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Christmas Devotionals: Day 6- Christmas Alien

Christmas Devotionals: Day 6- Christmas Alien

Christmas Alien

“. . . as aliens and strangers . . . keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles.” (1 Peter 2:11-12)



Over the years my appearance has changed from a slim, young man to a well-rounded, older man—with a white beard. Add to this visage rosy cheeks from cold weather and a dark red stocking cap from my wife to bring warmth to my thinning white hair and you see a striking resemblance to Jolly Old St. Nick. So, Christmas shopping and dining trips dressed like this brings me stares from young children as if they were seeing some kind of “alien”—a being from another place and time yet somehow familiar to them!

Once dressed like this while eating dinner at a popular restaurant after holiday shopping, I noticed a young girl staring at me and whispering something to her mother. She eventually got up, walked over, and asked if I were the “real” Santa Claus. I smiled and spoke softly, “Mrs. Claus and I are out on a date before I make my long trip. I would appreciate it if you would keep this between us. It might cause a fuss if everyone knew who I am. Are you being a good girl for mom and dad tonight?” She smiled and nodded vigorously as her mother mouthed, “Thank you!” The young lady touched my hand as if to ascertain I was “real” then returned to her family.

Believers in Jesus Christ should struggle with the whole “Santa Claus” dilemma—living like beings from another place and time yet somehow still familiar to others because of our “good deeds.” That evening I looked like an “alien” to that young girl, yet I tried to act with a gentle and jolly disposition for her sake (1 Peter 2:12). God expects His followers to interact with the rest of the world in a way that is observable and good—like aliens, yet good ones.  Let the world see that we are different; let them know we are “aliens” because of our relationship with the Christ of Christmas!


Dr. Skip Hessel, Chief Development Officer

Christmas Devotional: Day 5- One Size Fits All

Christmas Devotional: Day 5- One Size Fits All

One Size Fits All

“The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people.” (Luke 2:10)



Like most children, I was just giddy at Christmas time. With great enthusiasm, I would sneak under the tree to see what toys and games had my name on them (I think this was the start of my waking at 4 am every morning). So when I started getting things like shirts and pants, I felt let down—grownup gifts were no fun! As the years went on, the grownup gifts continued, and then one year my kids gave me some cool socks with bright colors and designs. I almost felt young again—notice I said young, you see I never stopped being a kid! Even dads could wear these socks, for as the tag pronounced: “One size fits all.”


That comfortable phrase, “one size fits all,” reminds us of the best gift of Christmas—the good news that Jesus came for everyone. The angel’s announcement to the shepherds of “good news . . . for all the people” was said to people not generally thought of as ones in higher society. And Magi from the east, people at the other end of society, were guided by a star to worship the newborn King. The Christ-child was born for all people—kings and peasants.


Jesus teaches us just how much the father loves us, and invites “whoever believes” to come to Him. The humble act of faith in Christ grants eternal life to those who trust Him (John 3:16).  If Jesus were just for the poor and marginalized, or only for the celebrated and privileged, many of us would not qualify. But Christ is for everyone, regardless of status, financial situation, or social standing. He is the only gift truly fit for all.


David Allen, Special Events Coordinator

Christmas Devotional: Day 4- Where is Your Heart? Giving or Getting

Christmas Devotional: Day 4- Where is Your Heart? Giving or Getting

Where is Your Heart – Giving or Getting?

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son . . .” (John 3:16)



When you think of Christmas, do you think like a child? Most children focus on what they want to get for Christmas—what’s the latest toy or the cutest doll or the softest stuffed animal. Maybe even the latest style of boots! But as we mature, we begin to focus more on what we want to give rather than what we want to receive.

I know many times I’ve looked around as we opened our gifts and saw that I had several packages to open up. I was kind of surprised by that—I had been so focused on what I was giving someone else that I hadn’t really thought about what I might get that day.

This heart attitude should be true of Christians. As we grow and mature as believers, we shouldn’t be so focused on what we can get from our Savior, but on what we can give to Him. True, we want to always be aware of the gift of salvation that we have received, but instead of continuing to demand more and more from God, we should be focused on what we can give to Him—our love, our honor, our service, our praise, and thankfulness. Instead of always only “asking” like spoiled children, let’s focus on giving back to Him who gave His life for us.

Ephesians 4:14-15 – “… that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ” (NKJV)

Ruth Grimm, Director of Publications

CU Grad, Adrion Roberson Impacting Kansas City Youth, Gets Surprise Help From Patrick Mahomes

CU Grad, Adrion Roberson Impacting Kansas City Youth, Gets Surprise Help From Patrick Mahomes

KANSAS CITY – It started with a call from Kansas City Football and Cheerleading (KCFC). Adrion Roberson and the ministry he co-founded — KC United — has rented football helmets and shoulder pads from KCFC for years. The football equipment is for KC United’s sports and education initiatives for youth in the Kansas City area.

“Just come down to Dick’s (Sporting Goods) on Tuesday,” someone from KCFC told him. “We can’t tell you what’s going to happen, but it will be a blessing.”

When Roberson arrived, with 15 of his players, there were several reporters from various news outlets. “I had no idea what was going on,” he said.

As the players lined up for a team photo, Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, stepped from behind a backdrop for a surprise visit. “Chiefs on three,” Mahomes said before any of the kids realized he was there.

“They never gave us a hint,” Roberson said. “We kept seeing all this media, but we didn’t know.”

