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“Newsies” and the Arc of the Moral Universe

“Newsies” and the Arc of the Moral Universe

"Newsies" and the Arc of the Moral Universe

When the Christian Bale version of Newsies first came out in 1992, it was a box office failure, and reviews were mixed. It cost $15 million to make and grossed $3 million in ticket sales. When Disney hired Christian Bale to play the role of Jack Kelly, they didn’t even tell him it was a musical. When it didn’t yield the expected dividend, they put the reel on the shelf and forgot about it. Yet I loved it, so much so that I naively wrote to the Disney Company and asked if they’d allow me to write a stage version of the movie. I was convinced it was perfect for the stage! Apparently, so did many other theatre groups, as unauthorized and illegal stage versions kept cropping up all over the country. Newsies was gaining steam. 

Well, just like you can’t keep a good newsie down, I guess you can’t keep a good story down! Disney finally decided that if there was a populist movement behind this story, maybe they should take another look. In 2011, the stage musical premiered at the New Jersey regional theatre, Paper Mill Playhouse, to popular acclaim, and it went on to Broadway in 2012 for a three-year run. It cost $5 million to stage, which was recouped in seven months, and became the fastest Disney musical on Broadway to make a profit. Walt, you should’ve listened to me…feels so good to be right! 

Pushing personal validation aside, the larger question remains. What is so appealing about this story? Why are we drawn to it? Why did audiences come to their feet multiple times in the middle of scenes during Broadway performances? What are those toe-tapping newsies fighting for that makes their story so compelling? It’s a question I always ask my casts, so I asked them. What do the newsies want? “Justice.” “A chance at a better life.” “To be respected.” “To not feel powerless.” “To have some control over their own destiny.” “To love.” “To be loved.” “A community.” “A family.” “A home.” 

And so, the question comes to you: what do all those answers have in common? We live in an age where we see not only young, mostly white and uniformly beautiful people dancing across a stage at Calvary University with these same needs, we see these desires in all colors and all ethnic groups across this globe. Refugee camps in Syria. Human trafficking in China. Detainment camps at the Mexican border. Clandestine schools for girls in Afghanistan. The corners of intersections outside your local Walmart. Marginalized, impoverished, powerless people are everywhere, all dreaming the same dream: Santa Fe. 

Where does it say ya gotta live and die here? Where does it say a guy can’t catch a break? 

Why should you only take what you’re given? Why should you spend your whole life livin’ 

Trapped where there ain’t no future, even at seventeen, Breakin’ your back for someone else’s sake? 

If the life don’t seem to suit ya, how ‘bout a change of scene, 

Far from the lousy headlines and the deadlines in between? 

Santa Fe! My old friend, I can’t spend my whole life dreamin’ 

Though I know that’s all I seem inclined to do. I ain’t getting’ any younger, 

And I wanna start brand new. I need space. And fresh air. 

Let ‘em laugh in my face, I don’t care–save my place, I’ll be there… 

Just be real is all I’m askin’, not some painting in my head 

Cause I’m dead if I can’t count on you today. 

I got nuthin’ if I ain’t got Santa Fe! 

 Jack personifies his dream of Santa Fe in Act One’s final defining moments, “Just be real is all I’m askin.’” So, what is it that fuels our dreams and weaves the common, connecting human thread? Hope. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” This is our hope: God is not only just, He bends the arc. Newsies is a story about the bending power of hope. 

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 

Through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; 

And we exult in hope of the glory of God. 

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 

And perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 

And hope does not disappoint… 

Romans 5:1-5a

Newsies opens March 7 with an 11:00 a.m. matinee and continues on March 8, 9, 15, and 16 at 7:30 p.m. and March 10 and 17 at 2:00 p.m. For tickets, go to our box office:


Music Department Remembers Alumna

Music Department Remembers Alumna

Reed Music Room

Miss Dorothy Reed attended Kansas City Bible College in 1947. Now in the presence of the Lord (read obituary here), she leaves a legacy to Calvary through the Reed Music Room. The room is being dedicated to her memory this month in the East Education Hall at Calvary University.

Her friends report that Dorothy was not one to call attention to herself, but had a wonderful life of service and accomplishment. She was a charter member of Village Bible Church in Salina, Kansas, and sang in the Bethany Messiah Oratorio Society for 45 years. Friends reported her beautiful voice was broadcast many times on a radio program and even at Carnegie Hall.

Naming a music room after her is a fitting tribute to her memory. Dorothy donated blood to the Red Cross and volunteered at the Salina Senior Center until she moved to Plainville, KS. Dorothy is survived by her lifelong friend, Elsie Richmond of Plainville, KS, and many nieces and nephews.

Anyone wishing to participate in CU’s memorial program should contact the Advancement Department for details.

Calvary’s Biblical Counseling Master’s Degree Ranked in the Top 3 by “The Best Schools”

Calvary’s Biblical Counseling Master’s Degree Ranked in the Top 3 by “The Best Schools”

Calvary University has been ranked by, a member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling, as having one of the top 3 “Best Online Master’s in Biblical and Pastoral Counseling Programs.”

