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How To Kick Off the Fall Semester Right W/ the Clark Academic Center

How To Kick Off the Fall Semester Right W/ the Clark Academic Center

Ok, you’re a new student at Calvary University! Now what? What is the class load like? What resources are available for you to use? Is there any help or are you completely on your own?

The answer the Clark Academic Center provides is,”Whatever you need to succeed, we will help you!” The Clark Academic Center works with students from all walks of life and in all varieties of learning capabilities & styles! They have tutors to help with grammar, Turabian formatting, math, Greek, time management, study habits, and so much more! They help undergraduate students & graduate students alike! The Clark Academic Center can provide support for those with learning disabilities as well as a distraction-free environment for the student who works best on their own.  Whatever your needs or preferences, the Clark Academic Center stands ready to assist you to achieve your fullest potential as a successful Calvary student & future graduate.

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President’s Update August 2017

President’s Update August 2017

There is an incredible flurry of activity and growth at Calvary University, and as we prepare to welcome a new class of students here in the next few days, it is a good moment to count blessings and recall from whence they come. Here’s just a little of what we have been up to this summer:

We have welcomed some new and outstanding faculty (Dr. Gary Gromacki and Dr. Joachim Braga), and we are soon to welcome more. Stay tuned. These are excellent leaders and teachers who have proven their worth in handling the word and investing in students. We look forward to serving with them.

We have formally begun development on a Ph.D in Bible and Theology program. Stay tuned as we work toward getting that up and running.

We have launched the Nikao Leadership Institute, with ten highly qualified new students who will gain excellent skills in leadership, and who will receive full tuition scholarships to help them learn and apply these skills at Calvary, in the church, and in the community.

We have launched the Burnham Center for Global Engagement, which will be a big part of our missions program, moving forward. We are grateful to Martin and Gracia Burnham for their ministry, and we are pleased to name the Center in honor of them.

We have finalized renovation plans on the Dining and Events Center (what has affectionately been known as the Student Life Center), and we expect the actual renovation to kick off in the next few weeks.

We are in the midst of renovating what was formerly the Seminary Building (the Seminary is now integrated with the rest of the university, and is no longer limited to just one building), as we prepare to relocate the Kroeker Library to be housed there. The new library will have a smaller footprint, and will be more digitally focused, as we try to serve the increasing number of Calvary students across the globe.

We are working on finalizing the purchase of a major chunk of the land which we have leased for many years, with the goal that Calvary has room to grow in property it owns outright, without incurring any debt.

In addition to these many improvements, Calvary is seeing enrollment growth at higher levels than at any point in the past five years. We are excited to see God’s blessing in so many areas. So, it is vital that we not forget or take for granted the instruments God has used to bring us to this exciting stage in Calvary’s history.

First, we thank God for using you all, and we thank you for being so willing and generous. Your prayer and support is such an encouragement and a provision. Without you, we couldn’t dream of the initiatives we are engaged in. With you, we have great confidence in moving forward. Thank you!

Also, we know that we stand on the shoulders of giants. We are nothing without those who have gone before. I am particularly thankful for Dr. Clark and his leadership – he led Calvary through some very difficult years and lean times, and he made some key decisions that helped position Calvary for this present period of growth. When we are able to reap the fruit from the labors of those who blazed the hard trails, we need to express gratitude. So, thank you, Dr. Clark, our job is easier because you didn’t shy away from the challenges. Thank you for being a giant for Calvary University.

We have a gracious God, and we stand on the shoulders of giants. Thank you all for being co-laborers with us!

If you wish to be a co-laborer in a bigger way than maybe you have before, please help with (1) the Nikao Leadership Institute student scholarships, (2) the building projects we are working on, or (3) the Burnham Center for Global Engagement. We would invite you to give a gift online by clicking this link. Whether you can help financially or not, your prayers for Calvary University are so greatly appreciated. Thank you for lifting us up! These are exciting times, and we need you more than ever.

In His service and yours,

Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D

President, Calvary University


The Third Commitment of the Advancement Dept.

The Third Commitment of the Advancement Dept.

