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New Mattresses Arrive at Dorm

New Mattresses Arrive at Dorm

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

New mattresses

Mattress Purchase Funded by Auction

Back in March, our Feast and Fund Auction raised money for new mattresses for our dorm.  On Tuesday, July 17, the mattresses arrived!  Faculty, staff, and volunteers worked hard to haul out the old mattresses and move in the new ones.  Alumnus Stephen Buller brought a group from a youth camp to help for the day.  Part of the day’s work was also to bring some furniture from the old dorms over to the current dorm, because we have more students coming to use it!

Randy Grimm and Dr. Bitner added another old mattress to the stack.

Thank You

We are so grateful for each person at the auction who helped to fund this need.  The dorm students will benefit greatly!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Clay Shoot Benefits Calvary

Clay Shoot Benefits Calvary

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Last Friday 30 men and women took part in Calvary’s third annual Clay Shoot Benefit.  It was a windy day at Powder Creek Shooting Park in Lenexa, Kansas, but the Lord gave us pleasant temperatures and no precipitation.  I even heard that the wind made for a nice excuse if a participant happened to miss a shot!  Bushnell sponsored the event, and the team they fielded took first place.  The team from Olathe Bible Church came in second place.  Besides those teams, we also gave prizes to the top two shooters, the two shooters who made the most consecutive shots, and the shooter who needed the most encouragement.  Due to the generosity of many companies and individuals, we were also able to hand out dozens of door prizes.  All proceeds from the event will go toward student scholarships.

The Olathe Bible Church team which took second place

Ray Zuercher and Sterling Smith, the top shooters for the day

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Ryrie Lecture Series featuring Grant Hawley   October 24-27

Masterworks Chorus presents Elijah                November 10

Charis Schneeberger’s Senior Recital              November 18

Upcoming Soccer Games

October 26-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Joplin, MO

Upcoming Volleyball Games

October 27-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Dubuque, IA

Upcoming Basketball Games

October 30, 6:00 p.m. Men vs. Union at Home

November 3-4, Oklahoma Wesleyan Classic at Bartlesville, OK


President’s Dinner Celebrates 85 Years of Calvary

President’s Dinner Celebrates 85 Years of Calvary

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Last Thursday nearly 200 people gathered at the Memorial Station in Belton for Calvary’s annual President’s Dinner.  We enjoyed delicious prime rib from Silber Spoons Catering to celebrate our eighty-fifth anniversary.  We also listened to the Chorale sing two songs and watched a presentation about Calvary’s history.  In his Presidential Address, Dr. Cone looked back to the founding of Kansas City Bible Institute and a quote from Dr. Walter Wilson which referenced Luke 14:28. “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it.”  Dr. Wilson saw KCBI as a tower, and Dr. Cone reminded us that the tower is not finished yet.  There are still more men and women to train for the Lord’s service.

Dr. Cone gave the Presidential Address.

The evening’s offering went toward student scholarships.  We were blessed to hear testimonies from three students while sixteen others assisted the caterer with set-up, serving, and clean-up.  Randy Grimm presented the Hand-in-Hand award to Calvary alumni Dr. Mark and Brenda Pearson because of the financial support they have provided for many students over the years.

Randy Grimm presented the Hand-in-Hand award to Dr. Mark and Brenda Pearson.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Soccer Games

October 7, 2:00 p.m. vs. Lincoln Christian at Lincoln, IL

October 14, 3:00 p.m. vs. Barclay at Haviland, KS

Upcoming Volleyball Games

October 10, 7:00 p.m. vs. Ottawa JV at Ottawa, KS

October 14, 2:00 p.m. vs. Barclay at Home

Upcoming Calvary Events

Theatre Production:  Traveler in the Dark     October 12-15

Discover Calvary:  Visit Day      October 13

Outpour Youth Leadership Conference          October 19

Clay Shoot                                 October 20

The Third Commitment of the Advancement Dept.

The Third Commitment of the Advancement Dept.

Installment 3 of Calvary University’s Advancement Department seven commitments.  The third commitment I want to talk about today is:

  • Don’t make decisions without prayerful discernment.

What is the easiest and, at the same time, the hardest to do? The simplest, yet the loftiest? The weakest and most powerful?

It is prayer.  Our heavenly Father desires us, nay, commands us to do so.  Luke 18:1-8, which is the story of the persistent widow states, “Then he spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.”

Pretty straight forward that we should pray and not lose heart—we should persevere. Jesus Christ gave us examples as to how to do so.  Look in Matt. 6:5-18; Luke 11:1-4, 3:21 (the beginning of His ministry), 23:46 (His ministry ended in prayer).

He tells us in John 14:13-14, “And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”  This is not rubbing the magic genie bottle or the name and claim it.  If our walk is with our Lord and Savior, what we ask is going to be according to His will for us and others.

Nehemiah is a great example of prayerful discernment.  In chapter 1 he comes to God with a broken heart when he hears about Jerusalem.  He gives adoration to God, confesses the sins of Israel, states the promises of God to His people, recites former mercies of God to Israel, and then pleads for God’s favor in the eyes of the king for he is the king’s cupbearer.  In Neh. 2:2-7, the king asks Nehemiah why the sad countenance and Nehemiah explains it to him.  Then the king asks him, “What do you request?” “So I prayed to the God of heaven and I said to the King. . .”