Calvary University’s Master of Biblical Counseling can be taken either on campus at Calvary’s Kansas City campus or at the Innovation Center in Colorado, or the program can be taken entirely online through Calvary’s blended model. Calvary’s counseling department is a reflection of the University’s commitment to the Bible as the core of every program.

The top 3 ranking is based on “the quality of program and range of courses provided, as well as school awards, rankings, and reputation.”

1. Academic excellence based on a school’s curriculum generally or within the selected discipline [weight = 25%]

  • Weighs school against known leading schools in that discipline
  • Weighs number of core curricula listed as advanced courses within that discipline and compares against introductory courses
  • Weighs school’s curriculum against known knowledge needs of major employers in that discipline
  • Considers number and types of specializations offered within that discipline
  • Considers faculty expertise in that discipline
  • Considers range of electives within that discipline
  • Considers quality of online environment offered to students (if applicable), particularly within that discipline

2. Strength of faculty scholarship [weight = 25%]

  • Considers education background of the faculty
  • Considers years of faculty experience both inside and outside of academia.
  • Considers faculty membership and leadership within relevant, prominent associations
  • Considers academic papers published by faculty in relevant, prominent periodicals
  • Considers awards and recognitions given to faculty members from prominent organizations and from other sources

3. Reputation [weight = 20%]

  • Considers a school’s reputation among academic peers and employers regarding the following:
    • Faculty
    • Curriculum
    • “Freshness” of academic knowledge
    • Adaptability to changes in employment sectors
    • Suitability of graduates for the workplace

4. Financial aid [weight = 10%]

  • Mandatory: Requires full accreditation from an agency endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and listed on the federal register to accept student federal financial aid
  • Considers range of school-sponsored financial aid such as scholarships and grants

5. Range of degree programs [weight = 20%]

  • Considers range of degree levels: associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral and professional
  • Considers range of degree subjects offered, such as art & design, computers & technology, education & teaching, criminal justice, and business

6. Strength of online instruction methodology (if applicable) [weight = 25%; subtract 5% from each of the above for online schools/programs]

  • Considers the following of the online classes:
    • Types of online technology used to deliver content
    • Pedagogy style: asynchronous, synchronous, or both (depending on the degree)
    • Extent and quality of the online, community learning environment, including options for communication, interactivity, and collaboration between students and also between students and instructors
    • Variety, breadth, and depth of coursework, and its support, including project options and online tutoring
  • Considers the following of instructors:
    • Extent of training for teaching within an online learning environment
    • Amount of timely, consistent feedback to students
    • Extent of collaboration with prospective employers to ensure suitability of instructional materials for achieving desired skills
    • Ratio to number of students in a class
  • Number and quality of internships in a student’s geographical area for applicable degrees

It’s Go Time for “Newsies” Tickets!

It’s Go Time for “Newsies” Tickets!

It's Go Time for "Newsies" Tickets!






 Meet the cast and crew of Newsies! They not only sell papes, they sell tickets! These thirty-nine cast members can’t wait to welcome you to the Disney Broadway hit, Newsies. 

Next weekend we load all the disparate elements of the set into Liberty Chapel. Tech Director Kaleb Krahn and student designer Christy Stone, along with many cast, crew, and friends, have been working like maniacs to build a set for this energy-filled production. Come and see how we fit this larger-than-life story, based on the actual Newsboy strike of 1899, smack dab into the middle of our Calvary campus. 

Choreographer Beckie Lucas brings her most creative work to date to our stage as she works with many of our students who have trained for years to bring this show to life.  You don’t want to miss it, coming March 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17!

Get your tickets NOW: To access all the information, click here: Newsie’s Information

PhD in Bible and Theology Program Begins at Calvary

PhD in Bible and Theology Program Begins at Calvary

PhD in Bible and Theology Program Begins at Calvary University


Groundbreaking, Dual-Discipline PhD Program Officially Started This Week with a Greek Intensive 

The first class in the new PhD in Bible and Theology program at Calvary University met on January 15, 2019 (Tuesday night). Dr. Neil Nelson taught Greek Intensive I to five students.

The PhD in Bible and Theology program is designed for those who want to learn and use the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) to do biblical exegesis and systematic theology. Students who have taken the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) in seminary are required to take proficiency exams to bypass taking the biblical language courses.

Students who have taken the Master of Arts in Bible and Theology program (1-2 year program) can become a PhD student at Calvary University. Their first PhD class is Greek Intensive I which introduces the students to elementary grammar and basic vocabulary of Koine Greek and involves learning how to read the Greek New Testament.

The PhD in Bible and Theology program is affordable. Resident PhD students pay $397 per credit hour. Online PhD students pay $437 a credit hour. PhD students who are in full-time ministry get the $250 a credit hour tuition rate.

The PhD in Bible and Theology program is focused. Students take one class at a time. The Biblical language classes meet twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday nights) for four hours a week for eight weeks (one cycle).

Contact Dr. Gary Gromacki (Director of the PhD in Bible and Theology program) if you are interested ([email protected]) in studying the word of God at Calvary University.

Dr. Neil Nelson (center) taught Greek Intensive I to (left to right) Megan Grooters, John Oglesby, Karl Seele and Thomas Blow, in the first-ever PhD in Bible and Theology Program this week. Steve Spurlin (not pictured) is taking the class online.

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