Installment 3 of Calvary University’s Advancement Department seven commitments.  The third commitment I want to talk about today is:

  • Don’t make decisions without prayerful discernment.

What is the easiest and, at the same time, the hardest to do? The simplest, yet the loftiest? The weakest and most powerful?

It is prayer.  Our heavenly Father desires us, nay, commands us to do so.  Luke 18:1-8, which is the story of the persistent widow states, “Then he spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.”

Pretty straight forward that we should pray and not lose heart—we should persevere. Jesus Christ gave us examples as to how to do so.  Look in Matt. 6:5-18; Luke 11:1-4, 3:21 (the beginning of His ministry), 23:46 (His ministry ended in prayer).

He tells us in John 14:13-14, “And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”  This is not rubbing the magic genie bottle or the name and claim it.  If our walk is with our Lord and Savior, what we ask is going to be according to His will for us and others.

Nehemiah is a great example of prayerful discernment.  In chapter 1 he comes to God with a broken heart when he hears about Jerusalem.  He gives adoration to God, confesses the sins of Israel, states the promises of God to His people, recites former mercies of God to Israel, and then pleads for God’s favor in the eyes of the king for he is the king’s cupbearer.  In Neh. 2:2-7, the king asks Nehemiah why the sad countenance and Nehemiah explains it to him.  Then the king asks him, “What do you request?” “So I prayed to the God of heaven and I said to the King. . .”

Nehemiah pleaded with God in chapter 1 and then when the opportunity presented itself, he made his request, and it was granted above what he requested.

Whenever there is a need at Calvary that I must to present to people to support, I ask God for guidance as to who to approach and what to say.   Names come to mind or I notice other names in another task.

Spend time in prayer with God as He is your Father. He will guide and direct you. You talk with your earthly father, mother, wife, children, and friends right?  How much more should we talk with our Heavenly Father?

Don’t let your prayer life follow this destructive pattern:

  1. Hurrying through prayer so we can check off the box for the day.
  2. Then, the time spent in prayer is shortened & our inclination to pray dwindles.
  3. Prayer is crowded into a corner & depends on fragments of time.
  4. Finally, our duty has lost its importance.

Phil. 4:6-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Prepare. Enrich. Training Seminar

Prepare. Enrich. Training Seminar

Prepare/Enrich is one of the most widely researched relationship assessment tools.  Professors and students at colleges and universities worldwide use their scales as a tool to conduct and evaluate their research regarding the changing reality of relationships. More than 4,000,000 couples have prepared for marriage or enriched their relationship through taking the P/E assessment and working with a Certified Facilitator.  The assessment itself has been proven to improve relationship satisfaction; however, there is something extraordinary about the relationship a Facilitator develops with a couple that truly helps the couple grow more than they would on their own.

Download (PDF, 150KB)

Now, YOU have a chance to become a certified facilitator! If you’re a church leader or in a counseling ministry that deals with premarital/marriage/relationship counseling and are looking for tools to help you create structure, then the Prepare/Enrich seminar with Dr. Joa Braga is an excellent resource.   Those attending the workshop will become certified on Prepare Enrich and be able to administer and use the inventory in their ministry with couples. This training is a required assignment for those taking Marriage and Family Counseling this fall.* If you have already taken the class but would like to become a certified facilitator, we would love to have you sign up. Below are more details:

  1. $100 covers the training cost (all materials and one free assessment to use with a couple).
  2. Training to take place 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday, Sept. 9 in the Langmade Room at Calvary University. There will be a lunch break, but lunch is not included in the fee.
  3. Prepare/Enrich is a great relationship assessment tool to be used both in pre-marital and marital counseling.
  4. If you are someone who works with couples: counselors, pastors, mentors, marriage ministry lay leaders, etc.
  5. Simple to use, Scripture-based/supported, valuable counseling tool with tons of resources for the leader and the couple.
  6. You can learn more about the program at their website:


*If you are a current Calvary student enrolled in Marriage & Family Counseling for FA’ 17, the price of this training is included in your tuition.