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Calvary University recently approved the initiation of a chemistry minor, the first in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) field.  The first class will be offered fall 2020.  Classes will consist of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and analytical chemistry.  Minors in math and biology will be started later.  These minors provide the foundation for a career in a STEM field, including medicine, veterinary science, and dentistry.

All classes will be offered in the blended format – on campus, live-streamed, and online.  Laboratory experiments will consist of traditional and non-traditional formats.  There are two non-traditional formats.  The first consists of experiments conducted remotely on the student’s schedule using a lab kit.  Experiment results are entered into the Calvary learning management system using cloud-based software.  The second non-traditional format will consist of an approximately one-week module on campus.