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The Centurion’s Call: a Marine’s thoughts on Veteran’s Day

The Centurion’s Call: a Marine’s thoughts on Veteran’s Day

Thoughts on Veteran’s Day by SgtMaj Michael Burke, USMC (Ret)

On the morning of April 22, two young Marines manned an entry control point in the city of Ramadi, Iraq. Corporal Yale and Lance Corporal Haerter were from two different battalions conducting a turnover of the battlespace, transferring control from one battalion to the other. Inside this compound with the Iraqis were about forty Marines, some sleeping after a long night patrol, some going about their daily routine.

Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl wrote in his book Man’s Search for Meaning, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” It is a dangerous space which requires upright character and a strong moral foundation to navigate. Sometimes, in the moment of pressure, it is too late to give much thought to the dilemma. Often, the nature of the character we’ve developed chooses our course long before the situation arrives at our door.

At about 9:30 that morning, a twenty-foot tanker truck broke through the outer security perimeter of Iraqi soldiers and headed towards an old flimsy metal gate (the stimulus). At 500 yards, the Marines at the entry control point recognized the danger and began putting well aimed rifle fire on the cab of the truck (the response). At twenty-five yards, an American machine gun opened up fire, and the truck finally came to a halt about ten yards from the post. The truck exploded in a massive fireball. Approximately 2,000 pounds of explosive had ignited. Corporal Yale and Lance Corporal Haerter, having stood their ground, were so close they never really stood a chance against the blast.

The Iraqis manning the gate with the Marines had run (their response). An hour or two later, when senior Marine Commander General Kelly and the Iraqi commander came to view the blast hole that was seven feet deep and twenty feet across, the Iraqi commander said to General Kelly, “Why didn’t they run? My men ran and they lived.” General Kelly responded, “They couldn’t run. I hope someday you will understand that, but they couldn’t run because there were forty Marines on the inside of that gate depending on them.” Corporal Yale and Lance Corporal Haerter made their decision long before a bomb laden truck ever crossed their path.

Throughout his epistles, Paul calls on believers to take on the attributes of a soldier. Though it may seem odd for Christians to emulate soldierly virtues at first, there is a purposeful and practical reason. He uses military metaphors a number of times in his letters to the Philippians, the Corinthians, Philemon, Timothy, and most memorably to the Ephesians. There are also numerous Old Testament examples of warriors who conducted themselves righteously in the sight of God. Joshua, Caleb, Gideon, and David come immediately to mind.

Soldierly virtues are also often associated with loyalty, duty, sacrifice, and noble comportment. It was a Roman centurion who displayed more faith than anyone in Israel when he approached Jesus on behalf of his ill servant. (Matthew 8:1-13). In the book of Acts, Cornelius, a centurion, and his entire household were the first Gentiles baptized into the church. At the cross, when the attending centurion witnessed the events as Christ died, he praised God (Luke 23:47)

On July 18, 2010, Corporal Joe Wrightsman was leading a patrol crossing the Helmand river when an Afghan National Policeman (ANP) was swept away in the river behind him (the stimulus). Without hesitation, Cpl Wrightsman, in full personal protective gear, dove into the water in an effort to rescue the ANP (the response). He was last seen about fifty feet downstream when he surfaced briefly. Four other Marines had dropped their gear and went in after him but were unable to find anything. The entire Marine Expeditionary Force threw all its efforts into recovering Cpl Wrightsman. Every type of asset, aircraft, equipment, and personnel were employed. Taliban forces began to move in from the north in an effort to capture Cpl Wrightsman’s body before the Marines. They were thwarted after two days when the Americans recovered both bodies.

Joe Wrightsman was one of my Marines back in the 2000s. He was charismatic, funny, a natural leader. Lean, tough, and fit, he easily fit the role of an infantry squad leader. Younger guys immediately looked up to him. By the time I rotated out of the battalion, Wrightsman decided to extend his tour and deploy with his squad to Afghanistan.

