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Calvary University Blog

What can you do if you’ve “got questions”?

What can you do if you’ve “got questions”?

What can you do if you’ve “got questions”? Do you have questions about God, the Bible or Christianity? Shea Houdmann, as a new graduate of Calvary Seminary in 2001, decided to pose that question to the world. He created and offered to provide answers...

Sharing Thankfulness

Submit a comment below to share what you are thankful for... “It is good to give thanks to the Lord And to sing praises to Your name, Most High”Psalm 92:1

What will be the “signs” of the end of the Church Age?

What will be the “signs” of the end of the Church Age?

What will be the “signs” of the end of the Church Age? “And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end . . .  And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will...

How do we know what we think we know?

How do we know what we think we know?

How do we know what we think we know? Can we really know what is true? How do we know what we think we know? In other words, what is the worldview of Postmodernism and on what is it based? Calvary’s Dr. Joshua Paxton invited Calvary University graduate student, Joshua...

What’s the best way to minister to children?

What’s the best way to minister to children?

What’s the best way to minister to children? Anyone following the news about concerns over school curriculum, traumatic events at schools, adult agendas being pushed on children and youth in schools and in the community, and the documented mental health crisis being...

How can Christians be faithful in a negative world?

How can Christians be faithful in a negative world?

How can Christians be faithful in a negative world? At one time, the Church in America lived in a positive world—a culture that was positive toward the Bible, respected clergy, and considered the Church to be a force for good in the world. But times have changed. We...

How should Christians react to cultural changes?

How should Christians react to cultural changes?

How should Christians react to cultural changes? Since the 1960’s, Americans have seen numerous social norms change or disappear. What is the impact of this? Does it mean freedom from outdated ideas or does it create new problems? Surely some norms need to change, but...

Alumni Association Award Recipient: Martha Olango

Alumni Association Award Recipient: Martha Olango

"Martha’s ministry has reached thousands of people with the gospel."  Martha Olango was this year's Alumni Association Award recipient due to her outstanding ministry impact in Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in East and Central Africa.   Martha’s ministry journey...

What are the pitfalls of gaming?

What are the pitfalls of gaming?

What are the pitfalls of gaming? Throughout history, people have played games. But today’s “gaming” options are more abundant than any other time in history. This raises questions for many: Are there pitfalls to some games, but not others? Are there “fake” pitfalls to...

Should Christians go to college?

Should Christians go to college?

Should Christians go to college? For a Christian young person graduating from high school, should a Christian college be the obvious next step? Should Christians go to non-Christian universities—is that ever a good idea? How does the rising cost of college factor into...

Are YOU being seduced by unbiblical ideas?

Are YOU being seduced by unbiblical ideas?

Are YOU being seduced by unbiblical ideas? What are the most seductive ideas being embraced by Americans? This question was recently explored by the Arizona Christian University’s Christian Research Center. They then released The American Worldview Inventory 2023: A...

What if an archeologist found the bones of Jesus?

What if an archeologist found the bones of Jesus?

What if an archeologist found the bones of Jesus? According to the recent Ligonier “State of Theology” study 10% of those who self-identify as “evangelical” disagree with the statement: “Biblical accounts of the physical (bodily) resurrection of Jesus are completely...

Is there anything good about gaming?

Is there anything good about gaming?

Is there anything good about gaming? Why would the Chairmen of two Christian university departments waste their time on gaming? Shouldn’t they be studying, writing and lecturing? Shouldn’t they be discouraging their students from participating in pointless activities?...

Is it healthy for a Christian to doubt?

Is it healthy for a Christian to doubt?

Is it healthy for a Christian to doubt? Is there really a God? Is the Bible really His perfect revelation? How can God be good when He allows people to suffer? Especially when we are going through difficult things, it is common to experience doubt. Is that wrong? Is...

Willy Wonka: Calvary’s Spring Theatre Production

Willy Wonka: Calvary’s Spring Theatre Production

This spring, Calvary University’s Theatre Department will be exploring a world of pure imagination! Willy Wonka is based on Roald Dahl’s 1964 book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The story follows five children who each find a golden ticket and are granted the...

Ashley Beach: Writing Stories for a Higher Purpose

Ashley Beach: Writing Stories for a Higher Purpose

"People have told me how much my stories have impacted their lives and I hope to continue to impact more people and point them to Christ." Ashley’s home was in Denver, CO, where she grew up in a Christian home and came to faith as a child. During her growing-up years,...

