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Calvary Announces Strategic New Partnership with Child Evangelism Fellowship

Calvary Announces Strategic New Partnership with Child Evangelism Fellowship

Dr. Christopher Cone (seated, left), President of Calvary University, and Reese Kauffman (seated, right), President of Child Evangelism Fellowship®, signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement this week giving CEF’s workers in the St. Louis area, and around the world, even greater opportunity to further their education through Calvary University. Dr. Allan Henderson (back row, center), Vice President of Eastern Initiatives, Eastern Missouri Site Director, and Professor of Education and Bible at CU, looks on with (from left to right) Ron York, CEF Executive Director of Support Services; Linda Pongracz, CEF Director of Education; Ron Tant, CEF Vice-President of USA Ministries; and Moises Esteves, CEF Vice-President of International Ministries. 

“We can accomplish great things because we join together.”


Warrenton MO, August 12, 2019 — Child Evangelism Fellowship® and Calvary University (CU) signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement at the International Headquarters for CEF® in Warrenton.

Students in the greater St. Louis area can now more easily attend CU by attending classes offered at convenient times at the International Headquarters facilities for CEF. Likewise, CU will make their facilities in Kansas City, MO, and Fort Morgan, CO, available for CEF ministry training. Credits for attending CEF Children’s Ministries Institute® will be awarded by CU and CMI students are encouraged to further their education through Calvary. Tuition discounts and financial cooperation are part of the agreement.

Dr. Christopher Cone, President of CU, said, “Over the years I’ve had a lot of opportunity to teach church history. I have assessed many different ministries, to see how God has worked. I’m so thankful for the ministry of CEF because it’s so impactful … around the world. I have seen no greater ministry in the history of the church, that has had the impact CEF has had.”

Child Evangelism Fellowship reached well over 25 million children with face-to-face teaching around the world in 2018. Ninety-six percent of its 3,500+ full-time workers are nationals, strategically equipped and supported by CEF to effectively reach boys and girls in their nations with the Gospel. More workers are needed for the great harvest, so CEF is pleased to partner with quality institutions to help students gain a vision for the world’s children.

CU continues to be recognized for excellence in Christian education. CU’s graduate Ministry and Pastoral Leadership programs were recognized among the nation’s best ministry degrees by this year. In addition, CU was awarded the #2 ranking in the “Best Online Christian College” category by

Reese Kauffman, President of CEF, said regarding the partnership with CU, “A partnership matters when both sides can accomplish something they cannot do separately. We can train children’s workers, but we need to attract them to this ministry. Calvary University can further educate and attract students. We spent much time together and have a kindred spirit. We both realize that without God and His Word and His Spirit working in our midst and in our lives, nothing can be accomplished. In that spirit we can accomplish great things because we join together.”

Dr. Allan Henderson of CU will be the new site director. He said, “Ministries overall need to come together instead of being isolated. I see this partnership as giving Calvary more global impact through CEF, learning how to be more equipped in teaching children, and giving our students ministry opportunities.”

Child Evangelism Fellowship is an international, nonprofit, Christian ministry that has been teaching the Bible to children since 1937. CEF has 400 offices in the USA and is organized in most nations of the world, with over 3,500 paid staff and hundreds of thousands of volunteers. In its last ministry year, CEF ministered to over 25 million children in its face-to-face teaching ministries.

Special thanks to Lydia Kaiser of CEF for writing this press release.

Dr. Christopher Cone (right) and Dr. Allan Henderson (center) of Calvary met with Reese Kauffman, President of Child Evangelism Fellowship® this week in Warrenton, Missouri, at the International Headquarters for CEF®, to sign a Strategic Partnership Agreement. 

Church Being Revitalized by Calvary Alumnus

Church Being Revitalized by Calvary Alumnus

Pastor Chris Williams and his congregation are putting their faith to work revitalizing a local church.

Calvary University (CU) alumnus Chris Williams is excited about the new direction God is taking his congregation. Williams graduated from CU in 2003 with a Master of Science in Christian Studies, and a Master of Divinity in 2013. He is now senior pastor of Fellowship Church, Greenwood (FG), in a role he has filled for six years.

Recently, FG undertook the project of revitalizing another local church, First Baptist Church of Raymore. Williams pointed out that, “We are a recipient of another church pouring into us and investing in us when this church had died… and our dream was always to pay forward what Lenexa [Baptist Church] did for us.”

