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Heath proud of how CU is using technology

Heath proud of how CU is using technology

“My working here is more than just a job. It’s a ministry.”

Aaron Heath

Director of Information Technology

Adjunct Faculty, General Studies

Aaron Heath has been working in the Information Technology department at Calvary University for 27 years. Currently, he is the Director of IT and teaches Written Research Practicum multiple times a year. He originally came as a student before working in the IT department. “I met my wife back when I was working factory jobs and realized I needed to find a job that was going to pay more,” Heath said. “I went to school and got my degree in electronics engineering technology and went to work for RCA for five years. In the time that I was working for RCA, I trusted Christ to be my Savior— I was a little later in life doing that. Then Christy, my wife, and I began looking for a Bible college. We just felt like the Lord was calling us to go into full-time ministry.”

Heath and his wife looked at a couple colleges before choosing CU. “At the time, Calvary was advertising that you got more Bible by coming here than at other places. So, I checked it out. I compared Calvary to the other two or three places that we had looked at and it was true. I was going to get more Bible by coming here.”

Once he decided to go to CU, he needed to find a job. “I had been working as an electronic technician at a company, but when I came here I didn’t really have a job. I walked into the business office and said, ‘Hey do you guys have any jobs on campus?’ and they said, ‘What have you been doing?’ and I told them that I had been working in technology and they said that they actually needed a technology guy. So that’s the beginning of my career at Calvary.”

In addition to IT, Heath has taught various classes. “After I finished in the seminary I taught Survey of Theology for years, and I taught Conflict Resolution some, and Evangelism some as well.” Eventually, he began focusing more on IT than teaching. However, he still teaches Written Research Practicum. “I enjoy teaching the one class I teach many times a year: Written Research Practicum. I really enjoy that. I keep teaching that— it pays very little— I actually teach it so that I can have contact with students. I like to get to know students and that’s the one way I get to spend more time with them.”

Heath likes both parts of his job. “Part of what I do even in IT is teaching because I’m showing people how to use the technology that they have here at Calvary as an employee or as a staff or faculty member. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I like teaching, and I’m glad that teaching is a part of my job as a director of IT.”

Heath is proud of the way that CU has utilized technology to improve both student learning and campus life. “I think that the recording of lectures has made a significant impact in students’ ability to learn well, especially online students. Before, the classes for online students and on-campus students were different. But now they’re the same. Now, students who are online and on-campus will be watching the exact same lectures, doing the exact same homework, etc.”

Heath continued, “Canvas (the course management system that supports online learning and teaching) is another thing which I think is really great. I would be surprised if Canvas wasn’t the world’s leading higher education management system, and the fact that we get to use it is exciting! Because of Canvas, online students and on-campus students are able to interact more through discussion posts and such.”

Another CU technology that Heath is excited to talk about is the internet. “We have really good internet — it’s really fast! And it’s about to be doubled in speed. This is great because it allows students to be able to get their homework done in time, and it allows them to stream movies and shows or play video games with friends without lagging.”

“My working here is more than just a job. It’s a ministry. I love working with faculty, staff, and students.” Not only does Heath consider his time at CU a ministry, but he is involved with an online ministry called Got Questions. “Shea Houdmann, the President and Founder of Got Questions — he’s a Calvary graduate. He and I were in classes together, and so when he started that he asked me to be on the board. I answered questions for many years, and I’ve been on the board ever since.”

Rensbergers say Calvary prepared them for missionary life

Rensbergers say Calvary prepared them for missionary life

Currently serving at Ethnos360 in Arizona

Lance and Caitlin Rensberger met during their time at Calvary University. Lance graduated in 2016 and Caitlin in 2015 — both majored in Advanced Biblical Studies. The Rensbergers have been married since 2016 and they have a son named Eli (18 months old) and a baby girl on the way (due in May).  

They are serving at the Ethnos360 campus in Arizona. Lance is a Maintenance Specialist for Ethnos360 Aviation. Currently he works on their helicopters and airplanes in Arizona keeping them running, outfitting new aircraft with upgrades for the different fields, and training and learning about the aircraft that Ethnos360 Aviation uses.  

We’re planning to move overseas within the next couple of years to one of four options: Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Asia Pacific, or Brazil,” Caitlisaid. Once in country Lance would continue to maintain the mission’s aircraft and help to keep the program running smoothly. That might include keeping records for the in-country government, keeping track of parts and getting parts through customs, or buying supplies for the missionaries in the bush that are planting churches.”  

