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Calvary Tops Barclay 3-1

Calvary Tops Barclay 3-1

Another win is in the books as the Warriors defeated rival Barclay College 3-1 on Friday night. The Pyramid was full of fans wanting to be there to support their Lady Warriors. The Warriors gave the fans their money’s worth today. CU improved to 4-0 on the season with the win.

In the first and second sets, the Warriors started with big serves and gained momentum with some big swings from Leah Grady. Elle Davis, Haley Arneson, Mickenzie Rairdon, and Alli Edwards all teamed together to help Grady control the front line. The Warriors played very well throughout both sets.   They won both sets, 25-16 and 25-19.

The third set didn’t fare so well for the Warriors. Calvary struggled with a few of their serves and started with multiple errors in the net or out of bounds. In the end, the Warriors couldn’t overcome the Bear’s momentum losing 16-25, still up 2-1 in the match.

The Warriors fought in the fourth set as they built another significant lead. Alli Edwards started CU off strong in serving. Arneson and Rairdon did a great job on the attack in the final set. The Warriors went on to win the set 25-17 for a 3-1 victory.

For the match, Calvary finished with a 2.02 ranking on serve receive, while Barclay finished with a 1.43. This serve receive effort gave Calvary a significant advantage to push through for the win.

Calvary’s New CFO: Dr. Tom Stolberg

Calvary’s New CFO: Dr. Tom Stolberg

“I believe in Christian education. Calvary University is uniquely positioned to accomplish that mission, and it thrills me to be a part of it.” 

Dr. Tom Stolberg has led a diverse, enriching career journey. Having had field experience in music, education, and working for Merrill Lynch, he is thrilled to begin his new position as Calvary University’s Chief Financial Officer.

Tom came from a humble background, yet was driven to pursue excellence. Born and raised in a small town in northern Illinois, he was the second oldest of his three siblings. Growing up in a “typical” midwestern family, his father sold insurance and his mother sewed on the side to help pay the bills. Originally, Tom was interested in pursuing a career in science, and he was the first child in his family to attend college. However, despite the fact that Tom had already taken his first steps in his career journey, God cut out an entirely new path for him.

During Tom’s pursuit of earning a degree in physics, he began to greatly miss music. Growing up, he was a “band kid”, and was heavily involved in choir and singing. When his passion to pursue music kept growing, Tom finally switched career paths altogether, and transferred to Illinois State University. While there, he met his future wife, Rosie, earned a Music Education Degree in 1981, and married that same year. They moved to Las Cruces, where Tom began teaching a junior high school choir for the Las Cruces Public Schools. Later, he earned a double master’s degree in Vocal Music Performance and Choral Conducting at New Mexico State University in 1984.

Huge life changes occurred during Tom’s final year at NMSU. Both he and Rosie received Christ as their Lord and Savior, and they were soon preparing to move locations: “My voice studies were going well and Rosie and I had decided to move to New York to allow me to pursue a career in classical music. I applied to Cornell University in Ithaca, and was accepted into the studio of Barbara Troxell. She had led an amazing career, singing at the Met and other places. However, God had other plans for us. Barbara died three days before I was to start lessons with her.” Once again, Tom’s direction in life was altered. Despite this, Tom chose to do what was best for his family.

After fostering an interest in investing, he connected with an investment company that was opening up where he lived: “At the time, my wife was pregnant with the first of our six kids. I needed a job, and Merrill Lynch hired me.” He worked there for fifteen years. In 2010, Tom accepted his position as Music Department Chair at Calvary University. Having earned his doctorate in Musical Arts in 2005, Tom delved deep into the field of music and education once again. During his years of teaching at Calvary, he states that he enjoyed helping students “grow spiritually and professionally, conducting, and working with great colleagues” until he retired in 2021.

Although Tom did not always know where he would be led to by walking through “open doors” from God, he states: “After I became a Christian, my outlook on life changed and my expectations did too. Matthew 6:25-33 makes it clear that God is in charge; He’s not a God of confusion. He has my best interest at heart, and He is utterly faithful and good.” Tom states that his positions at Calvary, including his new position as the Chief Financial Officer, were opportunities he said yes to because God “opened the door”, and he walked through it.

Today, Tom believes there is potential for CU to reach an ever-expanding group of students, and he is excited to help advance Calvary University’s mission: “I believe in Christian education. CU is uniquely positioned to accomplish that mission, and it thrills me to be part of it.”


Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Jeff Rhoades

Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Jeff Rhoades

“God led me to the right place for laying the biblical foundation for correct understanding and interpretation of the Bible.”

Dr. Jeff Rhoades is a Calvary alumnus who recently published his book titled: The Bible, Dimensions, and the Spiritual Realm: Are heaven, angels, and God closer than we think? 

