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Shaun LePage: Are you prepared for the challenges of ministry?

Shaun LePage: Are you prepared for the challenges of ministry?

Are you “prepared” for ministry? Calvary University’s mission is to “prepare Christians to live and serve in the church and the world according to the biblical worldview.” Shaun LePage, Chairman of the Ministry Studies Department at CU, explains in this conversation with Dr. Joshua Paxton, that the Ministry Studies Department is at the heart of Calvary’s mission.

Preparation for ministry requires more than knowledge of the Bible and theology. It also requires strong character and ministry skills. And CU’s Ministry Studies Department is also focused on equipping every student with a thorough knowledge of biblical principles for ministry so they will be prepared to serve in any culture at any time.

Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more. 

Dr. Joshua Paxton: Why you should care about Intercultural Eduction

Dr. Joshua Paxton: Why you should care about Intercultural Eduction

Intercultural Education is more necessary than ever before. According to Dr. Joshua Paxton, the need for Christians to understand how to communicate and relate with people of other cultures is only going to increase.

Paxton, Director of the Calvary University Burnham Center for Global Engagement and Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, recently completed a Doctor of Education (EdD) in Intercultural Education. He was invited to join Calvary’s Shaun LePage for a conversation to clarify what exactly is Intercultural Education, why relating to and teaching cross-culturally is different from teaching someone of the same culture and some of the things a person needs to know in order to communicate and teach cross-culturally.

But this is not just for Christians in higher education. The “average” Christian or local church leader should also care about and give our attention to our own Intercultural Education because of the cross-cultural times in which we live.

Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more. 

Camy Crank: Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Camy Crank: Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Camy Crank was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. Her cancer went into remission after several months of aggressive treatment including chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and hormonal therapy. In January 2020, after finally feeling pre-cancer normal once again, she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, stage 4 terminal.

Camy says she fell in love with books while reading to her children, then become a writer when this book formed in her heart. In this book, Camy shares how she found hope in her suffering. Join Dr. Mike Dodds as he welcomes Camy for a conversation about her book and her journey with cancer.

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A Conversation with Randy Grimm

A Conversation with Randy Grimm

Randy Grimm has been on staff at Calvary University for 21 years and has seen God’s faithfulness to Calvary over and over. He is currently serving as Chief Financial Officer but will be retiring at the end of this fiscal year.

Join Dr. Mike Dodds as he welcomes Randy for a discussion about Calvary, ministry to college students and plans for the future.

What can we do about the “Dropout Problem”?

What can we do about the “Dropout Problem”?

It is known as “The Dropout Problem.”

According to recent studies, there has been an increase in the rate of dropouts—those walking away from the Church. In 2011, the rate was 59%. In 2019, that rate had increased to 64%. 

Join us as we discuss why is it happening? What can church and ministry leaders do about it? What can the local church do about it? What might Christian higher education’s role be in helping to solve it?

Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more.