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Meaningful Missions Emphasis Week

Meaningful Missions Emphasis Week

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Dale Losch speaking in Chapel

Missions Emphasis Week was, as always, a meaningful and convicting time of special focus on the Great Commission.  Dale Losch was the keynote speaker, and his Chapel messages each centered on a single word – love, live, work, and go.  Mr. Losch is the president of Crossworld, a mission agency with, what I believe to be, a unique focus on sending disciple-makers from all professions into the world’s least-reached marketplaces.  We also had the opportunity to learn from missionaries and mission representatives from Brazil Gospel Fellowship, Biblical Ministries Worldwide, Village Missions, Pioneers, UIM International, Association of North American Missions, New Tribes, Children’s Evangelistic Ministries, TEAM, Send, Fellowship International Mission, Avant, and Rockies Southwest Bible Church Extension.  Our prayer is that the ultimate result of this Missions Emphasis Week would be souls saved and God glorified.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Alumni Phone-a-thon is underway!  Click here for more information.

Upcoming Calvary Events

February 2-28          Alumni Phone-a-thon

February 25             Guest Piano Recital by Scott Carrell

March 2-5, 10-12     Beauty and the Beast

Upcoming Basketball Games

February 4, 2:00 p.m. Men vs. Dayspring Bible at Florissant, MO

February 6, 5:00 (Women) & 7:00 p.m. (Men) vs. CCCB at Moberly, MO

February 10, 5:00 (Women) & 7:00 p.m. (Men) vs. Barclay at Haviland, KS

Upcoming Evidence Performances

February 5, 10:05 a.m. at Holden First Baptist Church in Holden, MO

February 12, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. at Blue Ridge Bible Church in Kansas City, MO

February 19, 10:30 a.m. at Raintree Community Church in Lee’s Summit, MO

Missions Emphasis Week – January 24-27

Missions Emphasis Week – January 24-27

In just a few short weeks Calvary University will welcome 30 Missions Mobilizers from 15 different agencies for our annual Missions Emphasis Week. Missions Emphasis Week is a long standing tradition at Calvary. Our students have the opportunity to hear from special speakers in Chapel, seminars, class sessions and informally throughout the week. Our keynote speaker for 2017 is Dale Losch, President of Crossworld. He will be sharing with our students four words that can change the world. Also joining us will be representatives from Avant, TEAM, BMW, Pioneers, New Tribes Mission and many more. Students will have opportunities throughout the week not only to hear about missions work around the world but to get involved themselves through prayer and special outreach projects.

Around the world 2.5 Billion people are still without access to the gospel. Calvary seeks to have a role in changing that number through training our students in cross-cultural ministry and providing opportunities for them to get involved both here at home and through partnerships with many missions agencies that allow students to experience cross-cultural ministry first hand.  Missions is a key component in Calvary’s mission to prepare our students to serve in the Church and the World according to a Biblical Worldview.

Please feel free to join us during Chapel, Tuesday – Friday at 11:00. If you are available, missions representatives will be giving special seminars on Tuesday the 24th throughout the day, a schedule will be available at the reception desk.

For more information contact Joshua Paxton at [email protected]


Introducing the Student Missions Committee

Introducing the Student Missions Committee

2015 Fall Festival Clean up

Students cleaning up downtown Belton after the 2015 Fall Festival.

As part of Calvary’s commitment to being a vital part of our own community and being engaged in sharing the love of Christ there is a group of students on campus known as the Student Missions Committee.  Rather than tell you about them myself I thought I would let their President for the 2016-2017 school year Celeste Williams (far left with the broom) talk about her experience with this great group of students.

“I was only planning on going to Calvary for one year. I thought it was a good plan: I would get to deepen my relationship with Christ and figure out what I should do with my life then move on. God had something else planned for me, though—something exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or imagine. Yes, I was able to draw closer to Christ and receive direction on what to do with my life, but I’m now starting my third year at Calvary because I found my “together” there—and I’m not talking about a ring by spring. Let me try to explain.

Acts 3 tells the story of John and Peter going to the Temple “together” at the hour of prayer. They end up healing a man who had been lame from birth and preaching the gospel. I was challenged in a sermon based on this passage to find my “together”: people with whom I could go out and share Christ, individuals who would help me stay focused on what is truly important, brothers and sisters who would encourage me and strengthen me in my walk with Christ. I found my “together” in the Student Missions Committee at Calvary. We did really basic things together: organize and attend weekly meetings called “Haystack,” where we learned and prayed about missions; organize and participate in monthly outreaches; and brainstorm ways to better engage the student body at Calvary and the community around Calvary. As we did these things together, though, I grew to love this group of like minded people I had found. I loved getting to go out as a team with the same goal in mind: share Jesus. And when we gathered for Haystack, we also had the same thing on our minds: further the kingdom through prayer.

Perhaps the most exciting part was how I was changed by our time together. Being around people who were so passionate about sharing Christ made me more passionate about it. Regularly and intentionally going out to engage people with the gospel made me more aware that I should always be doing that. Praying about missions made the spread of the gospel the desire of my own heart. I am so thankful that I became a part of the Student Missions Committee my first year at Calvary, even if it did mess up my plans to leave after one year. I am really looking forward to how God uses the Calvary Student Missions Committee this year—to grow me, to grow others, to grow me closer to others, and to make us all more aware of what God is doing and wants to do in the world. We are going to be challenged beyond our abilities and stretched out of our comfort zones, but I can’t think of a better way to spend my year. I know it will make us depend more on God, and that’s the best thing we can be doing. – Celeste Williams

The Student Missions Committee is an eclectic group of students at Calvary who are studying a different variety of topics. Celeste herself is an Elementary Education major. There have also been Intercultural Studies, Pastoral Studies, Biblical Counseling and Music majors as part of this group. It doesn’t matter what your major is, you can be a part of missions at Calvary. Our first activity of the year will be coming up soon September 9 -10 as we volunteer at Belton’s Fall Festival. Be on the lookout for more updates about other outreach activities.

Calvary University Hires Full-time Intercultural Studies Faculty

Calvary University Hires Full-time Intercultural Studies Faculty

In keeping with our commitment to “…prepare Christians to live and serve in the church and in the world according to a Biblical worldview…” Calvary University has hired Joshua Paxton as full-time Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies. Josh has been working part-time for Calvary for the past three years and prior to that served with Avant Ministries in multiple capacities. Josh still serves with Avant as a mobilizer and his most recent ministry involvement has been networking with ministries to immigrants and refugees in the Kansas City area.

Josh Paxton

Josh playing with Syrian refugee children on a recent trip to Greece.

Josh brings a passion for cross-cultural understanding and missions to Calvary’s faculty. This summer he led 4 students on a two and half week trip to Greece (more on that to follow soon).

Calvary University is uniquely situated to prepare students for global engagement. We are surrounded in Kansas City by 63+ ethnic groups and 4 major mission agencies. Calvary has a long tradition of preparing Christians to share the message of the gospel with the lost cultures of the world and we are excited about how our Intercultural Studies Program will grow with Josh on board in his new capacity.