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The Calvary University Alumni Association desires to help foster lifelong friendships between Calvary and our former students. If there is anything we can do to help you, please call (816) 322-0110 Ext. 1330 or contact Alumni Relations. Please update your personal information so we can serve you well!  Also, you can request transcripts, find a job, or make a gift to help support the mission of Calvary University.

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Departmental Blog

Seeking Nominations for 2018 Alumnus of the Year

Seeking Nominations for 2018 Alumnus of the Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Do you know a Calvary graduate who deserves to be honored as the 2018 Alumnus of the Year?  Please fill out the contact form here with your nomination and a paragraph describing his or her qualifications.  The deadline for submissions...

Winter Life at Calvary

Winter Life at Calvary

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Winter at Calvary can be lots of fun!  When it snows, there are good sledding hills close by, and, of course, a few snowball fights.  Snowmen often appear on campus after a snowstorm.  In fact, I have fond memories of helping build a...

New Dining Hall is a Dream Come True!

New Dining Hall is a Dream Come True!

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Calvary has dreamed of a new dining hall for years now.  On Monday, January 8, 2018, those dreams came to fruition! Building Acquired On September 8, 2016, Calvary acquired the building which was formerly Turner’s German-American...

Happy New Year from Calvary University!

Happy New Year from Calvary University!

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life We are thanking God for what He did in 2017 and looking forward to what He will do in 2018! Psalm 98 1 Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory....

Merry Christmas from Calvary University!

Merry Christmas from Calvary University!

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”    Matthew 1:21 May your Christmas be centered on the Son! Merry Christmas from all of us at Calvary University! Sara...