Upon hearing what happened on July 18, nearly every one of us that knew him immediately thought, “But Wrightsman can’t swim!” Fortunately, America still breeds the kind of people with a bias for action who don’t dwell on what they can’t do. I imagine Wrightsman thought to himself, “I can’t let this guy down!” Then he heedlessly went after a man who wasn’t a fellow Marine or even an American.

I remember Wrightsman had a tattoo of the Green Lantern symbol on his arm. Many young men have joined the service with dreams of doing heroic deeds and exploits. No doubt Wrightsman was no different, hoping to emulate the valor of his childhood heroes.

One of my last acts as Wrightsman’s 1stSgt was to submit him for meritorious promotion to Corporal. At the time of his death, his current 1stSgt had submitted him for meritorious Sergeant. It was once remarked to me that all Joe cared about was being a Marine and taking care of his squad. That’s just about my breed of Marine, I’d say.

I think it’s no coincidence the Marine Corps Birthday, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving all fall in the same month. As we prepare ourselves for the rigors of the holiday season, take a moment to consider those few who made the decision to stand in the gap, negotiate the thin treacherous space between stimulus and response, and do the right thing. When the time comes, pray each of us can do the same.

To face the challenges of tomorrow, we must foster moral discipline and recognize the “space between.” Take positive action and purposely choose to be part of something better.

“And each man stands with his face in the light of his own drawn sword. Ready to do what a hero can.” 

– Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Calvary Outlasts Union with Strong Defense

Calvary Outlasts Union with Strong Defense

Calvary University Men’s Basketball finished their home opener with a 94-79 win over Union College. “I’m really proud of the guys,” said Senior Zeb Green. “They really fought well from start to finish.” The Warriors started out the game strong, gaining an early 10 point lead over Union. “We had a great start to the game,” said Coach Matt Sanders. “Great defense as well as timely shots really contributed to our fast start.” The Calvary continued to play well throughout the first half, going into halftime with a 44-30 lead.

The Warriors started out the second half with excellent defense, forcing Union to turn the ball over, leading to transition lay ups and open threes on the other end. “We have been working really hard in practice on our transition offense and it really paid off in the second half,” said Coach Sanders. Union refused to go away, however, and continued to make runs at Calvary in the second half. But with relentless defense, Calvary University was able to hold off Union. “We really came together as a team to stop Union’s runs.” said forward Ben Jones. With strong defense proving to be the difference, Calvary University was able to come out with the 15 point victory over Union College.

The depth of the Calvary Warriors  really showed on the court with 5 players finishing in double figures. Ben Jones finished the night with 20 points, and Jax Bell gave a huge lift from the bench with 12 points of his own. Zeb Green contributed 16 points as well as 12 rebounds, while Braydon Unruh and Jay Lems gave the Warriors the edge over Union with a combined 24 points. “Moving forward, we are going to take it one game at a time,’ said Coach Sanders. “We will be looking to improve our offensive execution and transition defense.” Calvary University Men’s basketball will next take the court Saturday at home against Baptist Bible College.


Calvary Opens Season With Win

Calvary Opens Season With Win

The Calvary University Women’s Basketball team opened their season with a 72-34 win over Union College. “I am really proud of how every single girl worked together tonight,” said forward Lynzee Faulkner. “We were able to really come together and play as one unit which really helped us pull out such a strong win.” Calvary University had a slow start to the game offensively, finishing the first quarter with 14 points. “With it being the first game of the season, we had to work through some nervousness before we could find our rhythm offensively,” said Coach Tressa Shoemaker. Despite a slow offensive start, Calvary University was relentless on the defensive end, holding Union to just 6 points in the first quarter, and finishing the first half with 13 steals. The Calvary University Lady Warriors were able to find their rhythm offensively, 19-7 run to finish the first half 20 point lead.