Nehemiah pleaded with God in chapter 1 and then when the opportunity presented itself, he made his request, and it was granted above what he requested.

Whenever there is a need at Calvary that I must to present to people to support, I ask God for guidance as to who to approach and what to say.   Names come to mind or I notice other names in another task.

Spend time in prayer with God as He is your Father. He will guide and direct you. You talk with your earthly father, mother, wife, children, and friends right?  How much more should we talk with our Heavenly Father?

Don’t let your prayer life follow this destructive pattern:

  1. Hurrying through prayer so we can check off the box for the day.
  2. Then, the time spent in prayer is shortened & our inclination to pray dwindles.
  3. Prayer is crowded into a corner & depends on fragments of time.
  4. Finally, our duty has lost its importance.

Phil. 4:6-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Someone Else Paid For Your Freedom

Someone Else Paid For Your Freedom

You Can Help Support Education for Veterans, Soldiers, and Their Families

Calvary University (CU) administrators decided to offer the lowest tuition rate to a special group of people – active military personnel, veterans, and their immediate families (spouse & children). You can give generously to help CU sustain this program, but you may ask, ”What’s the impact?” During the 2016-2017 school year, 24 students were in this category and Calvary expects this number to grow with this new initiative. Join us and show your patriotism and your faith through a donation to Calvary University.  We need your support to sustain this special offering.

Anything But Free

A direct correlation exists between the soldier’s service and a society’s freedom; however, ironically, the soldier’s life is anything but free. When my lifelong friend and I graduated from high school, he chose to serve in the United States Navy to mitigate the expense of college. The slogan “See the World” misled many a recruit in those days who, later, would have been all over the world and seen only a few port cities.  “It’s not just a job. It’s an adventure.” This slogan left many a recruit wondering about the definition of “adventure.” For the most part, the inside of a ship or military base was what many soldiers experienced. I often hear a veteran’s tale about his or her unique service experience that sounds like anything but “freedom” to this civilian.

I remain grateful for the military service of my family and friends, and I hold special appreciation for the effort of every soldier. I learned respect for the women and men in uniform because they served for me by proxy. I believe this occupation deserves my admiration because I enjoy the freedom that was paid at a dear price (and not by me).

A Big Sacrifice

One who believes and follows Jesus Christ must recognize that freedom comes at the price of another. Jesus quoted Isaiah but fulfilled Scripture when He said, “He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives … to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). God’s Son did not provide liberty to the captives and to the oppressed by doing whatever He wanted. In fact, Jesus was limited to the narrow parameters of His Father’s plan for the redemption of sinful man (Matthew 7:21; 26:42; John 14:20). Believers know Jesus sacrificed His life’s blood for the atonement of sin. Many call this the “ultimate sacrifice”.

Soldiers face sacrifice at many levels including the possible “ultimate” one of life. Indeed, many men and women continually give as they work to resolve past experiences that present challenges in life moving forward. Without personal experience, I can only relate a few minor instances largely insignificant compared to a past warrior’s life.  According to the Defense Manpower Reporting Center more than 7% of all Americans have served in the military at some point in their life ( This fact leaves little doubt that most readers understand how soldiers give something of themselves during their military career. Like many of you, I empathetically understand what they give.

One might expect the price of freedom would prompt enough fortitude for citizens to appreciate what was accomplished through someone else. Paul argued, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). So it seems, the one “set free” must remain steadfast against the temptation to return to the former slavery.  Unfortunately, believers find themselves enslaved to sin. Soldiers often find their sacrifice means little to a free society.

The benefits afforded to soldiers through legal mandate seem like a small reward. My aforementioned friend found, after receiving his Good Conduct Medal, that his expert training had little civilian relevance. A college education was desired and needed and earned. Many mistakenly believe soldiers get free education through military benefits. This simply is untrue. Soldiers and veterans look for military friendly schools (like CU) that can make needed training affordable. Men and women of the armed forces deserve help from their brothers and sisters in Christ as we can relate to their gift.

A Call to Action

Please allow me this indulgence: On Independence Day 2017, celebrate by thanking your Savior and by thanking a Soldier. Prayerfully consider giving to CU so we can continue our Military Benefit program. Remember, someone else paid for your freedom. And, “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God” (1 Peter 2:16).

Calvary Hosts Belton Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Calvary Hosts Belton Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

On Tuesday Calvary hosted the Belton Chamber of Commerce for a luncheon in our Student Life Center.  Our own Joe Dapra prepared the food, and Dr. Skip Hessel, our Chief Development Officer, gave a presentation on intergenerational management.  He shared behavior characteristics of the different age groups and the most common issues in managing multiple generations within the workforce.  Events like this one are a fantastic way to build relationships and promote Calvary.  It is our pleasure to be a part of this community and to serve local businesses in this way.

Dr. Skip Hessel speaks to the Belton Chamber of Commerce.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator