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Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Calvary students, faculty, and staff had the privilege of hearing from U.S. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler during an chapel on Friday, April 6.  She started out by greeting us as “mighty warriors” in reference to the story of Gideon from Judges 6.  She was especially pleased to find that we are indeed the Calvary Warriors! 

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler


The congresswoman then spent time sharing about how God called her to be a representative and placed the desire in her heart from the age of five.  She said that the United States needs people with a biblical worldview to run for office.  In her opinion, politics has become largely a fight over what is right and what is wrong.

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler answers a question from John Oglesby.

Furthermore, Congresswoman Hartzler used Scripture to encourage us to “Go, Fight, Win.”  Like Gideon, we should go in the strength we have.  We also need to remember the mission (based on Isaiah 61) and expect opposition.  God will give us the strategy, and we need to rely on Him for courage.  She explained the correlation between “courage,” “discourage,” and “encourage” while challenging us to give others courage (encourage) and display courage to trust in God.  Finally, the congresswoman urged us to stand our ground, put on the full armor of God, and work with all our hearts.

What a blessing to have a Christian representing our part of Missouri!  May God continue to use Vicky Hartzler in Washington, D.C.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital                                       April 8

Hailey Bair’s Master Recital                                       April 9

Retirement Reception for Dr. Keith & Pat Miller       April 13

Logan Brothers’ Senior Recital                                   April 14

Christian Leaders Conference                                     April 19

Music Department Spring Concert                             April 20

Race to the Philippines                                               April 21

Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone                      April 21

Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital                              April 27

SpringShorts Acting Recital                                        April 28

Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital                         April 29

Awards Chapel                                                            May 3

Baccalaureate                                                             May 4

Commencement                                                         May 5

According to the Scriptures

According to the Scriptures

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,”

Blessed Resurrection Day to you!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital               April 8

Hailey Bair’s Master Recital               April 9

Christian Leaders Conference            April 19

Music Department Spring Concert     April 20

SpringShorts Theatre Performance    April 28

Spring (Break) Has Sprung

Spring (Break) Has Sprung

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Ah, spring!  Allergies, rain, flowers, allergies, Spring Break, and, did I mention, allergies!  Our students have been on Spring Break this past week.  They will return with just six weeks left in the current cycle.  Please pray for them to return safely, to finish the cycle well, and to avoid too many allergy flare-ups.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital               April 8

Hailey Bair’s Master Recital               April 9

Christian Leaders Conference           April 19

Music Department Spring Concert     April 20

Shakespeare in Tie-dye:  A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Shakespeare in Tie-dye: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

A Shakespeare comedy set in the 1960s?  Yes, that is the show that our Theatre Department presented to large audiences last weekend!

Lysander (Vincent Matteson) and Hermia (Lindsay Lee)

Calvary students, alumni, faculty, and staff all worked together to bring A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life in this groovy form.

Demetrius (Tedd Williamson), Helena (Christy Stone), and Lysander (Vincent Matteson)

In fact, one of our adjunct Bible and Theology professors, Norm Baker, played Tom Snout/Wall.

Nick Bottom (Corey Ruehling), Frances Flute (Levi Bennett), Snug (Tori Roberts), Robin Starveling (Esther McRae), Peter Quince (Zeb Johnson), and Tom Snout (Norm Baker)

While the setting was changed, the script was still Shakespeare, and the actors did an admirable job of learning all those lines.  The costumes were especially memorable and caused some actors to elicit laughter just by walking on stage.

Oberon (Tim McGuire), Titania (Amy Garlett), and Moth (Madison Greener)

As you can see, the show was quite unique!

Puck (Ana Sharp)

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital               April 8

Hailey Bair’s Master Recital               April 9

2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon is Underway

2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon is Underway

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

As of this writing, we are two weeks into the 2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon.  Current students have been calling alumni to share a Calvary update, get prayer requests, and give them an opportunity to support this year’s project.  So far we have raised nearly $11,000 toward the sound system, multimedia screen, and projector for the new dining hall.  However, our goal is $20,000, and February is more than halfway over!  Would you consider helping us reach our goal?  Click here to get more information and make a donation.  Thank you to those who have already contributed!

Jax Bell made calls for Phone-a-thon.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Basketball Games

February 15-17, MCCC Tournament at Manhattan, KS

February 22-24, NCCAA Regional Tournament at Ankeny, IA

Upcoming Calvary Events

Alumni Phone-a-thon                          February 1-28

Feast & Fund Auction                          March 2

College Days                                       March 8-10

A Midsummer Night’s Dream              March 8-11