Why does God sometimes feel distant?

Why does God sometimes feel distant?

Why does God sometimes feel distant? How can a loving God allow evil and suffering in the world? This is a sticking point for many who choose not to believe. Christians, however, choose to believe that God has a purpose in what he plans and in what he allows.  There...

What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

What is the biblical response to the news of revival?

What is the biblical response to the news of revival? Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, has recently been in the news for an on-campus revival. Thousands of people have hopped in their cars and made their way to Wilmore in hopes of seeing a move of God. Dr. Mike...

What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What is “The State of Theology” in America?

What is “The State of Theology” in America? What do most people believe the Bible says? What do “evangelical” Christians believe the Bible says? And why are more and more Christians believing things the Bible does not really say—things contrary to the Bible and to...

Faith Stuns Calvary 74-75 in Tournament Loss

Faith Stuns Calvary 74-75 in Tournament Loss

The CU basketball team came up short on Thursday afternoon as Faith edged Calvary 74-75 in the quarter-final round of the MCCC Tournament. The Warriors were led by Jamal Smith who finished the day with 30 points and five boards.  Jonah Murr contributed 17...

Warriors Edge Saints in Conference Tournament

Warriors Edge Saints in Conference Tournament

The women's basketball team picked up their first win of the post-season with a 49-45 victory over Central Christian College Thursday morning in Haviland, KS.   With today's win, the Warriors have improved to 11-12 on the season."It was great for the team to...

Jojo Wilkes Hired as Head Volleyball Coach

Jojo Wilkes Hired as Head Volleyball Coach

"What an honor and a gift it is to be at Calvary as the head volleyball coach." Dr. Alex Granados, president of Calvary University is pleased to announce Jojo Wilkes has been hired as the new Women’s Head Volleyball Coach at Calvary University. The former Faith...

Jeremy Schell: His Years of Service at Calvary

Jeremy Schell: His Years of Service at Calvary

"I have loved being inspired by my students." "I met Jesus in 1991 in my parents' living room," Jeremy states, remembering his first authentic encounter with God. Although Jeremy had been attending church for years, his beliefs were centered on his parents' instead of...

What is a healthy, biblical understanding of time?

What is a healthy, biblical understanding of time?

What is a healthy, biblical understanding of time? Is time a blessing or a burden? Why has God placed us under a system marked by seasons and years? What does it mean to be good stewards of time? Calvary University’s Shaun LePage led the Calvary Conversations team in...

How can a good God allow innocent people to suffer?

How can a good God allow innocent people to suffer?

How can a good God allow innocent people to suffer? It’s one of the most frequently asked questions: Why does God allow suffering? Why does He allow cancer, hurricanes, pandemics, heart-break, war, etc.? Why doesn’t He fix His world? The Calvary Conversations team...

Why would anyone want to be an MK?

Why would anyone want to be an MK?

Why would anyone want to be an MK? What is it like to grow up as a missionary kid (MK)? How does it shape the way kids see the world? How does it impact their faith? James Gleaves has some stories to share. Calvary University’s Dr. Joshua Paxton invited Gleaves—a...

How can US missionaries partner other national leaders?

How can US missionaries partner other national leaders?

How can US missionaries partner other national leaders? The benefits of partnering with indigenous leadership for global missions are enormous. But those benefits can be eclipsed by several and various problems. Dr. Joshua Paxton invited Shawn Haynie, Director of...

Why are North American missions necessary?

Why are North American missions necessary?

With all the great needs around the world, why should anyone consider serving in North America? This is the question posed by Dr. Joshua Paxton to three leaders of North American mission agencies—Jon Hansen, Doug Clark and Dr. Henry Vosburgh. Their conversation not...

How can we avoid extremes in discipleship?

How can we avoid extremes in discipleship?

How do you know when you’re out of balance—over emphasizing some things while neglecting others? What are the dangers of forcing our priorities on other people? What does it mean to actually be “biblical”? Dr. Joshua Paxton led a conversation with the Calvary...

How can Christians help resolve conflict?

How can Christians help resolve conflict?

“How could I ever help anyone with a personal problem? I wouldn’t know what to say or where to turn for finding good advice to share! And if it’s a conflict situation, for sure I would be at a loss!” Every Christian knows this dilemma but also needs to have wisdom for...