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Introducing Ron Sharp, Dean of Students

Introducing Ron Sharp, Dean of Students

Calvary is excited to welcome Ron Sharp into the role of Dean of Students at Calvary, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a deep-rooted faith. His faith journey began in his early years, growing up within the church, but it wasn’t until a pivotal moment during a revival service in 1976 that the gospel truly resonated with him. From that moment on, Ron’s life became a series of steps of faith in following Christ, leading him toward discipleship and mentorship.

With a B.A. from Southeastern Louisiana University and an M.A.T.S. and an M.R.E. from Liberty University, Ron’s career took him through Christian publishing and eventually to the role of mentor, both formally and informally. He developed a passion for discipleship through his interactions in college and later as an advisor at various institutions.

Ron’s approach to mentoring is marked by a belief in the importance of maintaining availability and genuine care. He emphasizes the importance of personal growth and development, seeing progress and maturity in his mentees as they navigate through life’s challenges. Ron shared that although he’s passionate about witnessing growth in students’ lives, his commitment extends beyond graduation, desiring to see students flourish long after they leave campus.

“I’m excited about the present—seeing the transformation and maturing that takes place. But more than that, I ask them, ‘What are you going to become? What are you going to do with all that you’ve learned?’”

As Ron steps into his new role as Dean of Students, he is excited to interact with students on a deeper level, both inside and outside the classroom. He sees Calvary’s weekly chapel services as a cornerstone of the campus community and is eager to foster an environment where students can grow spiritually and academically. Ron’s vision for Calvary encompasses a holistic approach to education, integrating faith and learning in a way that impacts not only the present but also shapes each student’s future.

With his experience, passion, and unwavering faith, Ron Sharp looks forward to making an impact as the new Dean of Students at Calvary, guiding students on their journey of faith and education with wisdom and compassion.

The Pursuit of Learning for God’s Glory

The Pursuit of Learning for God’s Glory

Calvary University partners with professors who desire to glorify God and equip students to do the same. Dr. Timothy Hange is a direct example of this with a strong passion for life-long learning, rooted in a desire to love and honor the Lord. Critical thinking, thoughtful engagement, and the pursuit of learning have all contributed to Dr Hange’s philosophy of glorifying God and of teaching.

Dr. Hange is currently a professor in the English Department and has taught at Calvary since 2017. He recently earned his Doctorate in English Pedagogy and Technology and English Language from Murray State University. This has further equipped him to serve Calvary’s English Department and provides a direct example to students of honoring the Lord through lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity.

As a professor, Dr. Hange desires to share this perspective with his students by challenging them to think critically and establish their own perspective from the truth of the Bible. By integrating literature, he helps students to develop a biblical worldview that is both informed by the broad scope of humanity and founded on Scripture. Dr. Hange fosters and encourages this in his courses and by modeling constant learning.

“If we are to love the Lord with our mind, we are to be constantly open to learning.” Dr. Timothy Hange

Desiring to learn has significantly contributed to Dr. Hange’s testimony and many of his life experiences. After seeking to understand all major world religions, Dr. Hange was astonished to find Christianity to be the single and best explanation for reality; leading him to place his faith in Christ at twenty years old.

This directly impacted the course of Dr. Hange’s life as he pursued both knowledge and Christ. He earned a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems and business administration, working for fifteen years in software engineering, after spending time as a Youth Pastor. God drew the hearts of him and his wife, Karen, to the people of Russia, leading them to adopt two children from there in 2002 and spend years travelling and doing orphanage outreaches. Two years after moving to Moscow in 2007, Dr. Hange earned his master’s degree in teaching English. This allowed him to teach in Moscow for eight years, in which he continued to work with orphanages, serve in an evangelistic outreach program, and thoughtfully engage in the Russian culture.

Dr. Hange’s life is a testimony of how God uses the skills and interests He has given us for His glory. As he passionately continues to pursue learning, Dr. Hange instills in his students that diligent learning not only glorifies God, but also equips believers to share truth with others in extraordinary ways.

Introducing New Microcredential Programs

Introducing New Microcredential Programs

Calvary University is excited to announce a new enrollment option for the upcoming fall semester that makes biblical education even more accessible: Microcredentials. Designed to equip Christians for effective leadership and service, each Microcredential program includes a specialized set of courses that are tailored to meet the unique needs of today’s Christian community. 

