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MS Department Chair, Dr. Mike Dodds, Teaching Preaching Course to Pastors in Uganda

MS Department Chair, Dr. Mike Dodds, Teaching Preaching Course to Pastors in Uganda

September 12—19, Dr. Mike Dodds, the Ministry Studies Department Chair, is in Uganda teaching a course on preaching to Pastors from 5 different East African countries. Pictured are a number of the pastors and Dr. Dodds and the host Pastor Wellington Oliech, pastor of the Word of Life Church in Kampala, Uganda. Last year Dr. Dodds taught two courses (on Ministry and the Spiritual Life) to the same group of pastors. He had the opportunity to return this year to teach a course on preaching. Dr. Dodds commented that it is so spiritually challenging to him to be involved in the equipping of these Shepherds of God’s people in this area of the world.

Join Calvary University in India Summer 2019!

Join Calvary University in India Summer 2019!

Image result for pictures of india free

Join Calvary University in India May 19-June 1, 2019!

Calvary University has a long standing tradition of hosting and training students from India. Only a few short years ago one of those students lead several summer ministry teams to his home country. Now another one of our students is opening the door for a more long-term relationship between Calvary and India.

India is home to 1.4 billion people, only 2.2% of which have a knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Most believers live in the densely packed urban areas leaving many villages with little to no witness of who Jesus is.  Local pastors work hard to reach these surrounding villages.  However, they face a mountainous task in reaching everyone. Of 2,554 people groups, 2,290 (89.7%) remain unreached with the gospel (Joshua Project)  Many of these groups still do not have the Word of God in their own languages.

India is a location rich with history and deeply entrenched in the History of Missions as many of the early pioneers of the Modern Missions Movement, folks like William Carey, Adoniram Judson and others set out to reach this richly diverse area with the gospel. However, India remains a place of great need, especially in the poorer village areas.  Hinduism is the dominant religion and recently the government has become increasingly hostile to Christian activities.

Next Summer the Burnham Center for Global Engagement is offering a two week mission trip to India. Faculty, staff, students and friends are welcome to join us for two weeks of ministry. We will be focusing on supporting the work of indigenous pastors through training and children’s activities. We will also be working on a project to complete construction on a local church. This project will require $3000.00 for the material costs.


For more information about joining us in India or helping with the construction project contact Joshua Paxton, Director of the Burnham Center for Global Engagement.

Join Calvary University in Southern Texas, Summer 2019!

Join Calvary University in Southern Texas, Summer 2019!

Hot off the heels of spending time in Greece the Burnham Center for Global Engagement is already preparing for 5 potential trips for the summer of 2019. Itineraries and plans are being assembled for trips to Southern Texas and Israel. Three other possible locations for students to serve are Panama, India, and Utah.More details will be announced about this summer opportunities as they are being put together.



2019 Texas Trip (May 17-26)

Students, faculty, staff and friends have the opportunity to visit Alianza Cristiana del Valle church in southern Texas. The church is about as far south in Texas as one can get and within several miles of the Mexico border. We will not be crossing the border into Mexico, so passports are not necessary. However, we will be working with people in the church. Mornings will be filled with work projects and then the evenings with vacation Bible school for the kids and adult discipleship lessons. Opportunities on this trip also include leading a worship time in the evenings.


Potential Itinerary

May 17 – Depart Calvary for Dallas, TX

May 18 – Continue to Alton, TX (Five nights stay at Melody Lane Renewal Center)

May 19-23 – Ministry and work at Alianza (Morning work projects, VBS and Adult Discipleship in the evening)

May 24 – Visit to Padre Island

May 25-26 – Return to Calvary via Dallas

Total Cost – $600

The Burnham Center is excited to offer this opportunity to Calvary students and others who are interested in going. It is necessary to conduct a background check in order to go on this trip. For more information contact Burnham Center Director Joshua Paxton  or Trip Leader Tammy Pihl.

Ministry Studies Department Hosting a trip to the Holy Land, June 9–22, 2019

Ministry Studies Department Hosting a trip to the Holy Land, June 9–22, 2019

Ministry Studies Department Hosting a trip to the Holy Land, June 9–22, 2019

Every pastor and Bible teacher should see first-hand the land of the Bible. It will help their teaching and preaching come alive! The Ministry Studies Department Chair, Dr. Mike Dodds, is encouraging Ministry Studies students, Bible/Theology students, and anyone interested in encouraging their relationship with Christ to join this tour this coming summer.

The tour will leave Kansas City on June 9, land in Jordan to see Petra and sites around the Dead Sea. Then the majority of the days involve a detailed exposure to the significant OT and NT sites in Israel. Calvary students may take an elective course for academic credit for the trip, and all interested individuals will benefit for this 14-day experience.

The tour price of $4,475 includes estimated round trip airfare from Kansas City including air taxes, 12 nights lodging at 4-Star hotels, expert biblical tour guides in Jordan & Israel, baggage handling, sightseeing, breakfast and dinner daily at the hotels, 1 lunch, border taxes, and Jordan visa. Additional costs beyond the above price include 11 lunches, tips to guides, drivers, and hotel staff (approximately $148), travel insurance (approximately $100), and passport ($145).

A completed reservation form and a $300 deposit are due by January 9, 2019. Final payment will be due April 9, 2019. Space is limited, so interested students and individuals should contact Dr. Mike Dodds at (816) 322-5152 (ext 1348).

Learning and Living at Calvary During the Summer

Learning and Living at Calvary During the Summer

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Summer Learning

Did you know that students can take Calvary classes year-round?  Because our academic year is structured into eight-week cycles, learning never has to stop – even in summer!  The fall semester technically starts in July and concludes when Cycle 3 finishes in December.  The spring semester starts with a one-week J-Term and includes Cycles 4-6.  We are currently in Cycle 1, and there are several classes meeting during the day and evening hours.

Dr. Dodds is teaching Evangelism/Spiritual Life.

Mr. Williamson is teaching Introduction to Philosophy.

Summer Living

This summer is the first time that Calvary has kept the dorms open in June and July.  While the number of students living there is much smaller than during Cycles 2-5, we do have students taking advantage of that opportunity.  Of course, many choose to go home for a few months, but they are still able to take summer classes using our blended online model.

Dr. Washington is teaching Strategic Management.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Registration Day         August 23

Calvary and Greek Bible College Sign Articulation Agreement

Calvary and Greek Bible College Sign Articulation Agreement

Image result for pics of GreeceCalvary University and Greek Bible College in Athens recently signed an articulation agreement allowing for the acceptance of credits for students at Calvary from Greek Bible College. This agreement allows for Calvary students to participate in Greek Bible College’s International Student Program, The English Alpha Program. This will further enrich Calvary’s Study Abroad options for its students. “The International Student Program is a one-year course in the Bible designed to equip students to understand the Word of God and its significance for life and Ministry.” Greek Bible College ISP

Courses include:

Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Corinthians, Hebrews, Genesis, Evangelism, Survey of Theology and more, including four courses in Greek! All courses are taught in English.

What could be better than learning Greek in Greece!

For more information on this unique opportunity check out Greek Bible College’s Website

Or contact the Director of the Burnham Center for Global Engagement, Joshua Paxton.