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Alumni Relations

The Calvary University Alumni Association desires to help foster lifelong friendships between Calvary and our former students. If there is anything we can do to help you, please call (816) 322-0110 Ext. 1330 or contact Alumni Relations. Please update your personal information so we can serve you well!  Also, you can request transcripts, find a job, or make a gift to help support the mission of Calvary University.

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Departmental Blog

Graduate’s Father Speaks at Baccalaureate

Graduate’s Father Speaks at Baccalaureate

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life As is traditional at Calvary, the father of one of this year’s graduates spoke at the Baccalaureate Service on May 4.  Steve Wong is the senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Belmont, California, and the father of Karinna Wong. ...

Emily Wirth Presents Senior Recital

Emily Wirth Presents Senior Recital

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life “To our great God, ruler of everything and lover of each one – Thank you for guiding me through all the twists, turns, bumps, and potholes on my long journey through college.” ~ Emily Wirth Those words were the first part of the...

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Calvary students, faculty, and staff had the privilege of hearing from U.S. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler during an chapel on Friday, April 6.  She started out by greeting us as “mighty warriors” in reference to the story of Gideon from...

According to the Scriptures

According to the Scriptures

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 “For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,”...

Spring (Break) Has Sprung

Spring (Break) Has Sprung

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life Ah, spring!  Allergies, rain, flowers, allergies, Spring Break, and, did I mention, allergies!  Our students have been on Spring Break this past week.  They will return with just six weeks left in the current cycle.  Please pray for...

2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon is Underway

2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon is Underway

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life As of this writing, we are two weeks into the 2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon.  Current students have been calling alumni to share a Calvary update, get prayer requests, and give them an opportunity to support this year’s project.  So far we...