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Calvary Represented at IFCA International Annual Convention

Calvary Represented at IFCA International Annual Convention

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

IFCA International members gathered in South Bend, Indiana, this week for their annual convention.  “Centered on the Gospel” was the theme, and participants could attend seminars, network, and encourage one another in the ministry.  Randy and Ruth Grimm and Skip and Ginger Hessel represented Calvary with a display table and a reception on Wednesday.  Alumni and friends of Calvary enjoyed fellowship and heard updates on how God is working and blessing this school.

Executive Vice President Randy Grimm and Chief Development Officer Skip Hessel at the Calvary display table Photo by: Steve Wong

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

Alumni and friends of Calvary gathered at a reception on Wednesday night.

Youth Convention

Calvary representatives also attended the IFCA Youth Convention in West Virginia.


Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Calvary Hosts Cass County Coalition of Chambers

Calvary Hosts Cass County Coalition of Chambers

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

On Thursday, Calvary hosted a luncheon meeting of the Cass County Coalition of Chambers.  It was held in our Student Life Center (new dining hall), and we received many compliments on the facility.  Our own Joe Dapra prepared the delicious meal, and Dr. Cone was the main speaker at the event.  He shared “Seven Tools to Enhance Your Industry” which included engagement opportunities between Calvary and our surrounding communities.  75 people attended the meeting representing businesses in Belton, Raymore, Peculiar, Pleasant Hill, Harrisonville, and other parts of Cass County.

Dr. Cone spoke at the CCCC luncheon.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Keith and Pat Miller:  2018 Alumni of the Year

Keith and Pat Miller: 2018 Alumni of the Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

The Alumnus of the Year award is given annually to a Calvary graduate who has shown faithfulness in his or her service to the Lord.  This year the President’s cabinet has chosen to honor one individual and one couple based on their outstanding qualifications.  Last week I shared about our first honoree, Alice Thompson.

Dr. Keith and Pat Miller

Our next honorees for 2018 Alumni of the Year are Dr. Keith and Pat Miller.  The Millers were both born and raised in Illinois.  Dr. Miller likes to tell people that he grew up near Normal, Illinois, but now he lives close to Peculiar, Missouri!  They each trusted Christ as Savior as children and dedicated their lives to ministry as teenagers.

Dr. Keith and Pat Miller and I posed for a picture after Commencement.

Pat’s father worked for Moody Bible Institute, and that is where she attended and met Keith in 1966.   Keith says that he had three goals at Moody – to know the Word of God, to learn about being a pastor, “and Lord, if possible, could I please find a wife!”  God answered all three!  Pat says she had three desires for her future spouse – of course, he needed to be a believer, he needed to be headed to full-time ministry, and “please God let him be tall!”  Keith graduated from Moody in 1968, came to Calvary Bible College, and completed his bachelor’s degree in 1969.  Pat graduated from Moody in 1969, and they were married that summer.  They then headed off to Dallas Theological Seminary where Keith earned his Master’s in 1973.


The Lord then took the Miller family to Michigan where Keith served as a youth pastor for a couple of years.  Keith’s first senior pastorate was at a church in Iowa, followed by one in Nebraska, and finally at Argyle Bible Church in Colchester, Illinois, from 1983-1994.  During that time, Keith earned his doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary as well.  Over the years, God blessed the Millers with four children who are all now married and have added 10 grandchildren to the family.  One son and one son-in-law are currently pastors in the Kansas City area.

Serving at Calvary

Keith had a long-time desire to teach in a Bible College, so he contacted Calvary about the possibility in 1993.  After the usual procedures, Academic Dean Tom Bonine called Dr. Miller in February of 1994 and extended the call to come and be Chair of the Pastoral Studies Department at Calvary Bible College.  Dr. Miller was thrilled to receive his class schedule and find that his very first class to teach would be Old Testament Survey.  Through God’s perfect timing, the Dean of Women position was also open at Calvary.  Pat felt as if God had been preparing her all her life for working as dean.  It was a dream job for her, and she held that position for fourteen years.

While serving as Dean of Women, Pat began to take seminary classes in Biblical Counseling, and she graduated from Calvary Theological Seminary in 2000.  Eventually Mrs. Miller was asked to direct the undergrad Biblical Counseling Program.  The transition was wonderful and very fulfilling for her.  She has continued in this role for the past ten years.  Keith became Chairmen of the Bible and Theology Department in 2015.  He has also served as interim pastor at ten different churches since 2002.


During their years of teaching, the Millers have also found time to become authors!  Pat’s first book was Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Women in 2001.  Then Keith and Pat worked together on Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Youth in 2006.  Second editions of those books were published in 2013.  In 2014, Keith wrote Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Men, and they co-authored Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Couples in 2017.  Pat’s latest book, written with her daughter, Rachel Gorman, and released last year, is called God’s Wisdom for Women.


After 24 years at Calvary, Dr. and Mrs. Miller retired in May.  They are looking forward to traveling and seeing what the Lord has in store for the next chapter of their lives.  When asked what she appreciates most about Calvary, Pat said, “Of course, THE STUDENTS!  Hands down they are why we are here and why we stayed.  It has been a delight to know so many students and see God use them.  They have encouraged us greatly, and we love them.”  Keith said that he has appreciated the awesome opportunity to stand before his students and teach them the Word of God and, for the pastoral majors, how to preach and what to expect as pastors.  Calvary will not be the same without the Millers, but we are glad that they will always be part of the alumni family.  It is a great pleasure to recognize them today for their service to Calvary and honor them as 2018 Alumni of the Year.