Microcredentials are short, flexible programs that offer targeted learning opportunities in specific areas of interest. Unlike traditional degree programs, which require a significant time commitment, Microcredentials are structured around just three to four courses each. This allows individuals to acquire valuable skills and knowledge in a shorter period, making them ideal for working professionals, non-traditional students, and lifelong learners. Plus, accredited courses can count towards a degree at Calvary University or transfer to other institutions through articulation agreements, ensuring your investment if you decide to continue your education. 

Our Microcredential offerings reflect Calvary University’s commitment to preparing Christians to live and serve according to the biblical worldview. With flexible learning options and focused course offerings, we empower students to navigate the complexities of the modern world while remaining grounded in timeless biblical truths. Whether through courses in biblical studies, theology, or corporate culture, students gain the practical skills and knowledge needed to lead with integrity, compassion, and wisdom. 

For the believer seeking to enrich his or her ministry or a professional looking to integrate faith and work, Calvary University’s Microcredentials offer an effective and efficient pathway to practical growth and impact. Check out our Microcredential options and enroll today to start this fall! 

Jeremy Schell: His Years of Service at Calvary

Jeremy Schell: His Years of Service at Calvary

“I have loved being inspired by my students.”

“I met Jesus in 1991 in my parents’ living room,” Jeremy states, remembering his first authentic encounter with God. Although Jeremy had been attending church for years, his beliefs were centered on his parents’ instead of his own. But, on an August evening of that year, Jeremy surrendered his life to Jesus, inspiring him to glorify God with his gifts in music and leadership ever since. “It started with me just serving at my church in a simple way, like playing the piano during Sunday services; but this eventually expanded into me receiving leadership roles. I served as the director of our orchestra, children’s choir, choir, and led worship, and then became a staff member.” Jeremy was hired at what was then Kansas City Baptist Temple in 2004; when God opened the door to become full-time in 2006, Jeremy was hired as the worship director, and then moved into pastoral ministry.

“When I was approached about joining Calvary’s teaching staff, I was excited to instruct students in their paths to future careers in ministry and music.” When thinking about his favorite memories at Calvary, he states: “My favorite memory teaching culminated the year we performed John Rutter’s Requiem at St Paul’s Episcopal church. We delivered our concert to standing-room only and the audience felt alive as we performed beautiful melodies and lyrics of this gorgeous work. Beyond that, I have fond memories of multiple chorale tours and countless evenings spending time with my students, talking about life with them until the early hours of the morning.” He adds, “I have loved being inspired by my students. This has happened in two ways: the first being when a student goes on to bigger and greater things in their career; this makes me feel privileged to have played a part in their training. Second, when I have witnessed “light-bulb moments” in my classroom. I have so much enjoyed watching the very moment my students catch a concept! These have been some of the most rewarding moments in my years of teaching.”

In the near future, Jeremy looks forward to continuing pastoring and leading teams at Graceway Church while also having more quality time to spend with his family: “As our children get into advanced sports, I’ll get to see a lot of volleyball, baseball, and basketball games in my future, and I am looking forward to being there during those special moments!” Jeremy is grateful for the opportunity and honor he has had to teach at Calvary for the past nine years, serving students and sharing with them what God has taught him: “It has been a special honor to conduct the Calvary Chorale, lead Calvary’s praise band, and teach in classrooms and studios with men and women of God who are excited about what God is going to do with their lives, gifts, and talents.”


Teaching Today’s Generation: Abigail Stolberg

Teaching Today’s Generation: Abigail Stolberg

Abigail Stolberg is a recent graduate of Calvary University who is equipped to teach today’s generation.

“I look forward to taking hold of every opportunity God has for me.”

Abigail Stolberg graduated this spring with a degree in Secondary English Education and a minor in Theatre Arts. Originally from Ogallala, Nebraska, she served at Calvary as a Resident Discipleship Director in the dorms, and performed in several Calvary productions, while directing others. Along with these roles, Abigail states that she has always had a desire to be a teacher: “I love working with people to help them learn, especially when it is something I’m passionate about.” 

Abigail says that her time at Calvary supplied her with many tools to help her gain success, both practically and personally: “I am grateful for the education department and the high standard of excellence they hold. I’ve done practical preparation to obtain the skills needed to be a good teacher, and I feel well-equipped to enter the field of education. Now, I’m passionate and excited about representing Christ by doing excellent work for Him.”

