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Education Department Launches Intro to Graduate Studies Course

Education Department Launches Intro to Graduate Studies Course

Are you or someone you know considering graduate school?

At Calvary University, we’re committed to helping our students succeed in the transition to graduate studies. Consequently, we are now offering a new graduate course.

ED610 Introduction to Graduate Studies is now a prerequisite for all other graduate level courses in the Education Department. As stated in the syllabus, “This course introduces beginning graduate students to the skills necessary to complete graduate level academic research, writing, and presentation assignments. The course covers search strategies, resource evaluation, note taking, scholarly writing, mechanics of style, APA guidelines, presentation options, and associated technological skills.”

A key to success at the graduate level is being able to locate scholarly journal articles. Calvary’s librarian, Tiffany Smith, has prepared audio-visual materials to help new graduate students learn to conduct productive searches of Calvary University’s online research databases.

In addition to these practical skills, this course is also designed to help students navigate the paradigm shift from an undergraduate mindset to a graduate mindset. In particular, students will learn to become more focused on developing their critical reading, critical thinking, and scholarly writing skills as they analyze scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

After completing ED610 Introduction to Graduate Studies, graduate students should have the basic skills and mindset that will allow them to spend more time focusing on the content of their future graduate courses.

Dr. Mary Briggs, the chair of the Education Department who developed the course, said, “I am thankful for the amazing opportunity God has given us to further equip educators by providing biblically based graduate level studies to students living in various countries around the world.”


The Steps Before Us

The Steps Before Us

By Dedra Pease

Here we are at the end of another school year. This year has ended differently than anyone of us could have possibly imagined. Some are breathing sighs of relief that the days of distance learning at this time are done. Some are in a confused state wondering where March and April have gone. Some are handling life day by day.

Wherever you are, we are all making adjustments to our lives. Some of you are preparing to send a senior (high school or college) on to the next phase of their life, a job, trade school, or college. Some of you have an eighth grader preparing to enter high school. Fifth graders are stepping into a secondary school environment. Kindergarteners are taking a big step into first grade. Four-year-olds are plunging into kindergarten. As this so clearly illustrates, life is filled with moments of transition.

I am reminded of when I found out, forty years ago, that I was pregnant with our son. Fear began to well up. I did not feel prepared for this. I didn’t have the concerns of a difficult pregnancy, but fear of the delivery process loomed. When that day came and went, the fear of taking this helpless human home began to creep in. Then there were all of those typical parental concerns. You are never quite sure you are doing the right thing in the right way at the right time. Fear filled my thoughts.

As we all step into the next phase, whatever it looks like for you, remember what Jesus told His disciples. As He was preparing them for His physical departure, He said, “Let not your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1, ESV). Just as Jesus prepared His disciples, God has prepared each of us for the steps before us. Each stage has baby steps before the big leap. God has brought you to this place. As He told Joshua in Joshua 1:7, “Only be strong and very courageous . . .” (ESV). God has prepared you and He will go with you. Be strong, courageous, and do not let fear reign.


Mrs. Dedra Pease has just completed Calvary’s Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Leadership. Dedra’s Master’s Project included a series of devotions written to encourage the hearts of educators.

TESOL Equips Educators for Ministry

TESOL Equips Educators for Ministry

Calvary’s TESOL minor trains students for global career opportunities.

Calvary offers a minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), formerly titled ELL, that trains students in teaching English to non-English speakers. Calvary’s Director of International Student Support, Tim Hange, also serves as TESOL coordinator and teaches associated courses. Hange said, since the introduction of Calvary’s Warrior’s Choice program, the TESOL minor has “kind of mini exploded.” The number of students enrolled in the concentration has more than quadrupled with the innovation of interdisciplinary degrees.

Students have paired their minor in TESOL with minors in Bible and Theology, Education, and Intercultural Studies, among others. Hange said, “The idea of combining TESOL with Intercultural Studies in the Warrior’s Choice interdisciplinary degree is an excellent plan for those desiring to go overseas to serve people. [It trains them] in a way that is very practical that helps them build relationships and gives them a sphere of influence through which to share the gospel.”

Hange commented on the wide variety of options available to students trained in TESOL. “They graduate ready to go. They can teach in Thailand and the Thai government will pay them. There are so many opportunities overseas to be salt and light.” Beyond traditional public education, students have options to invest in other avenues, such as English outreach ministries and government orphanages.

