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Is “He Gets Us!” an effective way to engage our culture?

Is “He Gets Us!” an effective way to engage our culture?

Is “He gets us!” an effective way to engage our culture?

The recent Super Bowl ads proclaimed, “He gets us!” What does it mean that Jesus “gets us”? Is that true? Is that the right message? The gospel message? Is it too short? Is it a distortion of the gospel? Is this an appropriate method for sparking conversation about Jesus?

Calvary University’s “Calvary Conversations” team discussed and debated the value and shortcomings of the “He Gets Us” ad campaign as well as some ways Christians can engage a post-Christian culture with the gospel message.

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Is the “He Gets Us” campaign a good presentation of the gospel?

Is the “He Gets Us” campaign a good presentation of the gospel?

Is the “He Gets Us” campaign a good presentation of the gospel?

During this year’s Superbowl, an ad entitled “He gets us”—an obvious Christian message—was aired. It got a variety of responses, both positive and negative. Were these ads effective? Were they appropriate presentations of Jesus and the gospel? Were they trying to correct misconceptions about Jesus, the Church, Christians? Were they seeking to encourage Christians to communicate Jesus and the Gospel more correctly?

Calvary University’s “Calvary Conversations” team—Dr. Mike Dodds, Dr. Tim Hange, Prof. Shaun LePage and Dr. Joshua Paxton—explore this subject together, looking for the positive and less-positive aspects of the “He Gets Us” campaign as well as the larger discussion of how to engage a post-Christian culture with the gospel message.

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The Pursuit of Learning for God’s Glory

The Pursuit of Learning for God’s Glory

Calvary University partners with professors who desire to glorify God and equip students to do the same. Dr. Timothy Hange is a direct example of this with a strong passion for life-long learning, rooted in a desire to love and honor the Lord. Critical thinking, thoughtful engagement, and the pursuit of learning have all contributed to Dr Hange’s philosophy of glorifying God and of teaching.

Dr. Hange is currently a professor in the English Department and has taught at Calvary since 2017. He recently earned his Doctorate in English Pedagogy and Technology and English Language from Murray State University. This has further equipped him to serve Calvary’s English Department and provides a direct example to students of honoring the Lord through lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity.

As a professor, Dr. Hange desires to share this perspective with his students by challenging them to think critically and establish their own perspective from the truth of the Bible. By integrating literature, he helps students to develop a biblical worldview that is both informed by the broad scope of humanity and founded on Scripture. Dr. Hange fosters and encourages this in his courses and by modeling constant learning.

“If we are to love the Lord with our mind, we are to be constantly open to learning.” Dr. Timothy Hange

Desiring to learn has significantly contributed to Dr. Hange’s testimony and many of his life experiences. After seeking to understand all major world religions, Dr. Hange was astonished to find Christianity to be the single and best explanation for reality; leading him to place his faith in Christ at twenty years old.

This directly impacted the course of Dr. Hange’s life as he pursued both knowledge and Christ. He earned a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems and business administration, working for fifteen years in software engineering, after spending time as a Youth Pastor. God drew the hearts of him and his wife, Karen, to the people of Russia, leading them to adopt two children from there in 2002 and spend years travelling and doing orphanage outreaches. Two years after moving to Moscow in 2007, Dr. Hange earned his master’s degree in teaching English. This allowed him to teach in Moscow for eight years, in which he continued to work with orphanages, serve in an evangelistic outreach program, and thoughtfully engage in the Russian culture.

Dr. Hange’s life is a testimony of how God uses the skills and interests He has given us for His glory. As he passionately continues to pursue learning, Dr. Hange instills in his students that diligent learning not only glorifies God, but also equips believers to share truth with others in extraordinary ways.

How should Christians think about “the worship wars”?

How should Christians think about “the worship wars”?

How should Christians think about “the worship wars”?

“I love the drums in church!” “I hate drums in church!” “I love the contemporary worship songs!” “I love the old hymns!” We call this the “worship wars” in churches—so much debate surrounds the music in our worship services. Why? When is criticism good and when is it not so good?

Calvary University’s Dr. Mike Dodds invited Dr. Ian Guthrie, Assistant Professor of Music at Calvary University, to explore this important subject of music and worship in our churches.



  • Westermeyer, Paul. Te Deum: The Church and Music. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1988.
  • Dawn, Mava J. Reaching Out Without Dumbing DownA Theology of Worship for This Urgent TimeGrand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1995.
  • MacArthur, John. Charismatic Chaos. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993.

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Should American Christians prepare for persecution?

Should American Christians prepare for persecution?

Should American Christians prepare for persecution?

Persecution of Christians has been a part of the history of the Church since its inception, but it appears to be getting worse. While we in America have been free from serious persecution for our faith, some say that it is coming even for us and maybe soon. How do we prepare for it? If it were to happen to us, how should we respond?

Calvary University’s Dr. Mike Dodds invited Pastor Reed Waggoner, author of Preparing for Persecution, to have a conversation about this important topic.


Open Doors Watch List 2023 
Churches Burned in India
Guest’s Book on Amazon

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What are the issues behind the conflict in Israel?

What are the issues behind the conflict in Israel?

What are the issues behind the conflict in Israel?

October 7, 2023: Hamas invaded Israel. Why? What did Hamas hope to gain? What are the causes of the conflict between not just Hamas and Israel but much of the Arab world and Israel?

Calvary University’s Dr. Mike Dodds—and the Calvary Conversations team—invited Dr. Teddy Bitner, who has 26 years’ experience in the United States Army including as a Colonel commanding a battalion during Operation Desert Storm, to discuss the historical background issues which have led up to this current conflict and some of the biblical and theological issues related to this current conflict in the Middle East. Dr. Bitner is currently Calvary University’s Chief Academic Officer and History Professor.

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