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Departmental Blog

Masterworks Chorus Presents “Elijah”

Masterworks Chorus Presents “Elijah”

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Last Friday evening the Calvary Masterworks Chorus performed Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn.  A large crowd of family and friends filled Blue River Bible Church to enjoy the fruit of many weeks of practice by the vocalists and...

Free Grace and Dispensationalism

Free Grace and Dispensationalism

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Last week Calvary hosted the second annual Charles Ryrie Lecture Series.  The featured speaker this year was Grant Hawley, pastor of Bold Grace Fellowship and director of Bold Grace Ministries.  He spoke in four chapel services on free...

Clay Shoot Benefits Calvary

Clay Shoot Benefits Calvary

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Last Friday 30 men and women took part in Calvary’s third annual Clay Shoot Benefit.  It was a windy day at Powder Creek Shooting Park in Lenexa, Kansas, but the Lord gave us pleasant temperatures and no precipitation.  I even heard...

“Traveler in the Dark”

“Traveler in the Dark”

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Calvary University Theatre presented four performances of Traveler in the Dark last weekend.  With only four characters in the cast, each one had many lines to learn, and they did a terrific job!  Of course, there were many people who...