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What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, has recently been in the news for an on-campus revival. Thousands of people have hopped in their cars and made their way to Wilmore in hopes of seeing a move of God. Dr. Mike Dodds, Dean of the Calvary University Seminary, and a distinguished member of the Calvary Conversations team, was a student at Asbury when a similar event took place in the 1970’s.

How should Christians respond to the news of a revival? Should we hop in our cars and go? Should we be skeptical? Join the Calvary Conversations team as they discuss the important and exciting issue of revival.

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What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What do most people believe the Bible says? What do “evangelical” Christians believe the Bible says? And why are more and more Christians believing things the Bible does not really say—things contrary to the Bible and to what Christians have asserted to be the truth down through the centuries?

Join the Calvary Conversations team as they discuss “The State of Theology” survey findings and the implications for how we evangelize and teach biblical Christianity to others. 

Survey, Full Report: 

Survey Conclusions, Ligonier Ministries: 

Survey Conclusions, LifeWay:  

Survey Conclusions, The Gospel Coalition: 


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What is a healthy, biblical understanding of time?

What is a healthy, biblical understanding of time?

What is a healthy, biblical understanding of time?

Is time a blessing or a burden? Why has God placed us under a system marked by seasons and years? What does it mean to be good stewards of time?

Calvary University’s Shaun LePage led the Calvary Conversations team in a conversation about this important subject that impacts every human on the planet. The focus is on having a biblical worldview of time so that we can think rightly about it and use it well.

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How can a good God allow innocent people to suffer?

How can a good God allow innocent people to suffer?

How can a good God allow innocent people to suffer?

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions: Why does God allow suffering? Why does He allow cancer, hurricanes, pandemics, heart-break, war, etc.? Why doesn’t He fix His world?

The Calvary Conversations team explores these questions and more through the lens of the biblical worldview. What does the Bible teach about suffering? Has God already done something about it? What about the future? Whether you are new to Christianity or going through some challenges, we invite you to join us for this important conversation.  

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How can Christians celebrate the Christmas season with wisdom?

How can Christians celebrate the Christmas season with wisdom?

Christmas – “the most wonderful time of the year!” And yet it’s become loaded with a lot of unbiblical traditions and expectations. How should Christians respond? Which should we clearly avoid? Which should we engage with caution? And which should we employ with a clear conscience? 

Join Dr. Mike Dodds as he leads a discussion with the Calvary Conversations team—Tim Hange, Dr. Joshua Paxton and Shaun LePage—as they seek to bring some biblical sanity to the season and its celebrations.

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How can we avoid extremes in discipleship?

How can we avoid extremes in discipleship?

How do you know when you’re out of balance—over emphasizing some things while neglecting others? What are the dangers of forcing our priorities on other people? What does it mean to actually be “biblical”?

Dr. Joshua Paxton led a conversation with the Calvary Conversations hosts—Dr. Mike Dodds, Tim Hange and Shaun LePage—about this important subject and the importance of finding balance, setting priorities and living with tension between differing viewpoints.

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