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Library and Academic Center on the Move

Library and Academic Center on the Move

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

The Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center will have a new home by the end of 2017.  Work has already begun to transform the former Seminary building into an updated space for research and study.  Some staff and faculty have spent the last few Tuesdays pulling up carpet, moving furniture, and painting walls, and a contractor will do some interior and exterior remodeling.  The new space will be smaller and require a decrease in the physical materials available, but as a result there will be an increase in technology and digital offerings.  The Clark Academic Center will have ample space for tutoring, and there will still be a classroom in the building.  The new location is much closer to the dorm which will be beneficial to on-campus students.  Please pray that the improvements will be completed in a timely manner, so that the move can be made as soon as possible.

Dr. Hessel, Joshua Paxton, Dr. Smith, and Dr. Bitner (l to r) removed carpet during a Tuesday Work Day.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Calvary Represented at IFCA International Convention

Calvary Represented at IFCA International Convention

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

During the last week of June, several Calvary staff and faculty traveled to the IFCA International Convention in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  It was a good time of fellowship, encouragement, and messages on the topic of “Always Reforming.”  Dr. Bitner gave a seminar on church security issues, and he, Dr. Hessel, Ginger Hessel, Randy Grimm, and Ruth Grimm represented Calvary throughout the week at our display table.  On Wednesday evening there was a gathering for Calvary alumni and friends with more than 35 in attendance.  Dr. Cone spoke at the first General Session and then spent the rest of the week as the main speaker for the IFCA Youth Convention in Upland, Indiana.

Dr. Bitner (center) shared with Calvary alumni and friends during a gathering at the IFCA International Convention.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Pray for Calvary Students and Watch God Work

Pray for Calvary Students and Watch God Work

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Every summer I ask you to pray for students, and this year is no different.  First of all, please ask God to send us new students who desire to glorify Him, and ask Him to clear their paths of any obstacles that stand in the way.  Secondly, pray that all of our returning students would be able to do just that – return.  Ask God to provide for them financially and protect them from harm.  Finally, pray that He will be preparing all of the students for what He wants to accomplish in and through them in the upcoming school year.

Students, faculty, and staff ate lunch in the Student Life Center during the “CU in the Fall” event held in April.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Family Literacy Program Receives Book Donation

Family Literacy Program Receives Book Donation

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Calvary’s Education Department has started a Family Literacy Program, and it received a big boost recently.  The Belton School District donated a large amount of books and even delivered them to our campus!  Angie Smith, a current education student and the Family Literacy Program Office Manager, now has the task of culling books that will be useful for the program.  The mission of the Family Literacy Program is to encourage lifelong learning through teaching literacy strategies to children and their families.  The program currently provides resources and tutoring while they plan other activities for the future.

Rose Henness, Assistant Professor of Education, and Angie Smith pose with the donated books.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Education Still Happens on Quiet Summer Days

Education Still Happens on Quiet Summer Days

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

This is the time of year at Calvary when hallways are extra quiet.  The dorm parking lot is empty, and the Madison Hall parking lot has more empty spaces than full.  Many faculty members are enjoying a much-needed break, and it seems like at least one staff member is on vacation each week.  However, summer is not what it used to be.  Evening and online classes are still happening in June and July, so don’t let the relaxed, quiet appearance fool you!  Summer is still a time for learning at Calvary University.

“I have set my rainbow in the clouds…” Genesis 9:13a

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Calvary Hosts Belton Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Calvary Hosts Belton Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

On Tuesday Calvary hosted the Belton Chamber of Commerce for a luncheon in our Student Life Center.  Our own Joe Dapra prepared the food, and Dr. Skip Hessel, our Chief Development Officer, gave a presentation on intergenerational management.  He shared behavior characteristics of the different age groups and the most common issues in managing multiple generations within the workforce.  Events like this one are a fantastic way to build relationships and promote Calvary.  It is our pleasure to be a part of this community and to serve local businesses in this way.

Dr. Skip Hessel speaks to the Belton Chamber of Commerce.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator