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The Calvary University Alumni Association desires to help foster lifelong friendships between Calvary and our former students. If there is anything we can do to help you, please call (816) 322-0110 Ext. 1330 or contact Alumni Relations. Please update your personal information so we can serve you well!  Also, you can request transcripts, find a job, or make a gift to help support the mission of Calvary University.

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Departmental Blog

Senior Class Gift Funds Newly-planted Trees

Senior Class Gift Funds Newly-planted Trees

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Back in May, the 2018 Senior Class announced their intention to buy trees for Calvary’s Kansas City campus.  This week the evergreen trees, known as Green Giants, were planted along Kensington Avenue and near the Conference Center. So...

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Independence Day “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty; it ought to...

Calvary Celebrates 51 New Graduates

Calvary Celebrates 51 New Graduates

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life On Saturday, May 5, 51 graduates moved their tassels and took the next step down the path God has laid out for them.  The Commencement Exercises took place at Graceway, and many family and friends joined us in celebrating the Class of...