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Graduate’s Father Speaks at Baccalaureate

Graduate’s Father Speaks at Baccalaureate

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

As is traditional at Calvary, the father of one of this year’s graduates spoke at the Baccalaureate Service on May 4.  Steve Wong is the senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Belmont, California, and the father of Karinna Wong.  He challenged the graduates to face their fears, because God is more powerful than any fear with which they struggle.  2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  Reverend Wong also did a great Cowardly Lion impression!

Reverend Steve Wong


Baccalaureate is a service of worship and dedication held on the day before Commencement.  Graduates and faculty wear regalia and walk in procession.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Golf Tournament                    June 1

Awards Chapel and Alumni Induction Luncheon

Awards Chapel and Alumni Induction Luncheon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Awards Chapel

On May 3 the Graduation Week festivities began with Awards Chapel.  Awards were presented by the different academic departments to deserving graduates.

Graduate Level Bible & Theology Award Recipients, Monique Spalding (l) and Karl Seele (r), with Dr. Tom Baurain

There were also non-academic awards for things like Christian character and Christian ministry.

One of the Christian Character Award Recipients, Tasha Krahn (middle), with Cory Trowbridge and Arely Perez

This year we created a new award called “Who’s Who at Calvary University,” and eleven undergraduates and seven graduate level students were the first to receive it.

Two of the Who’s Who at Calvary University Award Recipients, Koku (l) and Akpene (middle) Akakpo, with Dr. Bitner

Graduates who excelled with high grade point averages were presented with their cords to wear with their regalia.


Alumni Induction Luncheon

Following Awards Chapel, we invited the graduates to attend the Alumni Induction Luncheon.  We enjoyed a delicious taco bar from Silber Spoons Catering!

Graduates, family, and friends enjoying the Alumni Induction Luncheon

Then I presented Alumni Association certificates to each graduate in attendance.  I also took some time to recognize the spouses of the graduates for what they have done to “put honey through.”  As I welcomed the graduates to the alumni family, I informed them of the benefits and responsibilities that come with that distinction.  Dr. Hessel shared a brief word from the Development Department, and Jeanette Regier showed the new alumni what kind of family they are joining by sharing specific examples of Calvary alumni.


Athletic Director Jeanette Regier speaking to the graduates

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Golf Tournament                    June 1

Spring Concert Presented by Music Department

Spring Concert Presented by Music Department

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Last Friday the Calvary University Music Department presented the Spring Concert at Blue River Bible Church.

Brittany Hill, Hailey Bair, Daniel Huxman, and Zach Burnham sang “Holy” and were accompanied by Un Chong Christopher.

The evening began with a hymn medley performed by an instrumental ensemble.  Other instrumental pieces were sprinkled throughout the program as well as several vocal ensembles.

Sarah Bourdess and Bethany Franklin played “Danse macabre.”


We enjoyed vocal solos by Tim VanderWoude, Charis Schneeberger, Hailey Bair, Brittany Hill, Corey Ruehling, and Zach Burnham.  The evening ended with three songs by the Chorale.

The Chorale was directed by Jeremy Schell. (Front row: Charis Schneeberger, Alyona Hassenplug, Grace Murphy, Katherine Figuera, Deborah Clipperton, and Karla Aponte) (Back row: Christopher Stolberg, Levi Hoey, Kelvin Mwendia, Joshua Freerksen, Joel Chappel, Andrew Barnes, and David Allen)

We appreciate all of the hard work by students, faculty, and staff to prepare for this concert, and we thank the Lord for the blessing of music.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital                               April 27

SpringShorts Acting Recital                                        April 28

Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital                         April 29

Awards Chapel                                                            May 3

Baccalaureate                                                             May 4

Commencement                                                         May 5

Library and Academic Center Move to New Location

Library and Academic Center Move to New Location

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

The Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center have a new home!

Boxes of books waiting to be shelved in the new library

Back in July we announced that they would be moving to the former Seminary building; however, that was not God’s ultimate plan.

