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16th Annual Golf Tournament Held at Eagles’ Landing

16th Annual Golf Tournament Held at Eagles’ Landing

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Liz Simons participates in the Putting Contest.

God graciously kept the rain away from our 16th Annual Golf Tournament last Friday!  110 golfers played in the tournament, and several went home with prizes.  Calvary is grateful to all of the businesses and individuals who donated more than 50 prizes for us to give out to hole contest winners, winning teams, the winner of the putting contest, and those who claimed door prizes.  We are especially thankful for our major tournament sponsors:  MidAmericare & Patmos Healthcare, Heritage Benefits, Northland Sonic Drive-ins, and Prosperity Advisory Group.  Calvary could not have a successful fundraiser like this without the support of these businesses and others who sponsor holes and carts.  We definitely want to express our gratitude to each one who had a part in this tournament.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

2017 Alumnus of the Year

2017 Alumnus of the Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life


It is so encouraging to see Calvary alumni faithfully serving the Lord all over the United States and the world.  Last year’s Alumnus of the Year, Leandro Tarrataca, ministers thousands of miles away from Calvary in Brazil.  This year we didn’t have to travel nearly that far to find our honoree; in fact, the distance is probably measured better in feet!  Charlie Paine, pastor of Blue River Bible Church, has been Calvary’s neighbor since the church bought our chapel building in 1997, and we are delighted to honor him as our 2017 Alumnus of the Year.

Charlie graduated from Calvary in 1980 and immediately became pastor of Calvary Baptist Temple.  While the name and location of the church changed over the years, the pastor did not.  Today Charlie celebrated thirty-seven years of ministry at one church!  Because of that faithfulness and his close association with Calvary through the years as a student, advisory council member, Board of Trustees secretary, and adjunct faculty member, Pastor Paine undoubtedly deserves to be honored in this way.  Congratulations, Charlie!

Charlie Paine and I posed for a picture after Commencement.


Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Commencement Recap

Commencement Recap

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Gracia Burnham (Jones CA81) was the Commencement speaker

The biggest and final event of Commencement Week was, of course, the Commencement Exercises.  The ceremony took place at Graceway on Saturday, May 6.  This year we were delighted to have our very own alumna, Gracia Burnham, deliver the commencement address.  She impersonated a flight attendant giving instructions on using the oxygen mask, and she reminded the graduates that, just as with oxygen masks, one cannot give to others what one hasn’t already received.  She also spoke about faith using examples from Martin Burnham’s take offs and landings on a mountain airstrip in the Philippines.  When the diplomas were presented, thirty-nine graduates received their degrees.

One of my favorite moments during Commencement was when Eiliene Blake walked across the stage to a standing ovation.  Mrs. Blake attended Midwest Bible and Missionary Institute (a parent school of Calvary) back in the ‘50s and was just a few credits short of completing her three-year degree when she left school to get married.  She has served God faithfully for more than sixty years as a pastor’s wife, missionary teacher, mother, Sunday School teacher, and Bible study leader.  However, she always regretted not finishing her degree.  At the prompting of her children, we found that Mrs. Blake had already completed enough credits to earn an associate’s degree, and so she made the trip down from Michigan to join the Class of 2017!

Eiliene Blake (Crabdree) received her associate’s degree and a standing ovation.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

June 2    Calvary Golf Tournament

Baccalaureate: A Service and a Sermon

Baccalaureate: A Service and a Sermon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

On Friday, May 5, our graduates participated in the annual Baccalaureate Service.  This year’s speaker was James Payne, a 1987 Calvary alumnus and father of graduate Nick Payne.  Mr. Payne started his message by making sure we all understood the definition of “baccalaureate.”  He went on to remind the graduates that they have learned the truth during their time at Calvary.  Now they need to go out and seek wisdom through experience and applying their knowledge to “real life.”  Stay tuned for next week’s Part 3 when I will recap the actual Commencement exercises!

James Payne spoke at Baccalaureate.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

June 2    Calvary Golf Tournament

Crowds on Campus

Crowds on Campus

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Dr. Skip Hessel (far left) led a panel discussion for the Pastors’ Conference with the featured speakers.

There were crowds on campus April 20-21 as we held a Pastors’ Conference, hosted a Fine Arts Festival for Christian schools, and had the Music Department’s Spring Concert!  The total attendance for the Pastors’ Conference was 80, with the focus of the conference on apologetics.  Next year’s conference will be held April 19-20, 2018, so start making plans to attend. Over 500 students were on campus on that Friday for the Festival, which included music, art, theatre, speech, science, and math.  Many faculty members served as judges for the event in connection with Blue Ridge Christian School. Everyone was ready to relax and enjoy some good music by Friday evening when it was time for the Spring Concert, and the Music Department did not disappoint.

Joshua Stolberg (center) performed a solo as part of the Calvary Men’s Chorale for the Spring Concert.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Awards Chapel and Alumni Induction Luncheon

Awards Chapel and Alumni Induction Luncheon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Mrs. Pat Miller (left) presented the Biblical Counseling award to Judy Swartz.

As always, Commencement Week was a flurry of activity, all with the goal of sending our graduates off in a suitable fashion!  We held Awards Chapel on Thursday, May 4.  Each undergraduate academic department chose a graduate to honor, and non-academic awards such as character, ministry, missions, and sportsmanship were handed out as well.  The Seminary and Graduate School also presented the Zondervan Greek award and International Association of Biblical Counselors Certification.  After Chapel, several of the graduates and their families attended the Alumni Induction Luncheon.  I welcomed them to the alumni family and explained their new responsibilities and privileges.  We also took a few moments to recognize the spouses who have made sacrifices to “Put Honey Through.”

John Oglesby hands his wife, Sierra, her honey bear with a P.H.T. certificate attached for “Putting Honey Through.”

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

June 2    Calvary Golf Tournament