Lance said, “Caitlin doesn’t know for sure what her role will be, but we know that the Lord has her raising our family, and that there will be plenty of opportunities to join in the effort of spreading the gospel to all nations. We’re excited to see how God will line up her talents and abilities with needs on the field.” 

While Caitlin has known for most of her life that she wanted to go into missions, Lance didn’t plan on it until college. Missions was something that became more and more of a desire each year at Calvary. 

Initially he had hoped to go for a year or two and then go into engineering. But after a few years he realized he wanted to be involved with some kind of ministry and to use the gifts God had given him to further the kingdom. Maintenance and working with his hands were some of those gifts, Caitlin said. 

The couple agrees that Calvary prepared them well for the missionary life. “We both had a lot of opportunities for leadership while at Calvary,” Lance said. We grew a ton in our walks with Christ. We grew in our relationships with people and made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot about how to disciple and grow other believers.

Caitlin added, “Calvary didn’t give Lance aviation specific training, but just about every other aspect of ministry with the mission we were given plenty of opportunity to grow in those areas. For instance, there is a fairly high turnover rate for missionaries in overseas missions. The number one reason for this turnover is personnel conflict. I can’t tell you how many times we both went through training that covered personality differences and working together to use other people’s strengths to compliment others’ weaknesses. Also, a lot of our time there was focused on real life conflict resolution. We don’t claim to have all the answers and don’t want to pretend that we couldn’t end up leaving a field because of a personnel conflict, but we sincerely hope and pray what we learned at Calvary will be things we remember and are able to put those things into practice in what has proven to be so difficult for others.”

Graduate Assistant Christopher Johnson finding joy in Hebrew

Graduate Assistant Christopher Johnson finding joy in Hebrew

Calvary University graduate assistant, Christopher Johnson, receiving the “Biblical Greek Award” in 2018 from CU Professor, Dr. Neil Nelson.

I feel a tremendous obligation and duty to know my material well…”

Christopher Johnson has three words of advice for undergraduate students learning biblical languages. “When the going gets tough,” said the graduate assistant for Hebrew classes, “remember why you wanted to learn the languages; be self-disciplined, have a plan and execute it; and repetition is the key to learning and the key to learning is repetition.” 

Johnson said, “Each week I prepare focused topic lectures to meet the projected objectives of the class, construct PowerPoint presentations, and grade assignments. Being a graduate assistant is like being in a teaching apprenticeship.” Johnson taught Hebrew I and OT Survey I & II this past semester.   

Johnson is currently pursuing his doctorate at Calvary University in Bible and Theology. After getting his doctorate, Johnson hopes to write books and do speaking engagements. “Anything ministry related,” Johnson said. “I would eventually like to leave my secular job and be in full time ministry. Probably teach at a university during the week and serve as a pastor or teaching elder in the church.”  

Johnson said the hardest part of his graduate assistant job is the pressure to teach well. “I no longer am just wearing a student hat but a teacher hat as well. Being a student is challenging, but I think being a teacher is more challenging. One reason is because I am not passively listening to lectures each week but preparing them and delivering them. I feel a tremendous obligation and duty to know my material well and try to present it in a manner that is both professional and engaging. In layman’s terms, I feel the pressure to know what I am talking about and not be boring in the process.”  

However, Johnson said that his favorite thing about being a graduate assistant is the opportunity to teach students about the Word. “My greatest joy has been the opportunity to lecture. Knowing that I am going to be presenting information in front of students has inspired me to study extra hard to know the material. I find that in my times of class preparation, the Holy Spirit is teaching me perhaps more than even what I experience as a student. That is a wonderful joy which becomes realized when class starts, and I have the opportunity to try to pass that information on to my brothers and sisters in Christ.” 

Johnson receiving an academic award from Professor Joel Williamson in 2018. 

Commencement in 2018 when Johnson received his Master’s degree from CU.

Johnson receiving the highest honor cords from Calvary’s Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Teddy Bitner, in 2018.

Fred Hendricks 2021 Alumnus of the Year

Fred Hendricks 2021 Alumnus of the Year

“My years at Calvary were the best years of my Christian life.”

Fred Hendricks has been chosen as Calvary University’s alumnus of the year. Hendricks graduated from CBC in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. Today, he is the senior pastor at Alton Bible Church in Alton, Illinois.

