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Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics to be Held at Calvary University

Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics to be Held at Calvary University

Calvary University will be hosting the twelfth annual Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics on September 18–19, 2019. The Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics is a forum where traditional dispensationalists discuss issues involving hermeneutics and theological method. This year, the topic of discussion will be “Dispensationalism, Social Justice, and Race.” The schedule for this year’s conference proves to be exciting as leaders and scholars from all over the country explore different aspects of the Biblical view of social justice and racism.

Everyone is encouraged to join us at Calvary University for the 2019 Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics and can register here. More information about the conference can also be found here.

The End of an Era – A Tribute to Dr. James B. Raiford

The End of an Era – A Tribute to Dr. James B. Raiford

“A Beloved Friend and Trusted Colleague”

Dr. James B. Raiford, former Academic Dean of Calvary Theological Seminary, went to be with the Lord on June 7, 2019. His obituary is available here. The following article was written and contributed by his friend and colleague, Mr. Joel T. Williamson, Jr.

In December 1999, when Dr. James B. Raiford left Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary (now Calvary University) to return to the pastorate, he left behind more than an empty office. He left a campus full of friends and an educational institution that was far better and more stable than the one he found when he arrived—thanks in large part to his own tireless efforts.

Coming to Calvary did not make much sense in 1990. Though recovering, the school had operated “in the red” for several years, and rumors of its demise were circling overhead. Yet, it was in 1990 that Dr. Raiford chose to leave a successful pastorate and become the chairman of Pastoral Studies. He came with everything Calvary looks for in its faculty—a record of academic excellence, extensive experience in ministry, and an established reputation as a godly husband and father.

Driven by a vision of what biblical and theological education should be, he tackled every challenge with the singular goal of making each graduating class better prepared for ministry than its predecessor. Though a popular teacher in both Pastoral Studies and Bible, Dr. Raiford’s greatest academic contribution may well have come in Theology, especially in his Contemporary Theology class, where he prepared students to have a stable faith in a world of constantly shifting ideas.

It was under Dr. Raiford’s leadership that Calvary’s graduate school was restructured to meet the needs of the modern evangelical church with courses that were both ministry-oriented and academically rigorous. In 1992, this revised program was officially christened “Calvary Theological Seminary,” and James B. Raiford became its first academic dean. Recognizing the need to make seminary education even more available, he initiated a modular program to allow pastors (and others) to continue their education without interrupting their ministries. In 1994, he converted the entire seminary program to an evening school so that students could support their families with good-paying day jobs and still complete their education for ministry at night. In the years since his departure, Calvary has experienced further expansion and development, but the improvements he initiated have not been lost or forgotten.

During his time at Calvary, Jim Raiford wore many hats, and wore them well. He even served as academic dean of both college and seminary for one year!  Still, his greatest contributions were more personal. He was a friend and mentor to his students and a beloved friend and trusted colleague to the faculty and staff. By all who knew him at Calvary, he is, and will continue to be, sorely missed.

Calvary University Recognized With #1 Ranked Accredited Online Degree Program

Calvary University Recognized With #1 Ranked Accredited Online Degree Program has ranked Calvary University as having the #1 Accredited Online Degree Program for 2019, out of 2,028 eligible schools, just ahead of Regent University and LeTourneau University.

BestCollege’s methodology is “grounded in statistical data and a few consistently applied guiding principles including academic quality, affordability, and online competency.” The ranking considers retention, graduation rate, average net price, overall online offerings, and commitment to providing quality online education.

Calvary University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees on campus or completely online through its unique blended model. Calvary recently launched the PhD in Bible and Theology which also is available either on campus or completely online. Calvary values making its programs accessible to students, with high quality and low cost, and because of that commitment, Calvary is gratified to receive the ranking.

Norm Baker Named 2019 Alumnus of the Year

Norm Baker Named 2019 Alumnus of the Year

“It was all for God’s glory!”

Norm Baker, adjunct faculty member in the Bible and Theology Department, was given the Calvary University (CU) Alumnus of the Year Award at the 2019 Commencement ceremony on May 11.

“It was all for God’s glory,” said Baker as he accepted the honor.

“You are what we all want to be,” said Dr. Christopher Cone, President of CU. “You have been trustworthy in the classroom, you have taught the word faithfully, and that’s all any of us are after. So, thank you for your example. Thank you for serving the Lord.”

Unfortunately for the students of CU, Baker has decided to retire. However, he will continue to serve the CU community with a pen.

“He has his next assignment,” said Dr. Cone, “which is to write for Calvary University Press and we’re very excited about that.”

CU Press is a new venture being developed this year. Dr. Mike Dodds will be stepping away from his familiar roles as Dean of the College and Department Chair for Ministry Studies, to become the first director of CU Press. He will continue to teach as a Professor of Ministry Studies. Baker has been asked to be a regular contributor to CU Press.