The Millers both shared a few words after accepting the award.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Alice Thompson:  2018 Alumna of the Year

Alice Thompson: 2018 Alumna of the Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

The Alumnus of the Year award is given annually to a Calvary graduate who has shown faithfulness in his or her service to the Lord.  This year the President’s cabinet has chosen to honor one individual and one couple based on their outstanding qualifications.

Mrs. Alice Thompson

Alice Thompson

The first honoree is Alice Thompson.  Alice was raised in St. Louis, Missouri, and came to know the Lord through her grandmother’s influence.  Alice attended Maryland Heights Gospel Center which was pastored by Roger Andrus.  Reverend Andrus also taught at Midwest Bible & Missionary Institute, one of the schools which later merged to form Calvary Bible College.  He was instrumental in encouraging Alice to attend Midwest, and it was there that her life took on new meaning.  She learned from amazing instructors of the Word of God, had opportunities for practical service in the Lord’s work, and met many visiting missionaries at the Chapel services.  As Alice searched for God’s will for her life, she soon knew without a doubt that she would be a missionary – and specifically, in Brazil.

While she was studying at Midwest, Alice became friends with Bob Thompson.  They each knew that God was calling them as missionaries to Brazil.  Bob graduated in 1952, and they were engaged one month later.  Bob traveled to Brazil alone in late 1952, and they corresponded by letter until Alice graduated in 1953.  She then went to Brazil, and they were married in December of 1953, before she even knew the Portuguese language!


As pioneer missionaries, the Thompsons founded the Brazil Inland Mission in May of 1955.  They also helped found the city of Umuarama in southern Brazil in June of 1955.  Umuarama was a great location for a city because of its’ strategic location at a crossroads in the middle of the jungle.  The Thompsons had the first residential home in the city!  They literally carved the city out of the jungles of southern Brazil with other pioneers.  Bob and Alice started the first church in Umuarama, and they helped plant many other evangelical churches in southern Brazil.  In 1964, Bob helped start a municipal grade school and also taught the Bible there.  The school is still functioning today, while the town has grown to a population of over 100,000!

Alice worked side-by-side with her husband for their entire married lives.  Both were completely dedicated to the ministry and lived out their faith in front of their five children.  They involved their children in ministry as much as possible.  Bob and Alice founded the Thompson Theological Bible Seminary in 1968 with the goal of placing graduates in ministries around Brazil.  Alice taught many classes for women and children’s ministries.  She worked full-time at the Seminary while home-schooling her own children! The Seminary is still in existence today in east-central Brazil, where their son, David and his wife serve as missionaries.  David’s daughter, JoAnna, also serves as a missionary in the same location, making her a third generation missionary to Brazil!

Still Serving

Bob and Alice retired from the mission field in 1996.  Bob’s home-going in 2009 led Alice to move to Waukon, Iowa, where she currently lives close to her daughter, Cristina Smith, and is active in the church her son-in-law pastors.  She is still involved with the Brazil Inland Mission through a ministry of prayer and encouragement that continues as she approaches her 87th birthday.  Alice is strong in her resolve to reach people for Christ and to serve in whatever capacity her health allows.  Last June, she was able to travel to Brazil for the grand opening of the Alice Thompson Christian Grade School on the Thompson Theological Seminary property, and she helped cut the ribbon at the ceremony!  She has made an eternal impact on many lives.

Three of Alice’s children attended Calvary – David Thompson, Anita Weinzierl, and Cristina Smith – as well as her granddaughter, JoAnna Thompson.  Another grandson, Nathan Smith, plans on beginning his studies at Calvary this fall.  We are delighted to honor Mrs. Alice Thompson as 2018 Alumna of the Year, and we thank her for the amazing example she has been and continues to be.

For health reasons, Mrs. Thompson was unable to attend the Commencement Exercises. Her daughter, Anita Weinzierl, accepted the award on her behalf.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Calvary Celebrates 51 New Graduates

Calvary Celebrates 51 New Graduates

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

On Saturday, May 5, 51 graduates moved their tassels and took the next step down the path God has laid out for them.  The Commencement Exercises took place at Graceway, and many family and friends joined us in celebrating the Class of 2018.

Just a few of the 2018 graduates: (l to r) Toyosi Ishola, Cameron Rucker, Joel Lyons, Koku Akakpo, Akpene Akakpo, Andrew Busakula, and Samuel Her

Commencement Address

Dr. Paul Benware gave the address to the graduates.  He drew our attention to the four mirages that King Solomon found to be meaningless:  knowledge, pleasure, material things, and labor.  Dr. Benware pointed out that these are still very much a problem today.  However, when God is in the right place in your life, these other things make sense.  He encouraged the graduates to devote themselves to Jesus Christ.  He also reminded them that God doesn’t require us to be famous, but He does insist that we be faithful.

Dr. Paul Benware


Degrees were conferred as follows:  2 associate’s degrees, 31 bachelor’s degrees, and 18 master’s degrees.

Kevin Haskin received his diploma from Dr. Eric Stricker. (Also pictured from l to r: Rev. Charlie Paine, Dr. Bitner, and Dr. Cone)

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Golf Tournament                    June 1