When First Baptist of Raymore approached Williams to discuss pursuing revitalization, he brought it before the church leadership and members to discuss it and pray over it. Ultimately, they felt that God was giving them the chance they had been praying for to invest in another church body.

Williams and the other leaders at FG see the hand of God at work as they prepare to send fifty of their members to the new church site. “We’re doing exactly what was done for us. We’re giving them people; giving them dollars. We’re giving them mission and vision to see that church become a vital part of its community.” Williams said that Raymore is the fastest growing city in Cass County and the third fastest in the KC Metro area, so the opportunities for engagement and impact are vast.

The body of FG voted unanimously on the proposition to delegate their time, money, and leadership to First Baptist of Raymore. Williams said FG is unified in their enthusiasm to see the Raymore campus “living for the good of that community, the glory of Christ, and the salvation of all.”

When Williams first came to CU in 1997, he was untrained. He said, “I didn’t even know what a quiet time was.” His time at CU proved formative for his spiritual growth. “It was transformative in my faith journey. I really learned and grew a desire to love God’s word and to study it in a dispensational, verse-by-verse manner, with that literal historical grammatical approach to Scripture.” Williams believes CU helped him develop his love for the Word of God and states, “It was at Calvary that I learned what a disciple was and actually became one.”

Pastor Williams is clear about his mission at Fellowship Church. “I want to help everyone who comes to the Fellowship to understand that they were created on purpose and for a great purpose.” Having received training in how to know and serve God, Williams now works to provide others with the training they need. “I want to help them discover that purpose and then give them the encouragement and the tools and the training that they need to go live in that purpose.”

Pastor Chris Williams of Fellowship Church Greenwood

Fellowship Church’s new campus in Raymore

Counseling Student Interns at Local Pregnancy Center

Counseling Student Interns at Local Pregnancy Center

Brooke Glaszczak is spending her summer getting hands-on experience.

The weather may be sweltering, but Calvary’s students are finding ways to beat the heat and keep growing this summer.

Brooke Glaszczak is a Biblical Counseling major heading into her senior year this fall, and she is taking the summer to fulfill one of her degree requirements: a counseling internship. Students have a choice in where they complete their internship, and Brooke has been volunteering at Shiloh Center in Harrisonville, Missouri.

Shiloh Center is a crisis pregnancy center that provides women with physical resources, such as diapers and clothing, in exchange for the women coming to counseling sessions and parent training classes. Brooke says she chose to volunteer at Shiloh because her target audience for counseling is women and young adults, and the center is perfect for gaining experience in that area.

Twice a week, Brooke sorts through the piles of donations, organizes clothing, and shadows in-house counselors to watch their methods and learn for their experience. Brooke is excited about the impact she can see Shiloh Center making in the lives of the women who come there. “They are a really good resource for women who have no place to go… from the resources they give and the biblical counseling that they do and just talking to people. That’s a really huge impact because [these women] don’t have help like that.”

While Brooke loves hearing the client’s stories and seeing how God is working in their lives, it hasn’t all been easy. “There are definitely difficulties that I kind of prepped myself for, that ‘this might happen’, but seeing girls come in that have been abused or raped, or girls who come in who are planning on having abortions and just want the pregnancy test… it kind of just hits you in the face.” Despite the difficulties, Brooke is thankful for her time at Shiloh Center. God has used this internship to “encourage me by showing my inadequacies, because I’m seeing in my life where I can’t do anything, and it has to be God. I feel like, especially being a Biblical Counseling major, you’re dealing with people’s issues all the time and so, there’s a lot of dependency on God. Because one person really can’t handle all those things.” Referencing Matthew 11, she commented on how we aren’t supposed to carry every burden, but we find freedom in giving them to Christ and accepting his yoke.

Besides getting her one step closer to finishing her degree, Brooke’s time at Shiloh Center has energized her for the possibilities after graduation. “It’s kind of eased my nerves on what the future will look like because I’ve seen what God can do in the lives of other people.” Between the internship and the intentional time she has invested in spiritual growth this summer, she has found a different perspective. She is delving deeper into the importance of focusing on her own growth so that she can give to others out of that, “because you can’t give out of what you don’t have.”

Through her work at Shiloh, Brooke feels confident that biblical counseling is where her career path is, and she is becoming more excited about her field of study here at Calvary. She views her passion for counseling in light of both story and redemption. “We are coming alongside these people with broken stories and helping them to see how God can mend and heal what’s broken. It’s just exciting to be used in that way to be a part of that process and be a vessel to help with that. I love the idea of it and the system of counseling biblically because it’s a really good reflection of what Christ does for us. He comes alongside of us and helps us; encourages us.”

