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Should Evangelicals Stay Out of Politics?

Should Evangelicals Stay Out of Politics?

Should Evangelicals Stay Out of Politics?

An “evangelical” is a “good news proclaimer”! It’s a perfectly good word to describe those who take the Bible seriously and desire to “proclaim the good news” of Jesus Christ. But, in recent times, it has become politicized—evangelicals are now thought of by many as a voting bloc. So, many who would have at one time embraced the label “evangelical” now consider it an outdated word that has obscured the true mission and message of God’s people. What do you think?

In this Calvary Conversation, Calvary’s Shaun LePage, will lead the Calvary Conversations team—Drs. Tim Hange, Josh Paxton and Mike Dodds—to explore the question of whether evangelicals should give up their “activism” and mind their own business.

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Should evangelicals stop converting people?

Should evangelicals stop converting people?

Should evangelicals stop converting people?

Does everyone need to be converted to Christianity? Evangelicals say yes. It’s called “Conversionism”: the belief that lives need to be transformed thorough a “born-again” experience through faith in Jesus Christ. But not everyone is excited about this belief. It assumes everyone is a sinner—we’re not okay the way we are.

Dr. Joshua Paxton leads the Calvary Conversations team—Dr. Mike Dodds, Dr. Timothy Hange and Shaun LePage—in a conversation about this distinctive of Evangelicals listed by historian David Bebbington. How shall Christians be “evangelical” in a world that can easily be offended by conversionism? 

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Why do evangelicals believe the Bible is true?

Why do evangelicals believe the Bible is true?

Why do evangelicals believe the Bible is true?

How do we know what is true? The National Association of Evangelicals claims that most evangelicals believe in “biblicism.” They have a high regard for and obedience to the Bible as the ultimate authority. Where do Christians get this idea? Are they anti-intellectual?

Calvary’s Dr. Mike Dodds had a conversation with the Calvary Conversations team—Dr. Tim Hange, Dr. Joshua Paxton and Shaun LePage—about this important distinctive and why it is such a fundamental part of the definition of “evangelical.”  

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Was the Cross of Jesus “cosmic child abuse”?

Was the Cross of Jesus “cosmic child abuse”?

Was the Cross of Jesus “cosmic child abuse”?

The cross is an unusual choice for the symbol of a religion. It shows that the death of Jesus is one of the key beliefs of Christians—evangelicals in particular. But many today are asking whether we got it right—was Jesus our substitute? Was His death an atonement which satisfied the wrath of God? Some say this is akin to “cosmic child abuse.”

Dr. Tim Hange led a conversation with the Calvary Conversations Team—Dr. Mike Dodds, Dr. Joshua Paxton and Prof. Shaun LePage—about what is technically labeled as “crucicentrism.” Is the cross truly central to the Christian faith? Join us as we explore this important question, and we invite you to participate in the conversation using the links below.  

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What is an “evangelical” and is it a ruined word?

What is an “evangelical” and is it a ruined word?

What is an “evangelical” and is it a ruined word?

The term “evangelical” has a rich heritage in Church History, going all the way back to the Greek word behind “preaching” or “proclamation” in the Bible, up through the Reformation. But in modern U.S. culture, it has been linked to politics and is often used for people and movements that are unbiblical in their beliefs.

The Calvary Conversations team is asking the question, “Should we continue to call ourselves ‘evangelical’?” But the first important step is to ask, “What exactly is an ‘evangelical’?” Join us as we explore these important questions about the identity of God’s people in our culture.

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How can Christians celebrate the Christmas season with wisdom?

How can Christians celebrate the Christmas season with wisdom?

Christmas – “the most wonderful time of the year!” And yet it’s become loaded with a lot of unbiblical traditions and expectations. How should Christians respond? Which should we clearly avoid? Which should we engage with caution? And which should we employ with a clear conscience? 

Join Dr. Mike Dodds as he leads a discussion with the Calvary Conversations team—Tim Hange, Dr. Joshua Paxton and Shaun LePage—as they seek to bring some biblical sanity to the season and its celebrations.

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