“Fred is a biblical leader,” said Dr. Allan Henderson, CU Professor of Education and Bible, who has known Hendricks for many years. “He demonstrates an ongoing commitment to the Lord through his preaching, teaching, and lifestyle. You can tell that he has a strong walk with the Lord after being with him for a few short minutes.”

Hendricks grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. While working as a barber, his boss invited him to church, where he got involved in a Bible study. He trusted Christ after memorizing John 3:18 and understanding the gospel for the first time. He served in the Vietnam war in the early 1970’s and that military service provided him the opportunity to study at Calvary.

“I thought I had died and gone to heaven,” Hendricks said about his early days at Calvary. “Along with the fellowship of the faculty, the student body was made up of the best people I’ve ever met in my life to this very day. I am still in touch with classmates who still encourage me and check in on me, and I have a ministry to them in the same way.”

He went on to Dallas Theological Seminary, graduating in 1981. He then returned to St. Louis, serving as pastor of Blessed Hope Bible Church for 17 years, and in 2002 becoming senior pastor at Alton Bible Church. In addition, he serves with Marketplace Ministries as a chaplain for various companies in the greater St. Louis metro area.

Hendricks is passionate about the values which Calvary University upholds. “I am what I am and who I am because of Calvary. I love that the school has maintained its doctrinal position. Calvary is a rare school. I wish every college-bound student could go there.”

“Being alumnus of the year is a tremendous honor,” he continued. “I am thankful that Calvary was my personal grounding in Christianity. My years at Calvary were the best years in my Christian life. I think there are many others who deserve this recognition much more than I deserve it. I am very thankful, appreciative, and grateful for it.”

Fred Hendricks was recognized as 'Alumnus of the Year' in a special presentation at Calvary's 2021 Commencement.

Fred Hendricks (CBC75) was recognized as “Alumnus of the Year” in a special presentation at Calvary’s 2021 Commencement. 

Golfer Bobby Clayton was a “people guy”

Golfer Bobby Clayton was a “people guy”

“His charisma, sense of humor and knowledge of the Bible drew people to seek him out.”

Bobby Clayton was a beloved Calvary alumnus who passed away September 16th, 2020, from cancer. He was one of the people who originally initiated the idea for a golf tournament at CU. Clayton attended the tournament each year up until the year of his passing.  

Randy Clayton, Bobby’s son, described him as fiercely loyal and generous. My father was flawed and imperfect like the rest of us, but he cared deeply about people. Many people have said the same thing about him and that was that he had the gift of “phone.” If he was thinking about you, he would often call that person out of the blue. Many times, it was an encouraging call that they needed at just the right time. 

Dad was a Navy veteran and served during the end of the Korean war,” Randy said. After he was discharged, we moved back to Wichita KS, and he became a golf professional and was an assistant pro at several different golf clubs in the Wichita area.

Dad was 26 years old when Jesus found him and saved him. We attended Wichita Bible Church. He immediately had a hunger for understanding God’s word which led him and his young family to Kansas City and Calvary Bible College in 1966. He crammed four years into five, majoring in Pastoral Studies and graduated with high marks in 1971 and then took a church in Paola, Kansas.”  

As Bobby became a respected Bible teacher, serving as pastor, elder and teacher in Paola, and later back in Kansas City, golf was always a significant part of his life. He became a sales representative for the Ben Hogan Golf Company, and worked for at least three country clubs repairing clubs and giving golf lessons. 

“Dad was a master club fitter and repair professional and was inducted into the PGA Midwest Section ‘Hall of Fame’ in 2009,” Randy explained. “He was a craftsman. He was still working at the age of 84 at Blue Hills Country Club where had a repair shop and gave golf lessons until he passed away.

Dad was a people guy,” Randy said. He enjoyed and benefitted from counseling and training couples and small groups of believers in Bible doctrine and Greek language studies. He could fill the pulpit and was a good teacher but working with individuals and small groups was his gift. His charisma, sense of humor and knowledge of the Bible drew people to seek him out. He was the associate pastor at Koinonia Bible Church in Kansas City. I can tell you he was loved by the congregation. The Sunday before his passing, the church showed up and worshiped and had church in his front yard and they had an opportunity to say goodbye to him. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. 

The 2021 Calvary University Golf Tournament will be played in Bobby’s honor. It has been named The Bobby Clayton Memorial Golf Tournament. 

Bobby Clayton Memorial Golf Tournament

Click Here for Registration