Students loading up boxes from the old library

Following a months-long process, Calvary recently purchased the former Heart & Soul Church which is right next to our new Student Life Center (dining hall) on the south edge of the campus.  April 19 was moving day!  Classes were canceled so that students, faculty, staff, and some alumni could all assist with moving furniture and thousands of books.

Moving in to the new library

The new-to-us building has space for the computer lab, study areas, offices, and, of course, lots and lots of books.  We are excited about how God has put together this additional campus space piece-by-piece over the last six years!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Also on April 19, Dr. Luther Smith spoke to Christian leaders at the conference we held at Blue River Bible Church.

Upcoming Calvary Events

Music Department Spring Concert                             April 20

Race to the Philippines                                               April 21

Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone                      April 21

Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital                               April 27

SpringShorts Acting Recital                                        April 28

Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital                         April 29

Awards Chapel                                                            May 3

Baccalaureate                                                             May 4

Commencement                                                         May 5

Emily Wirth Presents Senior Recital

Emily Wirth Presents Senior Recital

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

“To our great God, ruler of everything and lover of each one – Thank you for guiding me through all the twists, turns, bumps, and potholes on my long journey through college.” ~ Emily Wirth

Emily (Heitz) Wirth

Those words were the first part of the acknowledgments in the program for Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital on Sunday.  During her long, winding path to graduation, Emily has studied under Paul Vander Mey, Cheryl Clark, Dr. Haekyung An, and Dr. Tom Stolberg.  Completing her Senior Recital is another step on the path, and it is a good example of perseverance, especially for those who may have given up on their dreams of finishing college.  Emily was accompanied on the piano by Christopher Stolberg, and she sang pieces by Handel, Scarlatti, and Schubert among others.  She plans to use her degree by teaching voice and piano lessons, performing, and composing music.  To God be the glory for how He has brought Emily to this place!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Logan Brothers’ Senior Recital                                   April 14

Christian Leaders Conference                                    April 19

Music Department Spring Concert                             April 20

Race to the Philippines                                               April 21

Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone                      April 21

Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital                               April 27

SpringShorts Acting Recital                                        April 28

Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital                         April 29

Awards Chapel                                                            May 3

Baccalaureate                                                             May 4

Commencement                                                         May 5

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Calvary students, faculty, and staff had the privilege of hearing from U.S. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler during an chapel on Friday, April 6.  She started out by greeting us as “mighty warriors” in reference to the story of Gideon from Judges 6.  She was especially pleased to find that we are indeed the Calvary Warriors! 

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler


The congresswoman then spent time sharing about how God called her to be a representative and placed the desire in her heart from the age of five.  She said that the United States needs people with a biblical worldview to run for office.  In her opinion, politics has become largely a fight over what is right and what is wrong.

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler answers a question from John Oglesby.

Furthermore, Congresswoman Hartzler used Scripture to encourage us to “Go, Fight, Win.”  Like Gideon, we should go in the strength we have.  We also need to remember the mission (based on Isaiah 61) and expect opposition.  God will give us the strategy, and we need to rely on Him for courage.  She explained the correlation between “courage,” “discourage,” and “encourage” while challenging us to give others courage (encourage) and display courage to trust in God.  Finally, the congresswoman urged us to stand our ground, put on the full armor of God, and work with all our hearts.

What a blessing to have a Christian representing our part of Missouri!  May God continue to use Vicky Hartzler in Washington, D.C.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital                                       April 8

Hailey Bair’s Master Recital                                       April 9

Retirement Reception for Dr. Keith & Pat Miller       April 13

Logan Brothers’ Senior Recital                                   April 14

Christian Leaders Conference                                     April 19

Music Department Spring Concert                             April 20

Race to the Philippines                                               April 21

Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone                      April 21

Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital                              April 27

SpringShorts Acting Recital                                        April 28

Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital                         April 29

Awards Chapel                                                            May 3

Baccalaureate                                                             May 4

Commencement                                                         May 5