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Calvary’s microcredentials provide educational opportunities designed to train Christians to live and serve in the church and the world through short-term learning opportunities designed to meet specific needs.

Microcredentials are focused educational programs comprised of specific courses aimed at developing mastery in a particular area. Tailored to meet the demands of today’s industries, these short-term programs offer targeted learning opportunities. Upon completion, learners receive documentation validating their expertise, which can be leveraged for career advancement or further academic pursuits.

Why choose microcredentials?

Course load is flexible

Microcredentials provide the flexibility to tailor your learning experience according to your schedule. Whether you’re a busy professional or a traditional college student, you can access our courses online or in-person, fitting them seamlessly into your life.

Classes have immediate impact

Dive straight into focused learning with our microcredential programs. Each microcredential is carefully crafted to provide you with practical skills and knowledge that you can apply immediately in your personal or professional life.

Credits count toward degrees

Don’t let your learning go to waste. The courses you take as part of a microcredential can count towards an undergraduate or graduate degree, allowing you to progress further in your academic journey.

Undergraduate Microcredentials

Basic Homiletics Microcredential – 9 Credit Hours

Develop your preaching and communication skills, empowering you to effectively communicate the Word of God in a variety of contexts.
: Bible Study / Hermeneutics (BI115) – 3 Credit Hours
: Expository Preaching I (PM331)
– 3 Credit Hours
: Expository Preaching II (PM332)
– 3 Credit Hours

Bible Microcredential – 9 Credit Hours

Delve into the heart of scripture and biblical interpretation, equipping you with foundational knowledge for personal enrichment or ministry.
: Bible Study / Hermeneutics (BI115) –  3 Credit Hours

: Old Testament Survey (BI120) – 3 Credit Hours

: New Testament Survey (BI130) – 3 Credit Hours

Corporate Culture Microcredential – 12 Credit Hours

Gain valuable insights and practical skills for success in the corporate world, equipping you to thrive in diverse professional environments.
: Emotional Intelligence (BU221) – 3 Credit Hours
: Human Resources Management (BU332)
– 3 Credit Hours
: Business Law & Ethics (BU315)
– 3 Credit Hours
: Conflict Resolution (SS249)
– 3 Credit Hours

Systematic Theology Microcredential – 9 Credit Hours

Explore the core doctrines of Christianity, enhancing your understanding of theological concepts and preparing you for further theological studies or ministry roles.
: Systematic Theology I (TH220) – 3 Credit Hours
: Systematic Theology II (TH221)
– 3 Credit Hours
: Systematic Theology III (TH222)
– 3 Credit Hours

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Embark on a path of growth and discovery with Calvary University’s microcredentials. Whether you’re pursuing personal enrichment, career advancement, or ministry preparation, our program offers the tools and support you need to succeed. 


Graduate Microcredentials

Advanced Homiletics Microcredential – 9 Credit Hours

Elevate your preaching skills to a higher level of proficiency, equipping you to deliver impactful sermons and teachings with clarity and authenticity.
: Hermeneutics / Inductive Bible Study (BI607) – 3 Credit Hours
: Expository Preaching I (PS631)
– 3 Credit Hours
: Expository Preaching II (PS632)
– 3 Credit Hours

Basic Hebrew Proficiency Microcredential – 6 Credit Hours

Master the language of the Old Testament with courses designed to develop your proficiency in Hebrew, providing a solid foundation for deeper biblical study and research.
: Hebrew I (BL610) – 3 Credit Hours
: Hebrew II (BL611)
– 3 Credit Hours

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Embark on a path of growth and discovery with Calvary University’s microcredentials. Whether you’re pursuing personal enrichment, career advancement, or ministry preparation, our program offers the tools and support you need to succeed. 


Microcredential Tuition & Fees

With no application fee or orientation fee for Microcredential programs, you will pay only the enrollment and student services fee to begin a Microcredential. This allows you to save money while prioritizing specific skills at the same competitive tuition rates of Calvary’s undergrad and graduate degree programs. With accredited courses that can count towards a degree at our institution or transfer to other institutions through articulation agreements, you’ll invest wisely in your future without the commitment of a full degree program.

Undergraduate Microcredential Tuition & Fees
Tuition On-Campus Courses $419.00 per credit
Tuition Online Courses $456.00 per credit
Student Services Fee $254 per 8-week session
Enrollment Fee (one-time) $100.00
Graduate Microcredential Tuition & Fees
Tuition On-Campus Courses $448.00 per credit
Tuition Online Courses $480.00 per credit
Student Services Fee $254 per 8-week session
Enrollment Fee (one-time) $100.00
Microcredential Planners