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Welcome to Calvary

Biblical Equipping for Excellence in Life and Service


In every class and every program, we are committed to excellence in preparing men and women to live and serve in the church and in the world according to the biblical worldview.

High Quality, Low Cost

Calvary has become a nationally recognized leader in decreasing the cost of high-quality education for our students, so that they can graduate without the burden of crippling student debt.

Excellent, Marketable Education

Calvary is committed to providing excellent, marketable education and credentials so our graduates are prepared and positioned for excellence in life and service.

A Place for Growth

Calvary is designed to provide not just a place for learning, but a place for growth, discipleship, real world experience, lifelong friendships and relationships—to both on-campus and online students.

Calvary University News

Joshua Paxton: Testimony in Trial

Joshua Paxton: Testimony in Trial

“When you discover God is all you have, you realize He is all you need.” As a child, Joshua Paxton believed God was evil for allowing him to suffer because of a rare kidney disease he has battled...

Calvary’s 23rd Annual Golf Tournament

Calvary’s 23rd Annual Golf Tournament

Calvary University's 23rd Annual Calvary Classic 4-person scramble golf tournament was a great success, bringing together 114 golfers at Eagles' Landing Golf Course, located adjacent to the...

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