As she reflected on her time at Shiloh Center, Brooke pulled out this takeaway from her internship, “God can take messy and broken lives and turn them around for good… and God can use anyone in His story of redemption.”

2019 Calvary Grad Has Found Her “Dream Job” Educating Displaced Youth

2019 Calvary Grad Has Found Her “Dream Job” Educating Displaced Youth

“I just knew that I would always want to be pursuing Christ, and I knew Calvary would be the place that prepared me for a lifetime of that.”

When Celeste Williams came to Calvary as a freshman, she had no idea where God would lead her or what she wanted to do for her career.

“I just knew that I would always want to be pursuing Christ,” Williams said, “and I knew Calvary would be the place that prepared me for a lifetime of that.”

As her love for children surfaced, she chose Elementary Education, even though the classroom wasn’t her favorite place to be. But in retrospect, she sees that, “Studying elementary education led to my dream job.”

She graduated with her Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education in Calvary’s most recent graduating class of 2019, and she has hit the ground running. She now works as the Education Director for Global FC, a local organization engaging and equipping youth from conflict and war zone areas of the world. The organization uses soccer opportunities, one-on-one tutoring, and mentorship to inspire and invest in children that are too often overlooked.

Williams found her way to Global FC through their partnership with Calvary. She had attended soccer games and interacted with the kids, and when Global FC started their education program. “This is somewhere that I can fit,” she realized. She plugged herself into the community, and keeps busy developing and organizing the ever-growing education program. As the program expands, Global FC finds new ways to reach the displaced communities of Kansas City.

“We have this new program,” she said, “that we’re figuring out called soccer literacy, which is for kids who have been in the states a year or less, so they don’t speak English much or read it. So we combine soccer drills with vocabulary and sentences to give them something a little different as they’re learning.” The kids Global FC reaches are almost universally enthralled with soccer, and it has proved a powerful tool for connecting with them.

Other programs are in the works for family literacy and high school graduates transitioning, so Williams stays busy recruiting volunteers, training tutors, and looking for partnerships for grants and other funding. But once work is done and the computer is closed, she’ll take any excuse to pay a home visit to one of their students. “Once I show up at a house, I end up being there for a couple hours usually.”

Despite spending more time on her computer than she ever expected to, Williams loves where she is and the opportunity she has. The community at Global FC has become invaluable to her.

She said, “[We] come and start to invest, not because we pity them and feel bad for them and think they have nothing, but because we believe that they have so much to give back to us.” Their capacity for unconditional love astounds her, and God is teaching her that, “It has to be a choice for me to allow God to love [these kids] through me…I can’t do everything… but I can be faithful to my role and allow God to work though me and through others.”

When Williams talks about her work and the kids, she can’t stop smiling. “I call my current job my dream job because it combined my love of children, families, culture, relationships, teaching, sports, missions, and even random things.” She points out how God has been at work, directing her steps here.

“The crazy thing is, this job did not exist when I started college; I was simply following God’s leading at each step along the way, and He graciously brought me here.”

With college behind her and exciting opportunities ahead of her, Williams has fallen in love with the mission field in her back yard. “I think a lot of life lessons that I learned here at Calvary are helping me… and there’s a part of me that’s 100% ready to go to another country and share about Jesus… But another part of me is like, this is the mission. Right here.”

Calvary’s Master’s in Ministry Recognized Again

Calvary’s Master’s in Ministry Recognized Again has awarded Calvary University with the ranking of #2 in their “Best Online Master’s in Ministry” category. Earlier this year, another college ranking organization awarded Calvary the same spot, affirming the quality of the program.

BestCollege’s methodology is “grounded in statistical data and a few consistently applied guiding principles including academic quality, affordability, and online competency.” The ranking considers retention, graduation rate, average net price, overall online offerings, and commitment to providing quality online education.

“Students earning their Master of Arts in Bible and theology degree from Calvary hone skills applicable to further academic study and future careers as ministers. By examining biblical texts in their original languages and practicing different research methods, students gain a broad overview of the Bible’s teachings. In this Master of Arts in Christian ministry online program, full-time students can graduate in just one year.

Calvary University is thankful for the recognition and for the part they are able to play in training ministers for the field. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!