Calvary’s position theologically, as well as physically at the Kansas City campus, equips them to address these education requirements with excellence. Hange said, “I think Calvary’s really uniquely positioned to offer a program that is well tailored for ministry.” Through involvement in local outreaches, such as Global FC and Refuge KC, students get experience with language learning. “Teaching somebody a language… means you’re going to have a high degree of interaction with that person… There is a closeness that develops that just gives you a very natural way to build relationships in settings where missions or Christianity might be distrusted.”

Calvary’s TESOL plan is “Rooted within a biblical worldview and is preparing [students], not just to teach, but also to minister.”

Local organizations give students experince with language learning.

TESOL students recieve educational training in demand worldwide.

Book Characters Come to Life!

Book Characters Come to Life!

Calvary student, Hannah Sorensen, reading “Madeline’s Rescue” to students at Blue Ridge Christian School. 

Calvary students enrolled in Teaching Elementary Literature donned costumes and presented a wax museum for the elementary students from Blue Ridge Christian School. Madeline visited from Paris, Tom Sawyer from Missouri, Jessie from Ireland and a host of others characters such as Amelia Bedelia, Nancy Drew, Miss Frizzle, and Camilla, the girl with stripes. Blue Ridge students were delighted with the presentations. According to Mrs. Rena Shaver, the 5 th grade teacher at Blue Ridge, “We are very fortunate to be able to work with you all. Your students were very well prepared and extremely professional! They only broke character when I (as the teacher) spoke to them directly.”

Calvary students enjoyed the experience as well and learned a lot about engaging with elementary students. Hopefully, the literacy connections will inspire them as they prepare to inspire the next generation of learners!

Join Calvary in the Philippines next Summer!

Join Calvary in the Philippines next Summer!

Serving orphans and “street kids” growing up in poverty

Calvary University’s Intercultural Studies, Education, and TESOL studies programs are teaming up to provide a conversational English program at Cuatro Christian Academy in the Philippines in the summer of 2020!

Cuatro is part of Kids International Ministry (KIM), a dynamic, Gospel-centered ministry that has specialized in serving orphans and “street kids” growing up in the poverty stricken areas around Manila.  Orphans, street-kids, and the children of Philippine believers study together in this unique environment nurtured by a committed Christian community.

Calvary faculty and staff recently visited KIM, stayed in their guest housing, and had the joy of interacting with Cuatro students at KIM’s orphan home.   We are EXCITED to take KIM up on this opportunity to serve.

We will be working primarily with students in the upper grades.  These students are taught in a dual-language environment, but need to have their conversation and pronunciation skills sharpened.  Your involvement could be a step in helping these students have opportunities outside of high school that can lift them out of poverty.  You will also have plenty of opportunity to interact with the children at the orphanage itself, as our group will provide devotionals and activities for these children as part of our service.

Our TESOL studies program at Calvary will be working with Cuatro to design the curriculum.   If you are willing to be trained in how to effectively lead a conversation group, and to raise the necessary support, we would love to have you apply!  Space will be limited to 12 total, with priority given to Education, TESOL studies and Intercultural Studies students.  

Calvary University’s Intercultural Studies, Education, and TESOL studies programs are teaming up to provide a conversational English program at Cuatro Christian Academy in the Philippines in the summer of 2020!

Click for Info about all the trips Calvary is offering this summer.

Dates: July 9-26, 2020
Location: Philippines
Cost: $2,500 (covers airfare, housing and meals)
Contact Tim Hange (below) to apply!

Contact Tim Hange

2 + 5 =

Introducing Ron Sharp, Dean of Students

Introducing Ron Sharp, Dean of Students

Calvary is excited to welcome Ron Sharp into the role of Dean of Students at Calvary, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a deep-rooted faith. His faith journey began in his early years, growing up within the church, but it wasn't until a pivotal moment...

MS Department Chair, Dr. Mike Dodds, Teaching Preaching Course to Pastors in Uganda

MS Department Chair, Dr. Mike Dodds, Teaching Preaching Course to Pastors in Uganda

September 12—19, Dr. Mike Dodds, the Ministry Studies Department Chair, is in Uganda teaching a course on preaching to Pastors from 5 different East African countries. Pictured are a number of the pastors and Dr. Dodds and the host Pastor Wellington Oliech, pastor of the Word of Life Church in Kampala, Uganda. Last year Dr. Dodds taught two courses (on Ministry and the Spiritual Life) to the same group of pastors. He had the opportunity to return this year to teach a course on preaching. Dr. Dodds commented that it is so spiritually challenging to him to be involved in the equipping of these Shepherds of God’s people in this area of the world.