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Alumni Relations

The Calvary University Alumni Association desires to help foster lifelong friendships between Calvary and our former students. If there is anything we can do to help you, please call (816) 322-0110 Ext. 1330 or contact Alumni Relations. Please update your personal information so we can serve you well!  Also, you can request transcripts, find a job, or make a gift to help support the mission of Calvary University.

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Departmental Blog

Portraits of Calvary, September 9, 2016

Portraits of Calvary, September 9, 2016

Christian Ministry Fair Question:  Where could you find thirty churches and ministry organizations in one room? Answer:  At Calvary’s Christian Ministry Fair Last Thursday, our students had the opportunity to visit with those representing various local churches and...

Portraits of Calvary, September 2, 2016

Portraits of Calvary, September 2, 2016

Inaugural Convocation One week ago, Dr. Christopher Cone was officially inaugurated as the President of Calvary University.  We were honored to have several delegates, special guests and, of course, the students, faculty, and staff on hand to witness the investiture...

Portraits of Calvary, August 26, 2016

Portraits of Calvary, August 26, 2016

Convocation Chapel Wednesday was the first Chapel of the semester, and we started the year, just as we did last fall, with the Convocation Chapel.  The faculty wore regalia and walked in a processional before lining the center aisle and clapping for the new students...

Dr. Leandro Tarrataca: 2016 Alumnus of the Year

Dr. Leandro Tarrataca: 2016 Alumnus of the Year

This year the President’s Cabinet has chosen to honor Dr. Leandro Tarrataca for his extensive ministry. Leandro was born in a small town in Brazil in 1972 as the first grandson of Portuguese immigrants. When Leandro was fourteen years old, his parents divorced.  His...