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The Homegoing of a Warrior and Friend: Well Done, Harry Waterhouse

The Homegoing of a Warrior and Friend: Well Done, Harry Waterhouse

by Dr. Christopher Cone

I met Harry Waterhouse not long after I was appointed as president of Calvary. He had written the fascinating history of Calvary, entitled, The Making of a Warrior – a book that was tremendously helpful to me as I sought to truly understand Calvary’s history and legacy. Harry’s work chronicles the school’s journey from its founding in 1932 until recent days. I remember being so excited to talk with him and gain an even greater historical perspective. Harry did not disappoint.


In that first conversation I was struck by his vitality, energy, and sharpness – I did not believe him when he told me his age. I pray that if God allows me the longevity He allowed Harry, that God would also allow me to be as effective as was Harry – he was just remarkable.


As time passed, I also got to know and appreciate Harry’s incredible generosity and kindness. He was readily willing to give of his time and energy to bless those God put in his path. It was very evident that Harry loves the Lord, he loves the Lord’s work, and he loves the Lord’s workers. Even though Harry is now at home with the Lord, I refer to him in the present tense, because I have no doubt he still carries those traits with him even now in the Lord’s presence.


I am so thankful for Harry’s ministry to Calvary these many years – both with the radio station and with the school – but more personally, I am deeply thankful for his investment of time in me and my family. I every context I saw him, Harry was a faithful steward of the time and skills God had given him.


Harry reminds us in his book about how God built Calvary, and he showed me in his life what a true Calvary Warrior looks like. I thank God for Harry’s example and for his friendship. I pray that God will encourage and strengthen Harry’s family as they will surely miss him. We all look forward to seeing him again soon. May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word (2 Thess 2:16-17).


Fall Sports Teams Exhibit Sportsmanship

Fall Sports Teams Exhibit Sportsmanship

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

One of the best aspects of playing sports, in my opinion, is the opportunity to develop good character qualities and sportsmanship.  One can learn a number of lessons through athletics, and those lessons can be applied to life off the court or field as well.  That is one of the reasons Calvary has an athletics program!  Due to that fact, our coaches work with their players on more than just strategies for winning.  One way to measure success in that area is the sportsmanship displayed during the heat of a game.  During the conference tournament each year, the Midwest Christian College Conference hands out Sportsmanship Awards.  We are pleased to announce that both our men’s soccer team and women’s volleyball team received those awards this fall.  Praise the Lord for students who are playing for Him!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Basketball Games

November 10, 5:30 p.m. Women vs. University of St. Mary at Home

November 14, 5:00 (Women) & 7:00 p.m. (Men) vs. Kansas Christian at Home

November 16, 7:00 p.m. Men vs. CCCB at Moberly, MO

November 17, 6:00 p.m. Women vs. University of St. Mary at Home

Upcoming Calvary Events

Masterworks Chorus presents Elijah                          November 10

Charis Schneeberger’s Senior Recital                        November 18

The Sounds of Christmas: Music Dept. Concert         December 1

WinterShorts Acting Recital                                       December 2

Free Grace and Dispensationalism

Free Grace and Dispensationalism

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Last week Calvary hosted the second annual Charles Ryrie Lecture Series.  The featured speaker this year was Grant Hawley, pastor of Bold Grace Fellowship and director of Bold Grace Ministries.  He spoke in four chapel services on free grace and dispensationalism.  Grant has written several books on these topics, and, furthermore, he is a member of the Free Grace Alliance Executive Council and the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics.  After sharing his daily message, Mr. Hawley also answered questions from the students.  The goal of the lecture series is to help our students articulate doctrine as well as put it into practice in their lives.  Thus, it is named after Dr. Ryrie because of his God-given ability to explain theology in simple terms.

Grant Hawley, speaker for the 2017 Charles C. Ryrie Lecture Series

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Volleyball Games

November 3, 12:00 p.m. vs. Maranatha Baptist at Watertown, WI (NCCAA Regional Championships)

Upcoming Basketball Games

November 3, 4:00 p.m. vs. Southwestern at Bartlesville, OK (Men)

November 4, 5:00 p.m. vs. Oklahoma Wesleyan at Bartlesville, OK (Men)

November 6, 7:00 p.m. vs. Panhandle State at Goodwell, OK (Men)

November 11, 2:00 p.m. vs. Champion Christian at Hot Springs, AR (Women)

