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The most important worldview question: Does God exist?

The most important worldview question: Does God exist?

Does God exist? Everyone has to answer this question, not just Christians. Of course, there are numerous answers people give to that question, but your answer shapes your worldview more than any other idea or belief.

Dr. Mike Dodds invited Ian Bacon of Calvary University’s Bible & Theology Department, to join fellow Calvary Conversations hosts Tim Hange and Shaun LePage to discuss this primary subject along with ideas for how to help non-Christians embrace the true and living God.

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How will it impact our values to believe we are created in the “image of God”?

How will it impact our values to believe we are created in the “image of God”?

Our value system should be impacted by the biblical belief that we are created in God’s image. But how? How should it distinguish us from people who don’t believe this? And how should it impact how we treat other people? Speak to other people?

Join the Calvary Conversations team—Dr. Joshua Paxton, Dr. Mike Dodds, Tim Hange and Shaun LePage—as they explore this important aspect of the biblical worldview.

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Why is it important than human beings are made in the “image of God”?

Why is it important than human beings are made in the “image of God”?

Who are we? What are we? Are humans a highly evolved type of animal, or are we—as the Bible teaches—made in “the image of God”? If we are image-bearers, what does that mean and how does it relate to our individual identities?

Join the Calvary Conversations hosts— Dr. Joshua Paxton, Shaun LePage, Tim Hange, and Dr. Mike Dodds—as they explore this important subject from the biblical worldview and how it relates to our everyday lives.

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How should Christians deal with the “Sacred-Secular Split”?

How should Christians deal with the “Sacred-Secular Split”?

It’s common for us—both Christians and non-Christians—to see some things as “sacred” (i.e., holy, religious) and other things as “secular” (i.e., worldly, having nothing to do with spirituality and God). But, what is truly sacred? And what is truly secular? And does the biblical worldview divide them up neatly into black and white categories?
Join the Calvary Conversations hosts for this conversation about how Christians can navigate these questions and live “sacred” lives of worship and wisdom in an increasingly “secular” world. 

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Hanna Sims’ Ministry: NETworkers TEC

Hanna Sims’ Ministry: NETworkers TEC

“This is God’s ministry, and I am merely a servant in it.”

Hanna Sims graduated from Calvary University with a Bachelor of Science in Ministry Studies-Children (CU16); she says that the call God placed on her heart to evangelize and disciple children came to her when she was a teenager, and she has been able to grow in areas of service to Christ throughout the years through ministries like Child Evangelism Fellowship/Christian Youth in Action, Good News Club, and In the Gap. Today, Hanna is heavily involved in her personal ministry, NETworkers TEC, which seeks to provide the body of Christ with a network of resources to assist believers in their Biblical ministries to the next generation: “What makes my ministry different is that instead of focusing on promoting one ministry, I connect believers with various resources for various ministry needs.” 

Hanna says that she has had the blessing of reaching many audiences through NETworkers TEC, providing character lessons at elementary school chapels, workshops at AWANA clubs on memorizing Scripture, and has led neighborhood Bible clubs for kids. For teens, she has developed an apologetics seminar (online and in-person) and has spoken at the national IFCA youth conference for two years. She has also trained teens to prepare for mission trips and working with children, and has partnered with many churches to have workshops available for their Sunday school workers and parents. The work that Hanna is currently most excited about is a newly published children’s apologetics curriculum for elementary students that she co-authored with Dr. Frank Turek called “Yes, God is Real!”.

On her ministry journey, Hanna faced personal obstacles and learned some powerful life lessons. One particularly difficult trial she faced was her health. She was very sick for the first two years of establishing her ministry, yet she says that “The Lord gave me strength and healing during this time, and I learned how to trust God for my daily needs (Matthew 6:11) and to thank Him for the gift of health.” A spiritual lesson that Hanna gained was looking at ministries from a biblical perspective: “God has taught me that when I am tempted to compare myself to my peers that are in corporate jobs, I must remember that God calls each of us in different directions and that when we are faithful to him with our talents, that is what success truly is (Matthew 25:20-21).”

Clearly, Hanna is a servant of God, actively living out her ministry calling. Today, she is especially excited to continue to disciple children, teens, and adults, make more workshops available to churches and Christian organizations, and spread the word about her children’s apologetics curriculum. For years to come, Hanna seeks to continue to minister to children, teens, and adults, as well as develop resources to impact areas of evangelism, apologetics, and spiritual growth. Currently, Hanna is working on a couple other curriculum and writing projects that she expects, Lord willing, to be published in the future: “God has opened the doors of partnership for me through NETworkers TEC, and he has helped me to have boldness (Psalm 138:3). This is God’s ministry and I am merely a servant in it.”


How can we reach the unreached people groups in our own backyard? 

How can we reach the unreached people groups in our own backyard? 

The church in Western civilization is facing an opportunity it has never faced on such a large scale: migrant populations coming in large numbers. How are we to view them? Their religion? Their culture? Also, what are ways we can and should share our faith with them? What is the best way to present the gospel? What stories will help us connect with them? How can we maintain faithfulness to the gospel?

Calvary’s Dr. Joshua Paxton invited Mike Urton, Director of Immigrant Mission for the All People Initiative of the Evangelical Free Church of America, to have a discussion about the unreached people groups who are right here in our own backyards.

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