Abigail recounts that when she first started at Calvary, she was riddled with anxiety, homesickness, and fear. Throughout those challenges, she shares, “I was so grateful for the community at Calvary; even though I was afraid, I didn’t have to be alone. One of my friends encouraged me to pray, not just when I was anxious or afraid, but regularly, and when I did, my life transformed.”

She also adds that the biblical foundation Calvary instilled throughout her education has been “absolutely invaluable” to her personally, and has helped prepare her for the future: “The emphasis on serving the Lord in everything we do is something I try to carry into the classroom each day. Through my relationships within the Christian community at Calvary, I’ve been encouraged and pushed to know Christ better and to be more like Him.” 

During her years at Calvary, Abigail served in various leadership positions, including the Nikao Leadership Institute and the Residence Life team. These programs helped her gain firsthand experience in leadership roles, building relationships, and gaining new perspectives: “I’ve learned from some incredible mentors who have been and who continue to be very influential in my life. This has made me a stronger leader.”

Today, Abigail is eager to get into a classroom of her own and start implementing everything she has learned from Calvary. Now that she has gained the knowledge and experience needed to enter her career field, she states: “I expect to put into practice the skills I’ve gained, and grow both personally and professionally. I want to serve, love, and teach people, and I look forward to taking hold of every opportunity God has for me.”



Alumna Alisha Joyce provides holistic education

Alumna Alisha Joyce provides holistic education

“Every day I’m thankful for the biblical education I received at Calvary 

Alisha Joyce graduated from Calvary University in 2017 with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education before getting her Master’s in Special Education from Bethel University. For the last four years, she has been teaching at Providence School of Art in Kansas City.

Providence incorporates all kinds of different learning styles in all their classes. “The reason that we do that,” Joyce explained, “is because we really believe that it’s important to equip students with a varied experience in education. We really want to reach the whole child and give them not only academics, but also the arts because we believe that all the skills that they learn in their art classes help form the skills that they learn later in life— it equips them for whatever God has for them in the future. The arts provide a lot of experience in problem-solving, learning how to work with other people, and communication skills. All of those things are really important for people to learn in general, so we made a point of including that in our school.”

Another thing which makes Providence unique is the demographic of their students. “Our school is specifically designed to reach students from a variety of different educational backgrounds,” Joyce said. “So that’s why I ended up with a lot of students in my class whose needs might be a little different than what might be considered a typical learner.”

Even in the non-arts classes, the teachers at Providence try to incorporate creativity in their lessons. “I teach the advanced class,” Joyce said, “I have the fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade students. I’m not an arts teacher, I’m just a regular classroom teacher. I do math, science, and all those things. But we do try to incorporate as much as we can of creativity and movement a lot. If you look around, it’s not a very typical classroom. It has a trampoline— that is an actual seat that students sit in. We’ve got all kinds of different seating options just because we believe in meeting children where they’re at and then helping them learn what they need to learn.”

Joyce said that she is thankful for what she learned at CU. “We teach Bible classes here, and I feel like every day I’m thankful for the biblical education I received at Calvary because the kids will ask me the craziest questions, and I feel like if I didn’t go to a college that had those Bible classes I feel like I would be like, ‘Uhh, you should really talk to your parents about that,’ because I would have no idea how to answer it… But I have been able to discuss those things with them because of the truths that I learned while I was at Calvary.”

Joyce then talked about how she sometimes questions whether she’s where she is meant to be. “I think that once you graduate and you start a career there’s this tendency to question, ‘Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? Is this really what God has for me?’” She then continued, saying, “Because everything can seem so mundane after a while. I’ve been working at this school for four years now— I mean a lot has changed, they do keep me on my toes here— but, when you’re getting up every morning to go to work, it’s like, ‘Is this really what God has for me? I thought it would be more exciting than this.'”

But in the middle of the mundane, she is able to take joy in how she sees God working in the kids’ lives. “I’ve gotten to do so many cool things, gotten to walk with these kids through so many big things in their lives… I’ve been with the same kids all along.” Joyce says that every year there’s at least one moment where she thinks, “This is it. This is why I’m here.” Whether it’s a conversation with one of the kids, providing the students with the support they need, or helping to provide a safe space, like Providence, where they can learn and grow. “Because I’m here, I can provide that for them.”