Upcoming Calvary Events

Masterworks Chorus presents Elijah                November 10

Charis Schneeberger’s Senior Recital              November 18

Clay Shoot Benefits Calvary

Clay Shoot Benefits Calvary

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Last Friday 30 men and women took part in Calvary’s third annual Clay Shoot Benefit.  It was a windy day at Powder Creek Shooting Park in Lenexa, Kansas, but the Lord gave us pleasant temperatures and no precipitation.  I even heard that the wind made for a nice excuse if a participant happened to miss a shot!  Bushnell sponsored the event, and the team they fielded took first place.  The team from Olathe Bible Church came in second place.  Besides those teams, we also gave prizes to the top two shooters, the two shooters who made the most consecutive shots, and the shooter who needed the most encouragement.  Due to the generosity of many companies and individuals, we were also able to hand out dozens of door prizes.  All proceeds from the event will go toward student scholarships.

The Olathe Bible Church team which took second place

Ray Zuercher and Sterling Smith, the top shooters for the day

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Ryrie Lecture Series featuring Grant Hawley   October 24-27

Masterworks Chorus presents Elijah                November 10

Charis Schneeberger’s Senior Recital              November 18

Upcoming Soccer Games

October 26-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Joplin, MO

Upcoming Volleyball Games

October 27-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Dubuque, IA

Upcoming Basketball Games

October 30, 6:00 p.m. Men vs. Union at Home

November 3-4, Oklahoma Wesleyan Classic at Bartlesville, OK


“Traveler in the Dark”

“Traveler in the Dark”

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

The cast of Traveler in the Dark: (l to r) Christy Stone, Corey Ruehling, Jon Van Pelt, and Aaron Clabough

Calvary University Theatre presented four performances of Traveler in the Dark last weekend.  With only four characters in the cast, each one had many lines to learn, and they did a terrific job!  Of course, there were many people who had a part behind the scenes, and they each contributed to the success of the show.  Corey Ruehling played Dr. Sam Carter, the play’s titular “traveler in the dark.”  The other characters were his wife, son, and father, and the play is all about their relationships.  Mrs. Pat Miller, our Biblical Counseling Department Chair, had this to say about the show, “What I like most about this play is the title! We are all travelers in the dark without the Light of the World – Jesus. We often lose our way and stumble in the dark. Only in the truth of God will we ever be set free.”

The Carter family: (l to r) Everett, Sam, Glory, and Stephen

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Soccer Games

October 20, 4:00 p.m. vs. Alumni at Practice Field (More info.)

October 26-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Joplin, MO

Upcoming Volleyball Games

October 20, 6:30 p.m. vs. Alumni at Home  (More info.)

October 27-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Dubuque, IA

Upcoming Calvary Events

Ryrie Lecture Series featuring Grant Hawley   October 24-27

Masterworks Chorus presents Elijah                November 10

Charis Schneeberger’s Senior Recital              November 18

Upcoming Basketball Games

October 30, 6:00 p.m. Men vs. Union at Home


Representing Calvary on the Court and in the Church

Representing Calvary on the Court and in the Church

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Coach Ashley Spicer, Paige Specht, Alyssa Splitter, Tasha Krahn, C.J. Lewallen, Kristen Jolly, Kaela Gingrich, Tori Stahr, Arianna Erixson, and Alyssa Krestan sang during the service.

Last Sunday our women’s volleyball team and Zeb Green, a member of the men’s basketball team, traveled to Graham Union Church in northwest Missouri to take part in the morning service.  They were invited by Randy Grimm, Calvary’s Chief Operating Officer, who is also the pastor of the church. The team sang a few worship songs just like they do before and after their matches.  Zeb and each of the ladies shared how they came to attend Calvary and what they like about the school.  Though Graham Union Church is small in numbers, they are generous supporters of Calvary.  For several years, they have provided scholarships for students, and they enjoy getting to meet students and hear how God is working.

Zeb Green

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Theatre Production:  Traveler in the Dark          October 12-15

Outpour Youth Leadership Conference             October 19

Clay Shoot                                                           October 20

Ryrie Lecture Series featuring Grant Hawley    October 24-27

Upcoming Volleyball Games

October 14, 2:00 p.m. vs. Barclay at Home

October 17, 6:00 p.m. vs. Manhattan Christian at Manhattan, KS

October 20, 6:30 p.m. vs. Alumni at Home  (More info.)

Upcoming Soccer Games

October 14, 3:00 p.m. vs. Barclay at Haviland, KS

October 17, 4:00 p.m. vs. Kansas Christian at Home (613 W Mill, Belton, MO)

October 20, 4:00 p.m. vs. Alumni at Practice Field (More info.)