Roberson’s ministry, KC United, a youth sports and education initiative, was nominated by KCFC for a grant from Dick’s. “Every one of the kids got a $125 gift card, some food and next thing we know Patrick Mahomes came out. It was amazing. The Chiefs have always been there for us. They provide us with athletic trainers, our kids get to play in a halftime game at Arrowhead, and then this thing with Mr. Mahomes…” laughed Roberson.

In addition, KC United was presented with a $5000 donation. “Nobody understands! This was the hardest year; a lot of adversity,” said Roberson. “This check helps us pay off this season. It’s always been God!”

A 2013 graduate of Calvary University, Roberson credits Calvary for preparing him for this ministry. “I’m proud to say I went to Calvary. This work is happening because of the teaching I got at Calvary. In 2011-2013 there weren’t too many people out there who looked like me, but they didn’t hold that against me. They just taught and allowed me to bring my story to the classroom. I was always the oldest dude in the classroom too. At the end of the day no one can teach you the hands-on stuff. But, you won’t find out how much you love Jesus until you find out how you can deal with people.”

KC United, based in Wyandotte County, officially began ten years ago under Roberson’s leadership, but its roots go back even further.

“I coached youth football for about 20 some years,” explained Roberson. “Then we started a league out here in Wyandotte County, and that expanded to more than 30 teams. KC United now offers year-round after-school sports and educational development. It’s a ministry for us — a very unorthodox ministry, but sports and the arts is what kids here do.”

“We’re trying to do community development — tactical, tangible touches of Christ. Places of impact. We’re just watching God change the face of Wyandotte County,” he said. In addition to KC United, Roberson started “Game Changes,” a parent and guardian developmental initiative with the goal of breaking the poverty mindset. Roberson is on the core teaching team at Kansas Leadership Center, and is also serving as program chair for the 2018 Your Leadership Edge trainings in Kansas City. And if all this isn’t enough, he serves as co-pastor of the Berean Fellowship Church in Kansas City.

For more on the surprise visit from Patrick Mahomes, see this link to The Kansas City Star.

Click here for a recent story on Adrion Roberson in The Flatland — KCPT’s digital magazine.

Kansas City Chief’s quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, surprised Calvary alumnus Adrion Roberson (background above) and kids from KC United last week with a visit and a grant. Each student received a $125 shopping spree.
Calvary alumnus Adrion Roberson fights back the tears (above) as Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, presents Roberson with a $5,000 grant from Dick’s Sporting Goods for KC United. Roberson started the youth and education initiative more than 10 years ago in Wyandotte County. Mahomes spent time with the kids from KC United, helping them pick out apparel from Dick’s Sporting Goods (below).
Christmas Devotionals: Day 3- It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas Devotionals: Day 3- It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

“But the angel said to them, “I bring you good news of great joy . . . there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)



In 1963, Andy Williams recorded one of the most popular Christmas songs: “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” While the lyrics speak of activities totally unfamiliar to the holiday celebrating today, its continued popularity is no doubt due to the remembered and the hoped-for fun times with family and friends during the Christmas season.

This was so true of my family and traditional expectations for Christmas. Two weeks before the day, my grandmother would begin making her treats for the feast to come. She filled the house with Christmas décor: candles, nativity scenes, garland, Christmas tree lane, and the always admired scene under the Christmas tree: a gingerbread house in a snow-covered forest with a deer pulling Santa’s sleigh off the roof.

And the most wonderful part of it all was the presents! I was usually so excited about the presents I didn’t eat much dinner and would have to go back and snack after the presents were opened. It was all truly “the most wonderful time of the year.”

While I will forever treasure these memories as a child, I am now a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and now realize we were missing a key aspect. We neglected the most wonderful reason to gather together and celebrate. Christmas was the moment God became a man so that He could save us from sin and grant us eternal life in Him. Is there anything more wonderful to celebrate?!

Andy Williams was not wrong when he sang, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year; however, it’s the most wonderful time of the year because Jesus Christ came into the world so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! May your Christmas be “the most wonderful time of the year” celebrating with your family the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

James Dykmann, MABT Degree Major

Blizzard Extends Thanksgiving Break

Blizzard Extends Thanksgiving Break

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

A true portrait of Calvary life this week wouldn’t be accurate without mentioning “The Blizzard.”  Winter Storm Bruce hit Kansas City on Sunday, November 25, the day many students, faculty, and staff were returning from Thanksgiving break.  Because of the treacherous driving conditions, classes were canceled and offices closed on Monday and Tuesday.  However, our maintenance team was hard at work clearing campus roads and sidewalks.  Thankfully temperatures rose above freezing on Wednesday, and thawing has begun!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Women’s Basketball Games

December 1, 6:00 p.m. vs. Union at Lincoln, NE

December 4, 5:00 p.m. vs. Ozark Christian at Joplin, MO

December 8, 12:00 p.m. vs. Trinity Bible at Ellendale, ND

Upcoming Men’s Basketball Games

December 1, 8:00 p.m. vs. Union at Lincoln, NE

December 4, 7:00 p.m. vs. Ozark Christian at Joplin, MO

December 8, 4:00 p.m. vs. Austin Peay at Clarksville, TN

Upcoming Calvary Events

Ana Sharp’s Theatre Capstone                       December 1

Christmas Concert                                          December 7

WinterShorts (Acting Recital)                         December 8

Sarah Bourdess Master’s Recital                    December 13

End of Cycle 3                                                 December 14

Upcoming lux voces Performances

December 2, 10:30 a.m. at Lawson Bible Church in Lawson, MO