Calvary University carried their momentum into the second half by continuing to create open looks with ball movement, and moving the ball up the court well. The Lady Warriors also showed how strong they were defensively, holding Union to just 34 points for the game. “I am proud of the girls in how they executed their offense and played as a team. They are already taking ownership in how to improve for the next game,” said Coach Shoemaker.

Taylor Hunter led the team in scoring, finishing the game with 31 points. Hannah Sorensen added 12 of her own and Avery Kornstad finished with 9 points. Anna Davis led the way in in rebounding, finishing with 12 rebounds and 8 points for the night. Calvary University Women’s basketball will next play in the Allen County Classic tournament this Friday in Topeka, Kansas.


Chapel Preview of Doubt Sparks Discussion

Chapel Preview of Doubt Sparks Discussion

Dr. Luther Smith speaks on a talkback panel after Monday’s preview performance of Doubt.

Monday morning’sChapel featured a preview of Calvary’s upcoming theatre production, Doubt: a parable. After performing a scene from the play, director Bobbie Jeffrey invited a panel of Calvary faculty, staff, and retired faculty to comment on the play. Panelists also fielded questions from the audience. Students engaged with questions about themes of the play, how to deal with abuse in the church, and how to wrestle with doubts in a biblical manner.

Student dramaturg Vincent Matteson explained author John Patrick Shanley’s thoughts on the play. Shanley recognized the polarizing nature of some of his topics, but he said, “I’m interested in the conversation, especially because another word for that conversation is ‘life.’” The play is already sparking conversation across Calvary’s campus as students and faculty address together the central question of Doubt: what do you do when you’re not sure?

Doubt performs October 25-26 at 7:30 pm, and October 27 at 2:00 pm.

President Emeritus Chipchase Ministering Across the Country

President Emeritus Chipchase Ministering Across the Country

Dr. Elwood Chipchase has become involved in several ministries since retiring from Calvary.

Dr. Elwood Chipchase came to Calvary in 1999 from a pastorate in Chicago. He had been serving on Calvary’s advisory board for some time, when the current president Dr. Madison contacted him, asking him to come to Calvary as President. “I said, ‘I’m not going to do it,” Chipchase remembered. “I’m a pastor. I’m staying a pastor.” But after months of Dr. Madison asking, “I really had a tug in my heart. My heart was changing… I said, ‘Lord, I really am of the opinion you want me at Calvary. I don’t know why, except I believe it’s you.”

Dr. Chipchase followed the call and took the role of President at Calvary. “I had an attitude already that this younger generation was a great generation. And when I came here and saw the quality of young people we have here at Calvary, I felt the same way.”

Since moving on from Calvary, Chipchase has become involved in several ministries across the country. He serves as chaplain at Bibleville, a Bible conference center that equips “Winter Texans” to grow and share their faith. The center holds 500 residents in its mobile home park, and offers services, activities, and ministry opportunities to the attendees November through April. Chipchase reflected, “Today I minister to a whole flock of senior citizens which I never thought I’d ever do. But what I’ve found is I have some of the most exciting people who really want to hear the Word. So, at my age, I’m studying very hard.”

It’s a privilege to be involved in the Lord’s work. I mean, why quit? You don’t ever want to quit.”

Chipchase serves on the board for Pacific Garden Mission, producers of the radio program, Unshackled! He also serves on the board for Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW) and travels as a representative for them. He mentioned, “Wherever I go people say, how are things at Calvary?” Reflecting on his time at Calvary, he said, “The privilege of being here [was] getting to know the students, praying for them every day. And I’m excited about Calvary, about what God’s doing here.”

Commenting on his plans for the future, Chipchase said, “Let me quote one of my men. On Sunday he said to me, ‘Last Friday was my last day. I’m reporting for duty tomorrow morning.’ And Monday morning, he was here at our church. God gives us retirement so we can serve full time… It’s a privilege to be involved in the Lord’s work. I mean, why quit? You don’t ever want to quit.”