Baker was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1950. Soon after, his family moved across the country to upstate New York. As a young boy he enjoyed riding on trains with his father and grandfather who worked for the New York Central Railroad. His uncle owned a Christian book store, and Baker enjoyed browsing while having a popsicle. He speculates that this is where he first developed a love for books.

After his family moved to Aurora, Colorado, a few year later, Baker attended Aurora Central High School. His sister started going to the youth group at Aurora Bible Church. When she told him some cute girls were there, he decided to go with her. It was there that Baker heard the gospel message preached and received Christ as his personal Savior. Shortly after that, his parents rededicated their lives to Christ, and the Bakers started attending church as a family.

While in high school, Baker often heard evangelists and missionaries speak of the need to reach the lost for Christ. He dedicated his life to serve wherever God called him. His teachers encouraged him to go into an acting career because he loved drama. However, Baker sensed God leading him in a different direction, and after graduating from high school in 1967, he went to Frontier School of the Bible to prepare for overseas ministry.

During his time at Frontier, Baker heard about the work in Africa from missionaries with Gospel Missionary Union (now Avant Ministries). In 1971, he was accepted as a missionary with GMU to go to Mali, West Africa. During the missionary candidate training he met his future wife, Mary Alice, and they were married on September 18, 1971.

After raising support, they left for Switzerland to study French in April 1972 and then headed to Mali in July 1973. The next couple of years were spent learning the Bambara language and the culture. Baker particularly enjoyed hearing the Malian proverbs and stories that had been passed down verbally for many generations. He quickly developed a love and deep respect for the Bambara people.

Norm and Mary Alice served with Gospel Missionary Union for fifteen years. They raised their family of three sons and one daughter while living in the bush. Baker helped with church planting and discipleship training. He translated discipleship materials and assisted with a new revision of the Bambara Bible. During their last few years in Mali, Baker taught at the Mana Bible Institute, training Malian pastors and church leaders.

In 1986, Baker received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Calvary Bible College (CBC). He then served as the Missionary in Residence there from 1986 to 1987. He became the pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church where he served from 1987 to 1991. During that time Baker received his Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Theological Seminary. The Baker family then moved to Dallas, Texas, where Norm attended Dallas Theological Seminary and graduated with a Master of Theology degree in 1998. He also became the pastor of Stanley Bible Church in Overland Park, Kansas, in 1998, where he served for ten years.

In addition to pastoring, Baker taught Bible & Theology classes at Calvary from 2001 to 2005. He returned as an adjunct professor in January 2012, a total of twelve and a half years of service at Calvary. He has also enjoyed supporting CU’s theatre department as well as attending athletic events.

On the CU campus, Baker is fondly referred to as “Stormin’ Norman.” His love for studying and teaching the Word of God has been his life-long passion. He has had a sincere love for his students, as evidenced in his one-on-one interactions with them as he continues to disciple and prepare others for ministry. And, his students have returned that love. At Baker’s retirement party, student after student shared how much he has influenced their lives.

“Each one of these students,” Baker said, “helped me be a better teacher by their attitude in the classroom. That’s all I can say.”

The Alumnus of the Year award is given annually to a CU graduate who has shown faithfulness in ministry and has maintained a strong connection with the school in the years since graduation.


Special thanks to Sara Klassen for compiling the biographical data for this article.

The Alumni of the Year Award was presented to Norm Baker at the 2019 Commencement ceremony on May 11. The award is given annually to a CU graduate who has shown faithfulness in ministry and has maintained a strong connection with the school in the years since graduation.

Norm Baker (top right) played a part in the 2018 Calvary University theatre production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Baker has enjoyed supporting the CU theatre department and attending athletic events in addition to his service in Calvary classrooms. 

“It was all for God’s glory,” said Norm Baker as he accepted the Alumni of the Year Award at the 2019 Commencement ceremony on May 11. 

Calvary University Offers Online Chemistry Class and Lab Focusing on Health Applications

Calvary University Offers Online Chemistry Class and Lab Focusing on Health Applications

Are you interested in how chemistry is involved in medicine and health?  Have you wondered what the difference is between drugs and vitamins?  Interested in a chemistry class that requires relatively low amounts of math?  Not interested in having to stand in a lab for hours at a time you’d rather be doing something else?

If that describes you, then Chemistry with Heath Applications (SC251N and SC252N) is the class for you!  Calvary University is starting its first completely online science class with a lab!  That’s right, even the lab is online!  When you register for the course, you obtain a lab kit to use at home on your schedule.  The lectures, textbook, homework, and lab experiments are all accessed online.  Interested?  Sign up for SC251N and SC252N during cycle 2!