Jeff grew up in Raytown, Missouri. It was not until he was in his early twenties, and married, that he became a follower of Christ. When Jeff started attending Calvary University, he was twenty-one years old, had a wife, a newborn baby, and was working full-time at his father’s restaurant. “The registrar never thought I could get enough classes for a degree,” Jeff recalls, “But I was new to the Bible and wanted to take all the classes I could.” He was eventually able to get a dual major in English Bible and Local Church Ministries. Today, Jeff also has a Masters in Theology from Louisiana Baptist Seminary and a PHD in Theology from Louisiana Baptist University.

Jeff says that his call to ministry has been a “thousand steps of obedience,” stating: “I never set out to be a pastor or a missionary, I set out to serve God.” He affirms his education at Calvary was “exceptional” and that it molded his foundational understanding of the biblical worldview: “I was like a kid in a candy store for the first time. I soaked in the teaching and little did I know that I would eventually go on staff full-time at Abundant Life Church as Outreach Pastor, then go to El Salvador as a missionary. Now, I am an Administrative Pastor in Topeka, Kansas. It all started while I was sitting in those early morning classes at Calvary.”

Jeff’s heart has always been in evangelism and sharing the gospel, and he has had many experiences in which he has grown spiritually through ministry. His time in El Salvador was powerful, where hundreds of men and women were led to Christ: “I’ve seen men accept Christ, go through our training program, and after six to eight years, pastor a church.” Jeff also helped start several churches and built three church buildings in El Salvador. “We also helped a poor rural school in El Salvador replace their three outhouses with flush toilets and put in a small water tower,” Jeff recalls, “It was a very memorable moment when they invited me to their ‘flush toilet’ dedication! It was such a small thing we did, but it was huge for these people.” He continued: “We also had baptisms in the rivers and pools. I remember we were baptizing several people, and one girl was physically handicapped but wanted to be baptized. We lifted her up out of the chair and carried her to the water and I was baptized with her as we both went under.”

In regards to his book’s impact, Jeff says that he wrote it to give Christians (and seeking unbelievers) scientific and biblical evidence to show that heaven is a real place with locality and dimensionality. “For several years, I’ve challenged my Sunday school classes to think of heaven as a separate dimension or a higher dimension. If God created our spacetime continuum, then He must be in a dimension separate from that which He has created.” He writes about the Bible’s perspective on the spiritual realm and how science points to its reality, as well as the Bible being “God’s communication to us from outside of our spacetime universe,” supplying various examples in the Bible that point to a spiritual realm. The book also discusses how believers enter the spiritual realm, and the dimensionality of hell, heaven, time, and eternity, and lastly, how to wage war in the spiritual realm and protect oneself from attacks through applying God’s truth.

“I came to Calvary only a couple of years after my conversion,” Jeff states, “Yet, I was full of ambition and desire to learn. God led me to the right place for laying the biblical foundation for correct understanding and interpretation of the Bible.” That foundation has been Jeff’s “guide and tether” as he’s ministered and taught over the years, and now recently as he has pursued writing. He adds, “That fundamental, literal approach to understanding God’s Word helped me safely explore the spiritual realm from a biblical perspective for this book. Ideas must not contradict Scripture, we must have a correct understanding of the Word of God so as to not violate Scripture or a scriptural principle.”

When asked about what he is looking forward to in the future, Jeff states: “The future is always exciting because it is the next step in our journey of life. The unknown of tomorrow is a blank canvas that God is writing into our lives as we follow Him and live for Him. I believe we are ever closer to His return and to our departure.” Until then, Jeff plans to continue serving God with the gifts he has been given, as well as living out God’s will for his life by obeying His Word. He plans to fulfill this mission by pointing his audiences to the truth found in God’s holy Scriptures:  “I will preach and teach the truth, because that is what the Holy Spirit uses to save souls and change lives.”


Jeff has been faithful in many ministries over the years, and is now excited to step into a new role as a Christian author.

A Special Announcement: The Results are In!

A Special Announcement: The Results are In!

The people have spoken! We asked for your input about the Calvary Conversations mission statement, and you responded.
Join the Calvary Conversations hosts in this episode as we reveal the results—unveil our new mission statement—and respond to some of the comments and suggestions YOU (our listeners) made.

Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more.

What is the value of outdoor adventures?

What is the value of outdoor adventures?

Most of us have had wonderful adventures in the forest, on the beach or stargazing on a clear night. Others point to trekking, rafting and rock climbing as some of the best experiences of their lives. What is it about being outdoors, coming face-to-face with creation, that has such a memorable impact on our hearts and minds?

Tressa Barnes, Assistant Professor of Calvary University’s Outdoor Adventure Leadership (OAL) program, joins Calvary’s Shaun LePage for a conversation about the value of outdoor adventures, the uniqueness of Calvary’s OAL program, and several practical ideas for how you can make the most of your own time with family, church groups and others in the great outdoors.


Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more.