still disciples today.

While serving as the Dean of Women at Calvary, Pat was inspired to pursue a master’s degree in Biblical Counseling. Her master’s thesis was the inspiration for the first book in the Millers’ book series: Quick Scripture References for Counseling Women. As a team together, the Millers added Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Youth, Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Men, and Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Couples to the series. Each book addresses the unique challenges of its target audience and provides scripture passages appropriate for the counseling situation.  

The Millers’ book series have made both a local and a global impact. Keith recalled when he and Pat visited Moody Bible Institute and were amazed to see their Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Youth sitting on the shelf of the bookstore’s collection of required textbooks for youth majors. Some of the Millers’ books have also been translated into Portuguese, French, and Russian, and a number of representatives from closed countries have asked for permission to publish the book, including India, Nepal, Kuwait, and more.  

Keith stated: “We are so thankful to get God’s Word out and for our books to be used like they have been. We are always amazed—who would have thought?”  

To this day, they continue to use their God-given gifts in teaching and counseling.

Today, Keith and Pat are retired from Calvary, but they have not retired from serving God with their lives. Along with Keith continuing to serve as an interim pastor, in 2020, Keith and Pat went on a mission trip to Brazil and have been involved in the Rural Home Missionary Association’s Pastors’ conferences. To this day, they continue to use their God-given gifts in teaching and counseling.  

The Millers’ book series is available for purchase on today! 



Why bother with the Old Testament?

Why bother with the Old Testament?

“Is the Old Testament for us today? Is everything in it for Christians living in the 21st Century? If we fail to study the Old Testament, what might we be missing? What might we be getting wrong?

Calvary’s Dr. Mike Dodds invited Joel Williamson, professor of Hebrew and Old Testament studies at Calvary University, for a conversation about the importance of studying the Old Testament today.

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Calvary University Girls Volleyball Team receives and At-Large Bid to NCCAA National Tournament

Calvary University Girls Volleyball Team receives and At-Large Bid to NCCAA National Tournament

 In the realm of sports, triumphs are the sweetest when hard work, determination, unity, and skill converge into the formula of a winning season. Such is the story of this remarkable volleyball team that has not only dominated the past season of conference and regional championships but has now earned a coveted spot in the national tournament through an at-large bid invitation. Let’s delve into the exhilarating journey of this exceptional team over the 2023 season. 

Riding the Wave of Success

The season began with an extraordinary opportunity for this volleyball team. Coach Jojo Wilkes coming in as a first-year head coach with a very talented recruiting class that, combined with seasoned upperclassmen, would create something special. From the first game, it was evident that this group of talented athletes had the makings of a remarkable team. It seemed as if every competitive encounter was another step forward in the right direction, and they finished their regular season with a winning record of 14-7.  

Conference Championship

The team’s journey to the conference championship game was marked by a series of victories, showcasing not only their teamwork and skill but also their ability to maintain composure under pressure. The players demonstrated seamless collaboration, moving, and communicating as one unit with a victory against Barclay College.  

In the conference semifinal game, the team faced their toughest competition yet. Faith Baptist Bible College, who had beaten them twice within the season, and the match was a nail-biter, with both teams displaying incredible athleticism and strategic gameplay. Our volleyball girls emerged victorious in the fifth set, securing their place in the conference championship game. However, despite a valiant fight, The Lady Warriors ultimately succumbed to the #2 ranked in the nation Manhattan Christian College in the Championship game. 

Regional Triumphs

Encouraged by their success in getting to the conference championship, the team set their sights on the regional championships. In a thrilling showdown against Spurgeon College, the team triumphed again, clinching their place in the regional championship, and solidifying their reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the post season. They faced their opponent, #2 ranked in the nation Manhattan Christian College, again for the second time in a post season matchup. Calvary competed at the highest level in strategy and strength in the first two sets, but ultimately ran out of energy in the third set and placed second overall in the regional tournament. 

At-Large Bid to the National Tournament

The Lady Warriors Volleyball team’s outstanding performance throughout the season did not go unnoticed, and their remarkable journey caught the attention of the NCCAA selection committee. The team received the news today that they received an at-large bid invitation to the NCCAA Division II Women’s Volleyball National  Championship!! Senior Leah Grady said, “It’s always been a dream of mine to go to Nationals and I was disappointed when we were not able to go last year. This season I stepped out in faith not sure what this year would hold but confident that God had a plan and that He would use my love of volleyball for His glory. I am proud to go represent Calvary University and those that helped build this volleyball team into what it is today. I am excited to have the opportunity to compete against the best teams in the nation.” 

Looking Ahead to the NCCAA National Tournament

As the team prepares for the upcoming national tournament next week, anticipation and excitement fill the air. The athletes, coaches, and the Calvary community alike are ready to witness this volleyball powerhouse go head-to-head with the best teams from across the nation. The journey to the national championship is undoubtedly challenging, but if the team’s track record is any indication, they are more than up to the task. 

The story of this volleyball team’s journey from a winning record to the conference and regional championships, culminating in an at-large bid to the national tournament, is a testament to the power of teamwork, selflessness, skill, perseverance, and the enduring legacy of Calvary athletes allowing Christ to reign in their hearts. As they step onto the national stage, the entire community rallies behind them, confident that they will continue to be a blessing to those around them as they show Christ’s love both on and off the court.  

Should we stop reaching the unreached?

Should we stop reaching the unreached?

Should we stop reaching the unreached?

For 50 years, most missionaries have been focused on reaching unreached people groups—prioritizing people who have the least access to the gospel. Today, this focus is falling out of favor by critics of the Western missionary enterprise because they feel it reflects “Western” or Enlightenment thinking.

Calvary’s Dr. Joshua Paxton invited Dr. Ted Esler, President of Missio Nexus, to discuss this development and how it impacts global missions as well as individual believers.

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