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Get Volume 1 of The Warrior’s Pen

Get Volume 1 of The Warrior’s Pen

The first volume of The Warrior’s Pen is now available for download.

The editorial board has been hard at work, editing, compiling, and designing this issue. We are incredibly excited to bring you the best writing from Calvary students. This first issue includes essays, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Please visit The Warrior’s Pen page to download a copy and see what our students have been up to.

The Warrior’s Pen, a journal published annually by Calvary University since 2021, is dedicated to providing Biblical worldview-driven articles and works from all fields of discipline for the edification of God’s people with the purpose of glorifying Him. This journal’s contents are provided solely by the students, staff, and faculty of Calvary University. It is our prayer that those who read this journal will share and enjoy the articles and works and be built up in the truth of God. Occasionally a contributor may say some-thing that in content or tone does not reflect the opinions, practices, or positions of Calvary University.

All CU students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to submit work (academic papers and creative writing) for inclusion in The Warrior’s Pen.

Contact Thomas Crank or Mike Dodds for further information.

Special thanks to Mike Dodds, Tim Hange, and Amanda Harman for their hard work on the editorial board. Also a great big thank you to all the students who submitted work for publication.

What is the CAC?

What is the CAC?

As I write this article, snippets of dialogue between one of my tutors and his client trickle down the hall. They are passionately discussing an essay, figuring out the best way to word a particularly troublesome sentence. This conversation reminds me of countless other conversations that testify to the ministry of the Clark Academic Center (CAC).

In a recent email, for example, one student wrote, “Thank you so much for the guidance on my paper! I was able to fix all the needed areas and have the paper turned in within an hour. […] I will definitely use the CAC for help in the future.” Another student told me in person that she was absolutely humbled by the amount of help the CAC tutors were providing her. I assured her it was a free service and we her happy to help.

Our Mission

What exactly is the ministry of the CAC? Maybe you’re new here—a new student or a new faculty member. Or, perhaps you’ve been here for a while but have never visited the CAC. Let me briefly detail some of what we do here. Then, come and see for yourself.

Our mission is simple, but we take it seriously:

The Clark Academic Center is a ministry-minded student service whose main focus is helping students succeed academically.

Our Goals

Did you catch that? Our job is to make you successful. How do we do that?

We meet the mission by . . .

  1. Providing tutorial assistance for college coursework and related academic skills
  2. Helping clients at Calvary University and other Calvary sites with documents in any stage of the writing process, in any discipline, in any medium, and in any genre
  3. Accommodating students with learning disabilities as recommended by the DSS Coordinator
  4. Serving the Calvary University community with academic support services
  5. Modeling the Christian walk in academic service and mentoring clients spiritually to affect spiritual growth alongside academic growth

Our Tutors

Our tutors are highly-trained students, who actively build their skills in a variety of subject areas. The tutors have to take the equivalent of a three-credit hour training course during their first semester of work, in addition to weekly professional development meetings.

Our Services

Most of our clients come in for help with writing, but we can serve in any academic area. Here’s a short list of things we’ve helped students with just this semester:

  • Brainstorming, planning, writing, and reviewing essays
  • Learning time management skills
  • Understanding and applying Turabian and answering difficult Turabian questions
  • Tutoring math
  • Proctoring tests
  • Reading textbooks out loud to students who are auditory processors or who have special needs

What else can the CAC do for you? The possibilities are virtually endless. It never hurts to ask. Need help with something? Give us a call at extension 1402.


New Stuff, Same Commitment to Serving You

New Stuff, Same Commitment to Serving You

Welcome in the New!

Hi there! I’m Thomas Crank, the Director of the Clark Academic Center (CAC) at Calvary University.

We’ve got a lot of new here at Calvary University, and the CAC is no exception.

Here’s a snapshot of all the changes—just in the last year:

  • New Academic Center Director
  • New building for the CAC and Library
  • 6 new tutors
  • New Training Program
  • New Webpage (in development)
  • New Logo

Rest assured, however, that despite all the changes, the CAC stays firm to its commitment to serving you in any way we can. In fact, that’s our mission: “The Clark Academic Center is a ministry-minded student service whose main focus is helping students succeed academically.” For a full list of our goals and services, check out our new homepage here.

Let me show you around a little, introduce you to the new, exciting things God is doing in the CAC.

New Director

After adjuncting for the English department for a couple of years, I was hired in August 2017 as the new CAC Director, so Dr. Terri Stricker could move into the role of English Department Chair and begin building a new English Major.

Directing the CAC is a dream job for me. I worked in a writing center for three years (2006–2009) to pay for my undergraduate education. That experience was so life changing that I pursued a MA in Composition and Rhetoric: Writing so I could continue teaching and mentoring writers.

Upon graduating with my MA (2011), I earned a certificate in teaching English as a foreign language from Wheaton and moved to China to teach English for a year at a university. I settled back in the States in 2012 and opened my own tutoring company while teaching at Blue Ridge Christian School part time. I taught Bible, English, creative writing, and cartooning at Blue Ridge before moving to Calvary full time in August 2017.

I write and publish books on writing, and I am currently pursuing an MA in Bible and Theology at Calvary before pursuing a PhD in English. My research interests include teaching writing, creative writing, metaphor, and Biblical creation studies.

New Building

The CAC is nestled in the back corner of the new Library & CAC building. We have gorgeous glass windows that provide natural lighting perfect for a relaxing study environment. The CAC is equipped with two computers for our clients. One of these computers is outfitted with dictation software.

We have a small library of writing, grammar, and reading books, along with various study resources. We are about three yards from the nearest library bookshelf.

The CAC also features a Disability Support Services (DSS) office, which houses the DSS assistant along with a quite study room for students who need testing accommodations or a private study room.

One enormous benefit to being located inside the library is the close proximity to the library’s study room and computer lab. Students are a few steps away from access to a tutor from anywhere in the library.

New Tutors

We have six new tutors at the CAC and one returning head tutor. A DSS Assistant will be added to the team in Fall 2018. I’ll introduce you to our new staff in the coming months. For now, know that these guys and gals are dedicated to serving the Calvary community, dedicated to professional development and training, and dedicated to serving their Lord. We have an outstanding team.

New Training Program

This year the CAC implemented a new training program, which launched in the summer with an all-day training event, followed by a semester of reading and writing assignments—the equivalent of a 3-credit hour training course.

The training is supplemented by weekly staff meetings and individual mentoring by the head tutor and CAC director. When the program ends, the CAC staff does not stop their professional development. Instead, they will set personal professional development goals, staying up to date on academic center theory and practice.

A comprehensive digital professional development library is being created to provide tutors with cutting-edge journal articles, training and tutoring resources, training videos, and more.

The staff manual was expanded and updated with 20+ pages of policies, procedures, training, resources, and troubleshooting information.

New Webpage

We are in the process of building a new webpage off the main library page. This new page will provide easier access to CAC-specific resources for the Calvary community. Check out the new page here.

Same Commitment to Serving You

The CAC is standing by to serve you, the students, faculty, and staff of Calvary University. Please let us know how we can help. If you have any comments or suggestions, please email us or call extension 1402.