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Departmental Blog

Commencement Recap

Commencement Recap

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life The biggest and final event of Commencement Week was, of course, the Commencement Exercises.  The ceremony took place at Graceway on Saturday, May 6.  This year we were delighted to have our very own alumna, Gracia Burnham, deliver the...

Baccalaureate: A Service and a Sermon

Baccalaureate: A Service and a Sermon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life On Friday, May 5, our graduates participated in the annual Baccalaureate Service.  This year’s speaker was James Payne, a 1987 Calvary alumnus and father of graduate Nick Payne.  Mr. Payne started his message by making sure we all...

Crowds on Campus

Crowds on Campus

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life There were crowds on campus April 20-21 as we held a Pastors’ Conference, hosted a Fine Arts Festival for Christian schools, and had the Music Department’s Spring Concert!  The total attendance for the Pastors’ Conference was 80, with...

Awards Chapel and Alumni Induction Luncheon

Awards Chapel and Alumni Induction Luncheon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life As always, Commencement Week was a flurry of activity, all with the goal of sending our graduates off in a suitable fashion!  We held Awards Chapel on Thursday, May 4.  Each undergraduate academic department chose a graduate to honor,...

Work Day = Campus Improvements

Work Day = Campus Improvements

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life What a beautiful day God gave us for making campus improvements!  Thursday was the Spring All-Calvary Work Day, and, as they did in the fall, students, faculty, and staff spent the morning on projects that will beautify and improve our...

Blessed Resurrection Day to you!

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Philippians 3:7-10 7 But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. 8 Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all...

2017 Calvary Ladies Conference

2017 Calvary Ladies Conference

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life This past Saturday our Student Services department hosted a one-day Ladies Conference for Calvary students, faculty, and staff.  Julie Ganschow, director of Reigning Grace Counseling Center, was the speaker for the day.  She taught...

Questions and Answers with Dr. Belvill

Questions and Answers with Dr. Belvill

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Dr. Cone hosted a question and answer time with Dr. Patrick Belvill on Tuesday afternoon.  Dr. Belvill is the president of Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, a professor of Bible and Theology, and a pastor at Tyndale...

2017 Chorale Tour Kicks Off Soon

2017 Chorale Tour Kicks Off Soon

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Spring Break is almost here which means the 2017 Chorale Tour kicks off soon.  Twenty-two students in the Chorale and six Praise Band members will be performing in the concerts.  Each production will have an evangelical theme with a...