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The mission of Calvary University Press is to create and disseminate the highest quality academic and educational resources. We share the University’s uncompromising commitment to Biblical truth as the essential core of transformational education.


The Interdisciplinary Journal on Biblical Authority (IJOBA) exists to provide a platform for Christian thinkers to articulate the biblical worldview concerning issues in their chosen discipline as well as to evaluate trends and topics within that discipline using the biblical worldview. Its articles and reviews are intended to encourage Christian thinkers in their chosen fields to remain faithful to Christ and the biblical worldview.

Dr. Mike Dodds

Dr. Mike Dodds

Th.M., D.Min.

Director of CU Press


Click the links below to see an archive of Calvary University Press’s published works.

Submission Guidelines

Click the links below for submission guidelines for books and journal articles.


Fair use laws allow writers to quote sections from other authors’ work as long as the source information is provided. However, reproducing a large portions of copyrighted material (for example, posting an entire IJOBA article online without permission) is a violation of copyright (see Copyright Laws for specific guidance).

If you want to make photocopies from a CU Press book OR an IJOBA article for a class, Bible study, church group, or Sunday school, you may make up to 30 copies of a single page (or up to 250 words) provided that all of the following four conditions are met:

  1. It is distributed only within your class or church group,
  2. It is distributed free of charge,
  3. It is not uploaded online, and
  4. The source information (author, book title, publisher, copyright year) is
    cited/attributed on each copy.

If your desired usage exceeds these limits, fill out the following permissions form below, outlining your request. Please allow up to 4 weeks for a response.

We’re glad to serve you in this way. Thank you for your interest in CU Press.

Permissions Request Form

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A word from the director:


We welcome reviews of our books and journal articles. If you would like a review copy of a CU Press publication or to consider for use in a classroom setting, please contact us.

Contact CU Press Director

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