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Senior Class Gift Funds Newly-planted Trees

Senior Class Gift Funds Newly-planted Trees

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Back in May, the 2018 Senior Class announced their intention to buy trees for Calvary’s Kansas City campus.  This week the evergreen trees, known as Green Giants, were planted along Kensington Avenue and near the Conference Center.

New evergreen trees along Kensington Avenue

So far thirteen trees have been planted, but we will be getting at least two more.

Staff from Rosehill Gardens planted the trees.

Earlier this summer, several old trees were torn out to make way for these new trees.  When the project is completed, there will be a monument stone at the beginning of the line of trees with an inscription honoring Dr. Keith and Pat Miller for their years of service to Calvary.  This special touch was revealed to the Millers at their retirement party.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Cycle 2 begins                         August 27

Connect Fest                           August 31

Christian Ministry Fair              September 6

Learning and Living at Calvary During the Summer

Learning and Living at Calvary During the Summer

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Summer Learning

Did you know that students can take Calvary classes year-round?  Because our academic year is structured into eight-week cycles, learning never has to stop – even in summer!  The fall semester technically starts in July and concludes when Cycle 3 finishes in December.  The spring semester starts with a one-week J-Term and includes Cycles 4-6.  We are currently in Cycle 1, and there are several classes meeting during the day and evening hours.

Dr. Dodds is teaching Evangelism/Spiritual Life.

Mr. Williamson is teaching Introduction to Philosophy.

Summer Living

This summer is the first time that Calvary has kept the dorms open in June and July.  While the number of students living there is much smaller than during Cycles 2-5, we do have students taking advantage of that opportunity.  Of course, many choose to go home for a few months, but they are still able to take summer classes using our blended online model.

Dr. Washington is teaching Strategic Management.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Registration Day         August 23

New Mattresses Arrive at Dorm

New Mattresses Arrive at Dorm

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

New mattresses

Mattress Purchase Funded by Auction

Back in March, our Feast and Fund Auction raised money for new mattresses for our dorm.  On Tuesday, July 17, the mattresses arrived!  Faculty, staff, and volunteers worked hard to haul out the old mattresses and move in the new ones.  Alumnus Stephen Buller brought a group from a youth camp to help for the day.  Part of the day’s work was also to bring some furniture from the old dorms over to the current dorm, because we have more students coming to use it!

Randy Grimm and Dr. Bitner added another old mattress to the stack.

Thank You

We are so grateful for each person at the auction who helped to fund this need.  The dorm students will benefit greatly!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Faculty and Staff Help Prep Kansas City Campus for New Academic Year

Faculty and Staff Help Prep Kansas City Campus for New Academic Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Do It Heartily

Karen Hange painted railings near the Conference Center.

Each Tuesday during the summer, several Calvary staff members step away from their desks and pitch in to help with various maintenance projects around the campus.  They clean in the dorm for the first few Tuesdays.  Most weeks some people spend time mowing, weed-eating, and pulling weeds.  This summer staff members have painted numerous spots and stained a gazebo as well.

Ashley Spicer, Rachel Hontz, Tasha Krahn, and Tressa Shoemaker stained the gazebo.

Because of the library move this spring, one of the Tuesday Work Day projects was putting together some additional shelves.  Other staff members worked heartily at moving furniture to the CABRE.


Last summer I told you that the building formerly known as the Seminary was being remodeled.  At that time, we were planning to move the library and academic center to that space.  God had other plans!  Now the old seminary building has a new name to go with a new purpose.  The CABRE (pronounced SAY-bur) is the Center for Advanced Biblical Research and Engagement.  It houses the Pre-Trib Research Center, Center for Interdisciplinary Creation Studies, and the Burnham Center for Global Engagement.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Independence Day

“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty; it ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”     John Adams, 1776

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator